Q&A As Your Character! - New Questions 7/8

Posted 2 years, 1 month ago (Edited 1 year, 9 months ago) by Tobin

Let others get to know your character by answering a short Q&A from the character's perspective. Answer with as many characters as you'd like! New questions will be posted every Friday, and all previous question sets will be kept in this google doc. If you'd like to be notified for new question sets, just let me know in the thread. Feel free to recommend questions in the thread as well, but keep it SFW! 

Heavily encouraging everyone to go forth and favorite some characters in this thread, there are so many good ones.


  1. What is something that nobody agrees with you on?
  2. What was your favorite childhood book/toy?
  3. What is the most useless talent you possess?
  4. When was the last time you felt an adrenaline rush?
  5. What’s the weirdest animal?
 Genesis Vxxlo

1.) What's your favorite animal, and would you keep it as a pet?
"Crows probably. They always have the best gossip."

2.) Pick a least favorite element, now convince the rest of us it should be our least favorite.
"Okay, for the sake of not becoming a puddle of stupid on the floor and leaking my mixed emotions all over your shoes, we're gonna skirt around the obvious answer and go with Earth. Why? Pollen. Or any allergy for that matter. The Earth makes nearly everything people are allergic to. And why? Revenge. It's out to get you because you keep throwing your empty water bottles out the window. . . actually, you know what, you might actually be the problem. Maybe you deserve it. Hope Spring sucks for you."

3.) Who's the most impactful person in your life (good or bad), and why?
"You're going to make me get emotional anyway, aren't you? Woof. If this is about the allergies thing, I was just kidding, but fine. It'd. . . have to be my dad, probably. I mean, I just kind of popped out of nowhere, all gross and broken and whatever, and they took me right in without even thinking about whether we were actually related or not and I just. . . no, you're crying."

4.) If you could instantly get rid of anything, what would it be?
"You. Wh- hey, I'm kidding! Okay, honestly, probably greed? But also swordfish. And no, it's not because I haven't been able to catch one yet. Don't put words in my mouth. . . Whaddya mean you didn't say anything?"

5.) What's underrated in your opinion?
"Improvising. It's either a huge confidence boost if it works, or really fucking funny if it doesn't."

 Rift RadiantzRain

1.) What's your favorite animal, and would you keep it as a pet?

"If I had to say, it would probably be an Eagle. I love birds of prey, they just look so graceful. I'd definitely keep one if I could."

2.) Pick a least favorite element, now convince the rest of us it should be our least favorite.

"Fire. Simply because it's basic and it reminds me of Sunny. But also, the burns. How rubbish they are."

3.) Who's the most impactful person in your life (good or bad), and why?

"Oh, it's DEFINITELY Antares, my ex best friend. I've been running from her for basically an entire year now, ever since I escaped my execution and now she's hellbent on finding me and bringing my death."

4.) If you could instantly get rid of anything, what would it be?

"Well, Antares, probably. Maybe even Sunny and the entire Star Guardian and Deity tribes alongside her."

5.) What's underrated in your opinion?

"Dark magic, duh! Why does nobody even use it anymore? Sure, it's dark, but still, it's powerful!"


1.) What's your favorite animal, and would you keep it as a pet?

“There’s so many different animals in Olaris’s universe, so it’s very hard to pick one favorite, especially since I don’t pay attention to what species we have. But I’ve always been fond of the winged ones. I wouldn’t keep any as a pet though. As a god, my job can be a bit dangerous. That, and I would easily outlive the pet in question.”

2.) Pick a least favorite element, now convince the rest of us it should be our least favorite.

“As the goddess of elements from my universe, I have no least favorite. All eight of the magic elements have different uses, they each have their pros and cons, so there’s no use in picking a least favorite.”

3.) Who's the most impactful person in your life (good or bad), and why?

“Without getting too detailed, I’d say Olaris. Olaris is my sister, and she’s also the creator dragon from my universe. The interactions I had with her during the earlier years of the universe weren’t exactly…pleasant. But they shaped me into who I am today.”

4.) If you could instantly get rid of anything, what would it be?

“The chaos demon, Overboard. He’s caused nothing but trouble and he was a result of my hatred. Our universe would be better without him.”

5.) What's underrated in your opinion?

