You WILL let me ask about your ocs. [temp closed]

Posted 3 years, 11 months ago (Edited 3 years, 6 months ago) by damascus

I am currently unable to keep up due to having moved, but I will come back to this thread when I can!

(holding out my hand) give me your OCs. Let me ask questions.

100% inspired by Trowa's super trendy post! It got me all hyped up to talk about my own OCs, and so I want to pay it forward to everyone else.

Pick one OC. Post IC, and I'll read through your OC's profile and find questions to ask you. It might take me some time, but I'll be sure to get back to everyone. Don't worry about how many people are ahead of you, I'll get to ya!

I’m amazed by the traction this thread got! We had over 250 posts when I unfortunately had to close it, and now I'm bringing it back! It’s so much fun to read profiles I might not have otherwise even found, and then get to dig deep into their backgrounds with questions! I have seen a couple of people say that they might want to ask me questions; this is 100% NOT required and if you just want to drop a character and come back to answer questions, you are valid in that!

But if you DO want to ask me about my characters in turn, I would recommend Apocalypse Tokyo! (Although you’re free to venture into others, of course!) This is just my active folder that I work on regularly. Or, if you want to ask about an underdeveloped world, "of the rising sun" is my new project. Once again, NOT required. No need to feel pressured to think something up!

Paris Caine

Questions about the form he was given after death: Why did it displease him--was he just tired of being human? 

The answer is honestly surprisingly simple! He was just super dysphoric (although he didn't have a word for that feeling) and the idea of living on with that feeling terrified him, so perceptive as he was he quickly figured out there had to be a way to go around it, given his form was already altered with his eyes, wings and clothes. Sort of like "if this being can give me wings then they most definitely can change anything". And when he got the chance to decide how he looked he added a few fun extras (like a brighter hair color and the kind of clothes he never got to wear while alive) just for the fun of it. Sort of like how modern day people dye their hair to fun colors bc it makes them happy.  

Why the kaleidoscope eyes as the god's signature--any kind of symbolism there, or did it just look neat to you? 

YOU GOT ME I just thought it was neat as a visual feature haha... But since I often design first and lore comes only after, I'm sure I'll manage to link it to the forgotten god and who they were before falling into obscurity! I really want to believe it's directly tied and although this way of lore making may sound ludicrous it's actually my preferred way! It's like solving a puzzle and gives me stuff to think and plan about as time passes. 

When he visited his friend from when he was alive, did his friend recognize him at all? Or was he too different, and had to convince his buddy that it was him? 

It took him by surprise for sure, but he did recognize Paris despite everything! His appearance didn't actually change considerably from how he looked when alive, so it was more of a shock for his friend to just see him in general. Supernatural is real in the setting but humans are pretty convinced it's not, so he just thought he was losing his mind until Paris managed to calm him down haha. The fact Paris appeared to him in his younger form helped too since obviously his friend's last memory of him was when he was 15 and so seeing him as older would have made anyone second guess themselves.  

Did he have any specific thoughts or feelings when he was executed? 

Definitely a lot of feelings, ranging from humiliation to fear to sadness and regret, but I think the execution itself happened so quickly that all he could think of was that he wished he could have said goodbye to his friends. They had become something of a new family to him and were supporting him as he was now starting to understand himself and his identity better, so not even being able to thank them for everything was his last regret. 

Was he surprised to be "recreated" in the afterlife, or had he expected there to be something after death?

I think he was totally dumbfounded by it, especially given how he died! So just suddenly coming to consciousness in a totally different time and place made him so confused that for a moment he thought he hadn't died at all. I like to think Paris was a casual practitioner of the main religion of the country, and in their beliefs there was an afterlife - but nothing like the reality Paris would then learn of. He thought upon death everyone would enter a dream of sort that would always be good and never boring and you'd never be in need of anything. Learning souls actually go to a pool of souls where they form new ones kinda terrified him at first and he was glad to have his second chance "as himself", but he would come around once he started taking care of lost souls and guiding them to afterlife as one of his duties. 

I also replied to your latest post under spoiler!

