show me characters with good stories!

Posted 6 years, 3 months ago by cosmicconundrum


toyhouse has a lot of characters who are amazing visually (and i mean, like, really darn amazing), but a lot of them also lack interesting stories and lore. if you have any characters whose stories and backgrounds you're particularly proud of, show them off here!


  • be nice!
  • follow toyhouse TOS
Oilslick Icystorm

Now is the perfect time to show off my artless vampire. One day he will have art, but until then, he at least has a backstory I'm extremely proud of.

I'm on mobile so can't easily link, but I'm also proud of Aiden, my peryton brothers (Athanasius, Isaakios, and Erasmus), Oliver, and Achmetha (his story goes along with Oilslick's and Oliver's).

Nazareth PixieLilac

Nazareth, overall I love her backstory that I have on her page but it's a bit out dated it's from when I first made her (3-4 years ago) It does need a bit of fixing. But I'm externally proud of her, yes I know she kinda cliche edgy backstory to some. BUT she's a OC of a apocalyptic world, that most people who have survived or is has gone threw some sort of trauma. 

 Kymer Ark AlleycatIrony

idk if kymer's story is interesting to other ppl, but to me i'm personally quite proud of it bc i came up w/ it all myself and bc usually i'm not good writing sci-fi esque stuff but i did it and did it well i think ;w;

i mean, ofc i came up w/ all my OCs stories, but a lot of mine are fancharacters so they all have background info that already exists in their universe, but kymer is 100% original and i'm rly happy w/ how his character and stuff turned out :D

 Leslie Opossun

Leslie was the last one i wrote about, but his profile only has about him written on it :c

buuuuuut if you want to read about characters then his profile has a lot about him 0: I also have all my others characters(except for paeris and teon) with their profile done as well, so it's some stuff to read sdgvisdjgvsd i only have 8 characters on toyhouse so i don't have a lot done yet OTL (like, 6 profiles of 8 rip)

((I only apologize that english is not my first language, so some stuff may sound a lil bit weird,,,))


I use all my characters for writing, so of course they all have their backstories. Some of my profiles are still incomplete, and some of my newer characters need work on their backstories still. But the two that I'm really happy with are Milo and Gerard

Cyrus Bell Caine

I should do some spellchecking on his bio and the overall quality is questionable but he has a long-ish backstory alright 

Some others with longer bio are Agnes, Ivan, Rose and Miles

Deseray Rondonu

I finished cleaning up Deseray's bio just a few days ago!

04. Kaiden Sadismancer

This is the most I've worked on a character's story, so I pick this one.

Xaanik Aarix

Uhhh I have other characters who's lore is just as Deep as Xaanik's but seeing as Xaanik's the only one with it all written in his sprawling multi-tabbed mess of profile, he's probably the most eligible for an appearance in this thread!

I'm not sure if it's good but there's definitely a lot of it (somewhere in the ballpark of 16k words) so aaahahhha yea I guess I am proud of him :'v

Mostly his profile just consists of lore & facts tho
His actual backstory hasn't been fully typed up yet but there is a synopsis in his backstory tab which I am still pretty pleased with even if it is a lil Edgy :'0

Maribelle Rondonu

Maribelle's story has managed to heck a few people up OwO

Alkumez aaawhyme

I'm really down with creating lore for my universe. I think Alkumez has one of the scariest 'lore' designs. People aren't sure if he exists, but dang he's not someone I'd like to come across. Just let me die...

I try to connect all my characters to the same story, so they can get pretty indepth.

Siun Nariel

Siun is currently one of my main characters, I put a lot of work into his story and personality.

 Guts GutsNGorey

Out of all my characters I probably love this guys' history most as it's completely original and in my opinion a pretty entertaining read even if it is a tad short.