“When discussing the elements, I find earth to be under appreciated. It has such a wide range in what it can do and it has so much power. That’s all I can think of at the top of my head though.”

🩸Enoch🩸 Pulcella

1.) What's your favorite animal, and would you keep it as a pet?

"Not to be a stereotype but bats are literally the cutest and I'd totally have one as a pet!"

2.) Pick a least favorite element, now convince the rest of us it should be our least favorite.

"An element huh? Uh like, the periodic table of elements? IF so, then it should be helium. Because one time I inhaled some and passed out and I hit my head on a table and it reaaaaaaaally hurt. So, yeah, helium sucks."

3.) Who's the most impactful person in your life (good or bad), and why?

"My best friends of course! Yeah, I'm gonna cheat and say people instead of person. Leticia and Veve have been such great friends to me and made my life way more fun!"

4.) If you could instantly get rid of anything, what would it be?

"OVERPRICED BLOOD PACKETS FROM THE VENDING MACHINE. My GOD, I shouldn't be paying nearly two euros when I need a drink! It should be FREE."

5.) What's underrated in your opinion?

"Those old vampire movies from like the 60s-70s. My dad showed me them as a kid and honestly, its peak aesthetic for us vampires."

NoName Animsay

1.) What's your favorite animal, and would you keep it as a pet?

”A racoon! It’s sneaky, it’s fluffy and also adorable. I would love to keep it as a pet, but sadly I wouldn’t have the time to care for it. I take a plush as a replacement haha…”

2.) Pick a least favorite element, now convince the rest of us it should be our least favorite.

”Fire. I guess it has it’s use sometimes, but come on. It’s just so easy to burn yourself with it and most of the time it causes way more destruction than intended. Charming for someone who loves destruction, but not so charming when it starts ruining your plans. I speak from experience here.”

3.) Who's the most impactful person in your life (good or bad), and why?

”…well I suppose hat would be my former adoptive mother. I mean she always told me I just wasn’t born for the whole hero thing and she was right! I am a pretty good villain, I think. So, I guess she was an impactful person in my life. If we are speaking of the present. Hm, probably Owen? I mean he is my nemesis! The literal existence for a villain like me!”

4.) If you could instantly get rid of anything, what would it be?

”Paperwork. I hate it.…or maybe the guardian? I mean she is nuisance, but stories aren’t good when there are no obstacles, right? So I guess she stays. Paperwork goes.”

5.) What's underrated in your opinion?

“The importance of the authors to our worlds, a bunch of my favorite villains, the fact that you still don’t get that I’m gonna break the 4th wall and invade your world…”

Gray Allard graystreet003

1.) What's your favorite animal, and would you keep it as a pet?
 -I don't know much about animals, I've never given this much thought before... But have you heard of weasels?? They're smart little fellas, but don't get fooled by their size! Otters seem quite friendly when you see them by the rivers as well
-Ahah... I don't think they'll have what's necessary for them in my Humble home. It may not be as ''humble'' for them as it is for me

2.) Pick a least favorite element, now convince the rest of us it should be our least favorite.
... Wind? Even if water is one of the things I most hear my clients complain about. But no one likes a too windy day after all! (I suppose)...

3.) Who's the most impactful person in your life (good or bad), and why?
Well, everyone can have a good impact on you even if you don't know them (3! Good things can come in little packages in the most unexpected places!
But... Apart from my family and friends that would probably be one of my mentors in my early days when I worked in construction work as a side hustle. He prepared me for the world of work and gave great advice... I went out there as prepared as I could've been to face the career I was going for!

If this was Post-Mortem Gray answering it would definitely be Dr. Trousers. He has a very big impact on him in a very bad way.

4.) If you could instantly get rid of anything, what would it be? 
Golly, That sounds like a radical decision... I'm really no one to be in charge of responsibilities this big,,   
...But ''difficult times people may be going through'' may be a harmless option to go with. That and garbage disposals.

5.) What's underrated in your opinion?
to take a moment to look up at the sky and take a breath of fresh air. It can result quite refreshing at times!

♡ 𝐊𝐢𝐦𝐢 ♡ melodiemori

do notify me when there are new question sets! these are always super fun!! ^^

1.) What's your favorite animal, and would you keep it as a pet?