OH I LOVE THAT LORE!!! I've been binge watching mlp lately since I really used to like it as a teen and gosh your lore fits right in with the canon world and does so in such a wonderful way! I've been reading some of the character profiles but I definitely have to sit down and go through more to know their stories :3c < 3

Also I can't believe I'm nerding out about Spyro with a *fictional character* but his taste!!! so good!!! Enter the dragonfly is my guilty pleasure game because I loved playing it as a kid but goodness is that game clunky and downright unplayable with some of its bugs. I literally was unable to complete the game because the character wouldn't stop running in circles no matter what I did :'') His reasoning for watching everything even the bad ones when it comes to his fave things is such a fun and character establishing detail too because it's definitely one of those specific things some people do (me included, especially when I was younger) but is hardly ever mentioned? I love it!!!

Engimono Kirin gob-bee

i am sorry for adding on but i... i must... i cannot help myself... it's... too fun... to ramble...!


I'm going from the bottom up on this question batch #6! So if you don't see your name immediately, scrooooll down! I’m finishing this up on google docs and sending it on mobile, so apologies in advance if anything turns out Wonky--and MEGA apologies if I miss something on profiles, as I am, again, on mobile.

Vapor -- AAAA HELLO and hello Otto!

Otto has no nicknames, but has anyone ever tried to give him one? Even just a “junior” or something? Or does he put his foot down on folly like that? Why and how was Otto vilified by his family? What kind of violent tendencies did he have as a teen? Was this related to his family vilifying him? I’m imagining his voice right now “smooth, soft, and deep.” It definitely clashes with his manipulative nature, was this intentional? Do people sometimes underestimate him as a result of his voice? Does Otto ever dress up in something other than the cloak? (And is he going to bedazzle it? :P ) Favorite breed of dog? Does he give THEM nicknames? Why does he fear being alone? And death? His singing voice seems like it would be beautiful; does he ever share it with anyone?


Questions about Kiui, in your Fabric of Reality folder! Why does she want to be a popstar? What does she do to work towards that goal? Does she dye her hair green, or is this a world in which that’s a normal hair color to have? Does she have any popstars she looks up to or idolizes, fictional or real?


Does Sunset Carnelian consider herself to be a villain for what she did? Does she even remember it? Does she have the capacity to become a "good" pony and make friends? Or is she cursed by her bloodline to remain, ruling with an iron hoof, over the ponies of her land? Does she have any talents besides controlling fire?


I'm interested in Clematis' name; where did it come from? Or did it just sound neat? Does it mean anything? How did Delta Strand and Levi Whitakay change things for her? Why does she dislike large trucks--is she afraid of them?


VAMPIRE TIME...When Pyre played music on the street for his living, did he play the piano or another instrument? When he became a vampire willingly, was the experience any better than the typical vampire-changing experience? Actually, let me ask this: What was the experience of changing into a vampire like--painful, scary, exciting? Was the choice to become a vampire immediate? Or was he afraid to do it for his brother? Is there a reason he likes mint so much to carry a bag of mint candies around? Why didn't he like his real name; was it just a negative association with his old life?


Whoa I love the name meaning! Tar/misfortune! Is Teer a dangerous person to be around, in your opinion? Why or why not? Why does he hate squishys? Do they just gross him out? What kind of monster would Teer turn into if he didn't carry his good luck charm? You said he COULD drink rat poison for energy, but has he ever done anything like that?

tim-in-a-box -- a wise choice.

Why does Peter like underpants--are they funny, or does he just think they're neat? What kind of movies does he make? How did Peter first find fairies? Or did they come to him once he had an interest in them? What is his Imaginary Fairy?


What makes Carol so confident? Was she always that way? why the change from kidcore to eboy--did they just want to seem more grown up? Where does her love of insects come from? Why the dislike for confined spaces--is it a phobia, or just a general discomfort?


Why is Hakko a crybaby? Does he find that crying gets him more attention? Why the dislike for livestock? Have the police ever caught him? Why does he try to piss his little brother off so much? Do they dislike each other that much?


I always imagine that geta are hard to wear (I've never actually worn them, but!) Does she ever stumble or look foolish, or is her walk totally elegant in her geta? Why is she called the Night Flower? Her eye color--is that the result of some sort of magic? Or just a neat design choice? The Night Flower package: how do customers learn of its existence, and have any of the customers ousted from the establishment then turned on her and outed her as a spy? Is it a possibility; what steps does Megumi take to prevent something like that from happening? How did she decide on poison as her weapon?

octopi -- you made the right choice in posting here, my friend...

