🎨 Weekly "show me a character" [CLOSING]

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 11 months, 12 days ago) by Caine


People probably saw this coming from the increase in skipped/late weeks already, and while I really wanted to keep the thread running, I have come to realize it's just not something I have the time and energy to do. I have gotten increasingly more busy with IRL obligations and in turn used TH less and less, and after a little over 5 years it starts to get a bit more difficult to think of themes that haven't been used yet. 

Nevertheless, it's been fun, and I have greatly enjoyed seeing all the characters people have posted here over the years! I didn't expect I'd keep up with this thread every week for this many years, with only a total of 3 skips (two of which are from the past few months). I would like to thank everyone who has posted their characters here and kept the thread alive! 

Though I will no longer be updating this thread with new prompts, I'll keep it up & unlocked for people to post their characters if they still want to continue doing it - after all, this thread has always allowed people to post characters based on past prompts as well. I'm also cool with people remaking this thread on their own - just shoot me a message, and I'll link the new thread here. I still check TH daily even if I no longer have much of a presence around the forums.

Previous weeks 2023

Week 01: Show me a character who has scales on their body!
Week 02: Show me a character whose design you have recently updated! 
Week 03: Show me a character who avoids everything they perceive dangerous 
Week 04: Show me a character who loves to cook!
Week 05: Show me a character who sleepwalks/talks!
Week 06: Show me a character who should be dead but isn't 
Week 07: Show me a character who never (or almost never) lies
Week 08: Show me a character who can't swim!
Week 09: Show me a character who has saved someone's life!
Week 10: Show me a character who doesn't hesitate to ask for help when they need it!
Week 11: Show me a character who lives in an isolated area 
Week 12: Show me a character who has made you connect with someone else
Week 13: Show me a character who has a full time job!
Week 14: Show me a character who works with machines!
Week 15: Show me a character whose diet mainly (or exclusively) consists of plants/fruits/vegetables 
Week 16: Show me a character who [in their setting] is associated with some sort of prophesy!
Week 17: Show me a character who overreacts to things easily! 
Week 18: Show me a character who can breathe underwater!
Week 19: - Skipped -
Week 20: Show me a character you first scrapped but then brought back!
Week 21: Show me a character who is missing one or more limbs!
Week 22: Show me a character who is capable of very fast speed
Week 23: Show me a character who gets excited about things a little too easily 
Week 24: Show me a character who has a star motif!
Week 25: - Skipped -

Previous weeks 2022

Week 1: Show me a character who cares a lot about their appearance!
Week 2: Show me a character who enjoys baking!
Week 3: Show me a character who has wings somewhere other than their upper back!
Week 4: Show me your undead characters!
Week 5: Show me your reptile & reptile inspired characters!
Week 6: Show me a character who can communicate telepathically!
Week 7: Show me a character who gets attached to others very quickly
Week 8: Show me your clown characters! 
Week 9: Show me a character who is into arts & crafts!
Week 10: Show me a character who is into gaming!
Week 11: Show me a character who struggles understanding jokes!
Week 12: Show me your highly ambitious characters!
Week 13: Show me a character who is someone's apprentice!
Week 14: Show me a character whose development has involved other people's ocs (relationships, forum games etc)!
Week 15: Show me a character you received as a gift from someone!
Week 16: Show me a character who has a secret they haven't told anyone (or most people) about
Week 17: Show me a character who has or wants to have children!
Week 18: Show me a character whose name has a meaning!
Week 19: Show me a character who is a hybrid of two or more different species! 
Week 20: Show me a character with an unexpected skill! 
Week 21: Show me a character whose life used to be rough but is now safer/more stable!
Week 22: Show me your most recent LGBT+ character!
Week 23: Show me your harpy characters! 
Week 24: Show me a character who is always busy!
Week 25: Show me your priest* characters! (*using priest as a gender neutral title)
Week 26: Show me a character you almost got rid of but decided to keep
Week 27: Show me a character you associate with thunder and/or storm!
Week 28: Show me your bug/insect inspired ocs!
Week 29: Show me your pony characters! This can also include AUs for characters :-)
Week 30: Show me your witches, wizards and warlocks!
Week 31: Show me your characters with nature themed names!
Week 32: Show me a character who is either very good or very bad with animals!
Week 33: Show me your fae characters!
Week 34: Show me your knight characters!
Week 35: Show me your skeleton & skeleton themed characters!
Week 36: Show me a character who is rarely seen without a certain accessory/item!
Week 37: Show me a character who has a familiar!
Week 38: Show me a character others are usually afraid of!
Week 39: Show me a character who goes by more than one name!
Week 40: Show me a character who wears a mask!
Week 41: Show me characters with dietary restrictions! 
Week 42: Show me a character who has been possessed OR can possess others!
Week 43: Show me your tricksters!
Week 44: Show me a character who can't speak or speaks very little!
Week 45: Show me your carnivorous characters! 
Week 46: Show me a character who usually prioritizes their own safety above others'! 
Week 47: Show me a character who is knowledgeable about poisons! 
Week 48: Show me your sonas! 
Week 49: Show me a character whose life is controlled by someone/something other than them!
Week 50: Show me a character who used to be a criminal but has since changed their ways
Week 51: Show me a character who often has trouble sleeping
Week 52: Show me a character who knows sign language!