It might seem basic being what I am but... bunnies for sure! They're just so soft, so cute, so fun that I just can't help but love them! I'm a little biased, of course, due to who I am as well but you can't look at bunnies and deny the fact that they're cute. They can be cuddly too~ oh, and of course I would keep one as a pet! I already have one, a Lop Holland named Harper~!

2.) Pick a least favorite element, now convince the rest of us it should be our least favorite.

Hmm... wind seems a little useless. Like, think about it! Sure wind can and does do damage, but not nearly as much as like... fire, water, or even earth! It blows things around. It just... blows things around. That's all I can thing of the amount that it does. What use is that? Yeah yeah, tornadoes exist, but so do tsunamis, hurricanes, thunderstorms, wildfires, earthquakes and more! I can only think of tornadoes and what else.... really strong winds? Kinda useless if you ask me. And it seems rather hard to control too. Like... sure fire can be too, but wind just blows everything every which way. Including fire. Which means that the fire spreads because of wind. So that just makes wind even more useless. 

3.) Who's the most impactful person in your life (good or bad), and why?

Oh... it brings up super bad memories, and I don't know who they are personally. When I came down to the Orphic Forest, I found a Hell's Portal - which is literally just a portal to Hell - and I got attacked by demons. They ripped my wings from my back, forever keeping me bound to Hell and Earth. I can't return home ever again because of them. I can't get to Heaven without my wings. I'll never be able to see my family again. My anxiety developed a lot because of them. I'm so anxious and afraid that I'm going to run into some more cruel demons.... I don't think that any demon is anything but cruel because of them. I just want to see my family again...

4.) If you could instantly get rid of anything, what would it be?

Cruelty and violence. There's no need for it, and I've been personally affected by it myself. I just wish peace and happiness for everyone though... it's so sad that's an unrealistic kind of future for this world though. Especially among humans. 

5.) What's underrated in your opinion?

The stars. The stars are so beautiful and I feel as though people take them for granted. Imagine an inky black night sky without the shimmering, glittering stars above our heads. What a waste this world would be without them. We're so privileged with their beauty, and yet most of us barely even give them a thought. To many, they're just burning balls in the sky. But they are the sun in the night. They may not light much up, but how dull and scary the night would be without their gleam. How cold this world would feel... maybe I'm just weird though. I do believe that the stars are spirits who used to be bound to the Earth, having once been restless and unhappy but finally having found peace. Maybe that's why I appreciate them so much. I don't think anyone will ever appreciate them the way I do...

 Enigma FelisLicht

1.) What's your favorite animal, and would you keep it as a pet?

"I absolutely adore humans ❤️ though they're so high maintenance and feisty that they'd be difficult even for me to care for as a pet for very long."

2.) Pick a least favorite element, now convince the rest of us it should be our least favorite.

"If you want to get bored very, very quickly, then fire would be your best bet. Destruction is fun and all, but getting rid of everything removes all the fun in it. At least with water or wind you can pick up the pieces of what hasn't been destroyed, but all fire leaves is messy black dust everywhere! Unless you're a child, where's the fun in a mess?"

3.) Who's the most impactful person in your life (good or bad), and why?

"Most impactful person... I can't say that anyone really leaves an impact on me, because I'm the one usually doing that for others. If I were to seriously consider it, then it'd naturally be myself. Nothing could ever compare after all given everything I've done for existence, good and bad."

4.) If you could instantly get rid of anything, what would it be?

"Oh I most certainly can instantly get rid of anything I want and there's not a thing you or anybody else can do to stop me. I'd really love to get rid of those little bureau slaves for good, but I prefer to build up their destruction rather than just snap it all away."

5.) What's underrated in your opinion?

"There are many things across the universe that could be considered "underrated", ranging from the common to the mundane. If you were to ask me though, I honestly don't care for such things."

Destiny (Haruka) VIVIDAS

1.) What's your favorite animal, and would you keep it as a pet?

" Hm. Cat is the best one, and I already have a pet of it, sadly they went missing after that, didn't even bother finding it because Ichika actually found it heh (Anddddd they own it because yeah.) But I can say Foxes are top-tiers..especially "Kitsunes", how adorable they are! :D

And yes I would keep one of course, only if they just stop being afraid of me god damn it."