Questions on Aster! Since learning politeness, and I assume feigning interest, have they managed to make any other friends, or come close? Or how about the opposite: has their singlemindedness netted them any enemies, or just people they don’t get along with? What kind of accomplishments in magical research did Aster first make, that made the recruiters show up to nab them? After their magitech weapons were used to destroy Barnett, did Aster continue to work on the weapons at all? And, after their sister rescued them from the lab, did the people running the lab ever try to get them back?


In what ways is Sun ignorant? On matters of the world, or on matters of simple things like “toilet paper goes over, not under”? Why does she love chickens and goats? I see what appears to be a gem in her stomach on her design; is there a story behind that? What about her ragged looking clothes? What kind of place does Sun live in--in terms of not only the area around her, but her actually home, where she lays her head?


Do any of the children stand out to Nimb as being particularly kind? Does he know their names, does he play with any of them? Does Nimb use magic to grow his flowers, or does he just have an excellent green thumb? Or both? What happened to Nimb’s mother; is she still looking for him? Do you think they’ll ever become reunited, or is Nimb doomed to live out his life in this other world?


THANK YOU AAA… I’m so glad someone out there is enjoying my ponies’ lore ;A; Be careful if you happen to have profile warnings turned off; Dryska Aranea has a gif of an arachnid on her page, and Sunslammer has a warning as well! I’m actually writing the story behind these characters, but I haven’t posted any of it as of yet y__y Someday it will be posted!

AAAA don’t worry you’re secretly nerding out about Spyro with ME! I also loved Enter the Dragonfly as a kid but it was… (sucks in through teeth) yeah, unplayable is the word. Full of glitches that made things impossible, and the LOADING TIMES, omg. I specifically remember once thinking “if I start the game now, go eat breakfast, and come back, the level will be loaded!” and it WAS NOT. I still had to sit a good15 more minutes just waiting… waiting… Thank you so much for the questions! And for nerding out with me!

Kiui CallumtheImp

In response to Damedanbo

Kiui has a beautiful voice and loves singing, she always does karaoke at bars and sings a helluva lot in the shower, and out of the shower honestly. On a darker note, Kiui also has chronic depression and a family who don't seem to care enough about helping her deal with it. She sees Popstars as her idols and singing as an escape for her. Although she wants to be a famous popstar she doesn't actually know how, during the story she considers joining a college talent show however.

Also she dyes her hair, it's naturally black.



Don’t worry! (flexes) I love asking questions!

So, Engimono’s bio says she APPEARS to be a Satyr… is she not? Are her family satyrs, and if so, was her own origin from something or someone else? (i.e. was she adopted, or is she related by blood to her family?) What kind of instruments does Engimono like to play? Why the dislike for cities? When did she find her enjoyment of sailing--was she taken on a ship as a child? Was she ever afraid of sailing/ships/the water? What in the world is she running from?

jina -- d/w I reached yours!!

What drew you to this cool design? Can he see with the eye on his tongue? Can he see more than the physical plane--i.e. Is he able to see the future, the past, parallel worlds, etc. with his eye? What bad path did Avery go down, and how is he turning it around? Cults, you say… What kind of cults? Religious, murderous? What got him out of those cults? How is therapy going for him?

I think I’ve got everyone who has posted so far! If you didn’t receive a ping for your question, check previous question batches; there’s a good chance I misspelled your username pinging you!

Otto Alkaev II Vapor

AAAAAAAAA under spoiler so i hopefully don't clog up this page too much lol

NICKNAMES, oh man. Otto has definitely been called Junior a lot by his family, and at some point I should probably put that on his profile, but he... really doesn't like being called Junior in particular. I feel like the only person who does nowadays is Noel, but even then that's pretty rare, considering Noel isn't the type of guy to call other guys by nicknames :pensive: He doesn't have a good relationship with that word just in general, considering his dad was probably the one to call him Junior the most, and his dad was... a major dick, tbh. I suppose more accurately, Otto was vilified by his father than his entire family, but his family, like... started to avoid him after his mother died, because that's when his little baby fits got worse, considering the circumstances surrounding how she died :'))))

His violent tendencies started when he was a kid, but it was mostly him bullying his sister. Light bullying. Until he reached his teenage years, and then everything exploded, and pushing her around turned into actual abuse. There's also the part where he almost gouges out his dad's eye with a spoon when he's fifteen. He grows out of this violent nature once he hits his late twenties... mostly, anyways... Tldr version: his dad had a lot more of an influence on him than he's willing to admit.

And his voice! Fun fact about his voice, I used the guy screaming in the background of Moulin Rouge's Roxanne as a placeholder voice claim, but that's pretty unrelated. I just like that song. His voice was definitely intentional, though, and people do tend to underestimate him due to his voice, but it also ties into... everything else surrounding him. It's easy to underestimate the guy who acts so nicely to everyone around him. He also does enjoy singing for other people, and honestly WILL NOT SHUT UP when asked about it :') As for dogs... Nah, he doesn't have a favorite breed, he just likes dogs in general. He does have a bias for large breeds, however! He also gives his hounds nicknames, but they're usually things along the lines of "baby girl".

Otto fears being alone and also death for about the same reasons. He doesn't think he should ever have to deal with either, because he's just super entitled. His necrophobia doesn't really help in regards to his wicked fucking god complex, though, considering he's at the point now where he just... forgets that he can actually die.

AND HIS CLOAK. He has a couple of outfits, but I just haven't posted them on boyhouse yet. He usually wears his cloak, thought, regardless of what he's wearing with it. Or, at least a cloak, it doesn't have to be the one in his reference. Cloaks are just a traditional modesty thing in his culture! :0


damedanbo -

and i love answering questions!

engimono is a bit complicated. i'm still working her out, admittedly. but i think i can answer all these (amazing) questions. so let's see.

satyr - she is a satyr by rules of blood. whether those of her race would accept her or not is up in the air. her mother and father are satyrs, and you can trace her family back as far as you like to all being satyrs - satyrs that were captured, experimented on, and run through a (sensitive topic potentially so blacking it out) breeding program to finally arrive at the traits engimono possesses (the singular horn in the middle of the head and her magical capabilities). she doesn't remember her family, because the people that were experimenting on them took her away at about the age of 3 or so and never allowed her contact afterwards.

instruments - soft strings. particularly harps, shamisen, koto, etc., which are the three she had the most training in. she's drawn in by anything that's a little wilder and eccentric though - for instance, if she was in a place to hear an electric guitar, she would be both repelled by the noise but also drawn to it because it goes against what she was taught was proper and correct. she also adores kalimbas, which is what eri, my monk/bard, plays!

cities - it's the same paradoxically strained attraction she has to anything loud. cities are loud, dirty, filled with people who could be dangerous, especially to someone like her.

sailing - sailing was the predominant method she used to get away from the family that had trained her. she was terrified, for the longest time, of everything about it, because when she originally ran, she had no foundation of the world outside. to step onto something that, yes, she had been somewhat taught about through her lessons, but had no true inkling of, was the scariest thing in the world to her. she thought the waves were rushing to eat the rest of the world! and it took her ages to get her sea legs. (sea hooves?) but as time passed, and she got further from the family, she began to be enamored with just how far away she could get, and how she could basically disappear, if she crossed enough oceans, in a way that you simply can't if you only go by foot/hoof over long land distances.

running from - she's a valuable asset to the kirin family. without her, their plans fall through. they lose money, their status. she has to be brought back, at any cost, and the best one to do that is a shinobi by the name of aka ushi - the red bull.

 Zahara Sigra sixofswords

This girl's got a complete looking profile! Also so you don't have to read a billion things, the way i format my characters is the first paragraph on their About tab is a summary of them, and then there's their history which you can ignore easily lol, and at the end there's trivia. This is a neat thread!

 Jared Baili Smith checkeredbow

You remind me I gotta fill out a bunch of my charas' profiles TvT Thank you for this!