2.) Pick a least favorite element, now convince the rest of us it should be our least favorite.

"Water. Don't you hate it when each time you enter a room and then BOOM! A BUCKET OF WATER FELL DOWN YOUR HEAD! Extremely embarrassing."

3.) Who's the most impactful person in your life (good or bad), and why?

"Haha...my girlfriend of course, Ichika may be different specie from me but she's my "Sunshine"! Except she can get busy at some times, eh it doesn't really matter. what matters is that she's here for me <3

4.) If you could instantly get rid of anything, what would it be?

"Hm..this is a tough question, but the only thing I can answer is "Crowd", it's terrifying sitting on the train with crowded people in it, GOD I just want some peace."

5.) What's underrated in your opinion?



Sh_dz8 junebuggeryy Cliodna Half_Pint_Verdance ShadowOath CrookedCruz lilucy

New questions are up!

 Dr. Lysergide MalJaws

1.) What’s your favorite quote?

“ “I’m not like the other girls” I believe it was stated by Abraham Lincoln. Truly, truly inspiring words”
“Ha, but in truth, I don’t care much for quotes. They’re just words with a name attached, you know? I guess they don’t hit me like they do most”

2.) Who’s the most interesting historical figure?

“..Historical figure… Get back to me”
“… Jesus, so people even pay attention to history?” He muttered, as he glanced away

3.) How do you prefer to travel?

“Cab. I don’t have to deal with driving, nor the vehicle! Plus, it’s cheaper with the car not asking you for gas and repairs”

4.) Where’s the best view?

“Balcony’s often have great views. You can see the large man-made creations, hearing the men just.. enjoying themselves.”
“..During night it has a strange beauty as well, the street lights and cars shining their artificial lights.”
“You don’t see the stars, pollution and what not, but do they match what a single species has done in a span of a few hundred years?”

5.) Pick a city to rename, explain why the new name is better or why the old one was worse

“Easy. New York”
“It’s fucking, New York New York, what person decides their city is the same name as the state??”
“For a rename,”

It’ll take a bit for him to think of something, give him a moment

Sanya Itrillis Cliodna

1.) What’s your favorite quote?

There’s a quote by Mancur Olson, which has stuck with me from  political history class: “A benevolent dictator is not like the wolf  that preys on the elk, but more like the rancher who makes sure his  cattle are protected and are given water”. It's something I often think back on when I ponder over the role my family plays on Itrillis and my own opinions on democratic versus totalitarian governments. It doesn't only befit benevolent dictators either, but applies to all government leaders and is something which I've paraphrased in my own words as "A head-of-state must be for the good of the people".

2.) Who’s the most interesting historical figure?

You know...I thought about bringing up certain political figures for this, but to be fair if there's one person I'd like to meet it'd probably be Jules Verne. His "20 000 Leagues Under The Sea" had a rather acclaimed modernization filmed on Itrillis and I just...find his vision of "futuristic" technology fascinating and a little bit precious. I feel like his speculative fiction still holds up. Plus "20 000 Leagues Under the Sea" seems to talk to us itrillians and our fondness for underwater mysteries.

3.) How do you prefer to travel?

With my own room available. When it comes to long-distance travel, then I automatically think of FTL and spaceships and if that's the case, then privacy is a must to avoid confrontation and decline of mental health. Call me privileged but I have, in fact, traveled through space in cramped conditions and by the end of the trek everyone was carrying weapons.

4.) Where’s the best view?

The best view I've ever seen was from the penthouse suite of hotel Golden Moon in Raucon City. You could sit by the pool and look at the entire uptown sprawled before you, along with the ocean and it's giant waves in the distance.

5.) Pick a city to rename, explain why the new name is better or why the old one was worse.

I can't really think of a city, but there's an island called Tsairon on planet Harleim. Since it's the main operating point of Usar Inc's brain-chip technologies and all but belongs to that corporation then I would like to propose renaming the whole island to "Usaaremaa". Alas it is a pun that only works in galactic common.*


*Usaaremaa = During our roleplay campaign we OOC took to calling Tsairon Island "Usaaremaa", molding together the name of the megacorporant who owned the place with the name of the largest island of Estonia (Saaremaa).