I wasn't sure how much of the stuff posted was current, so apologies in advance: What IS an Abyssion? an abyssion is a creature that feeds off of psychic energies(what they specifically feed on depends on the individual). The original three (spectatrix virgel, and scripter) were created by a scientist to cleanse the world of sin and pain. It didn't work out though. Abyssions kinda go by vampire rules that they have to bite the victim to turn them into a abyssion(if they survive that is). abyssions have two fourms a fluffy dragon like fourm and a human fourm (with wings I guess). The dragon fourm is never bigger than say a average school bus. 

many have minor telekinesis, and telepathy

 How did Spectratrix lose her eye? it was done by her mother and she framed scripter for it

 Was that because of the battle with her mother, or the humans' machine? the injury was done when she was a child, long before the battle

 Did Spectratrix mourn Scripter at all, or was she relieved when he was gone?

she really repressed it to the back of her mind and didn't want to think about it. She did care but she is also glad he is gone

 Does she dream, or have nightmares about her childhood? Or has she put it entirely behind herself?

she very much still has nightmares about her childhood

You mentioned in your comment in the thread that she is an urban explorer now; is she still an Abyssion in this version of the lore?

still an abyssion she and her brother explore because its similar to the world they grew up in 

 How do she and Virgel get along?

I mean they get along a lot better then scripter ever did, virgel and spectatrix don't communicate. Everytime there is a problem it will just be ignored for the time being and never talked about 


oh boy. I feel like maybe I've made Aster's whole storyline sound way more serious than it is LOL 

- the politeness thing is more because when they were young they were routinely treated as the weird kid for uh... basically being autistic and having a really intense special interest lol... I don't think they were ever particularly interested in making friends, just validation and fitting in. they don't have an especially strong drive to socialize in the first place, which can be lonely at times, but mostly they're fine! they're actually trying to keep a low profile in Whiteridge, plus they never talk about themself, so I wouldn't say they really have any close friends; just casual buddies and research partners they get along with well. eventually Rikari gets there, but we're not there yet!

- people definitely find them annoying. they have a bad tendency to only talk about the stuff that interests themself, plus the way they joke around can be pretty aggravating. there's probably a handful of profs who resent their cushy research position too. they're better at talking to people than they used to be though, and I think most people write off their weirdness as just standard eccentric genius fare and don't take it personally.

- I haven't really thought about the specifics of their research, but basically they're a pure mathematician lmao. their stuff is really theoretical; alternate spellcasting paradigms and magic in hypothetical other dimensions and whatnot. they design a lot of spells that are theoretically sound but way too complicated for literally any human being to cast. other than "I want to do magic myself", they never had any real-life goals for their research - they just wanted to do theory. the lab people found a paper they published or something and figured they could wring some practical applications out of this kid's stuff.

- they stopped working on war machines, but the whole reason they got involved in magitech in the first place is they really really want to do magic themself and they've had trouble letting that go. they still make magitech rifles for themself, but they're biometrically locked five different ways and intentionally really difficult to operate so nobody else can use that tech for evil.

- the lab people finding them is a constant fear for the sibs! it's the reason Aster's keeping a low profile (and the reason Iris doesn't have any pets or girlfriends, since she wants to be ready to bail as soon as things look bad, because she is a self-sacrificial idiot). Abel has actually taken it upon himself to track them down and has been spending most of his free time the past eight years doing that. he eventually succeeds later in the plot and it turns into a whole arc exploring Iris's overprotective tendencies.

thanks for the questions!! I wanna return the favour but boy I don't know where to start with your characters :'D

Sunset Carnelian SunsetCatto

Does Sunset Carnelian consider herself to be a villain for what she did? Does she even remember it? Does she have the capacity to become a "good" pony and make friends? Or is she cursed by her bloodline to remain, ruling with an iron hoof, over the ponies of her land? Does she have any talents besides controlling fire?

No, Sunset doesn't consider herself a villain for that she did, she does remember doing it all though and I guess somewhere deep in her subconsciousness she knows what she did was wrong , which gives does give her some hope on becoming a 'good' pony and making friends if she were given the chance - though it would take a very , very long time to get her to that redemption point. She does have other talents, one of her other favourite talents is glass blowing ! as a foal she always enjoyed watching the glass blowers mold the glass and create beautiful designs and creations with them :)

ty for the questions! I hope I answered them alright ;u;