Previous weeks 2021

Week 1: Show me a character you think needs more development right now!
Week 2: Show me a character that has changed a lot from their initial concept (be it visual or story wise)
Week 3: Show me a character who you used to dislike/didn't care for but love now
Week 4: Show me characters who have had a happy childhood!
Week 5: Show me a character (or characters) you love talking about the most!
Week 6: Show me characters whose species you came up with yourself! One-offs are fine as well!
Week 7: Show me your characters with mobility aids!
Week 8: Show me a character who goes through a very big change in their story 
Week 9: Show me a character who wears disguises (either regularly or during their story)
Week 10: Show me a character who you didn't intend or expect to get attached to 
Week 11: Show me a character whose main weapon is a sword!
Week 12: Show me a character who is easily underestimated!
Week 13: Show me a character who defies/goes against expectations (whether it's in-universe or ooc like tropes)!
Week 14: Show me a character who likes something others would consider "unconventional" or "weird"!
Week 15: Show me your characters that aren't classified as mammals!
Week 16: Show me a character who is interested in the paranormal!
Week 17: Show me a character who goes through positive character development in their story!
Week 18: Show me a character who knows how to dance!
Week 19: Show me a character who is easily misunderstood by others! (either in-universe as a person or as a fictional character)
Week 20: Show me your magic users!
Week 21: Show me a character whose story involves some kind of mystery (can be anything from them solving one to them being the mystery)
Week 22: Show me a character that has something very specific in common with you! It can be anything from sharing the same birthday to having a physical trait identical to yours!
Week 23: Show me your short adult characters!
Week 24: Show me a character whose scars aren't a result of a physical fight or violence done to them (surgeries, mundane accidents, illnesses etc)
Week 25: Show me a character whose gender and/or sexuality has changed from the time you created the character!
Week 26: Show me a character you have considered selling/retiring/"not using" anymore but in the end decided against it 
Week 27: Show me your artificially created characters! (androids, computer viruses, homonculi etc)
Week 28: Show me a character who was inspired by something specific (like a show, theme, trope etc)
Week 29: Show me a character who walks with a cane! It can be any kind of cane, from a mobility aid to a fashion accessory and stealth weapon
Week 30: Show me a character who has lost some or all of their memories (permanently or temporarily)!
Week 31: Show me a character whose feelings are easy to read from their face/general being!
Week 32: Show me a character who is in some way different from the rest of their family (their looks, interests etc)
Week 33: Show me a character who isn't trustworthy!
Week 34: Show me a character who wears glasses!
Week 35: Show me a character with a flower theme in their design!
Week 36: Show me a character who takes regular medication for a health related issue (remember content warnings if needed!)
Week 37: Show me your taur characters!
Week 38: Show me a character inspired by an ordinary object (Suggested by CometTheMountainLion)
Week 39: Show me your melancholic characters!
Week 40: Show me a character who has a redemption arc! 
Week 41: Show me a character who has been (or is) imprisoned or held captive
Week 42: Show me a character who you're the most excited about right now!
Week 43: Show me a character inspired by horror media! 
Week 44: Show me a character who has helped you understand yourself better!
Week 45: Show me a character whose name isn't very common (either in the setting or as a whole)
Week 46: Show me a character who struggles understanding others' feelings!
Week 47: Show me a character who is associated with the moon!
Week 48: Show me a character with more than four limbs!
Week 49: Show me a character who uses a ranged weapon or weapons!
Week 50: Show me your merchant characters!
Week 51: Show me your rabbit themed characters!
Week 52: Show me a character who has antlers!

Previous weeks 2020

Week 1: Show me a character with an uncommon skill (suggested by circlejourney)
Week 2: Show me a character who is a good liar!
Week 3: Show me a character who's never had an education suggested by circlejourney
Week 4: Show me your anthro characters! 
Week 5: Show me a character you initially had trouble connecting with, but now absolutely adore 
Week 6: Show me your fan characters!
Week 7: Show me a character who collects something suggested by circlejourney
Week 8: Show me your space themed characters 
Week 9: Show me your AU designs/characters!
Week 10: Show me your universe hoppers & time travelers! 
Week 11: Show me your modern day characters!
Week 12: Show me your characters with animal ears!
Week 13: Show me your characters with deep regrets
Week 14: Show me your restless characters! 

Week 15: Show me your clumsy characters! 
Week 16: Show me characters who love gossip!
Week 17: Show me a character whose design has changed a lot 
Week 18: Show me characters who live in the forest 
Week 19: Show me characters who love to party!
Week 20: Show me characters who don't like talking about themselves! 
Week 21: Show me your competitive characters!
Week 22: Show me a character you have really wanted show here but haven't had the chance to!
Week 23: Show me your characters with sharp teeth!
Week 24: Show me characters who are seen as charismatic by others! 
Week 25: Show me your sporty/active characters!
Week 26: Show me your characters based on something that's nostalgic to you!
Week 27: Show me a character who can't stand high temperatures / warm climates 
Week 28: Show me a character who had a close call with death (= almost died) 
Week 29: Show me characters who you used to feel insecure about at some point (or maybe still do)?
Week 30: Show me characters who are not used to physical affection
Week 31: Show me your social characters! 
Week 32: Show me characters who work in customer service jobs
Week 33: Show me a character who excels in many things!
Week 34: Show me a character who has been in some kind of accident! 
Week 35: Show me a character who you REALLY want to talk about right now!
Week 36: Show me characters who are allergic to something! 
Week 37: Show me a character who can shapeshift in any way!
Week 38: Show me your nomads & travelers!
Week 39: Show me a character whose hair has more colors than one (can be natural color or dyed)!
Week 40: Show me a character who tends to voice their dissatisfaction/annoyance very audibly  
Week 41: Show me characters who have a very good memory! 
Week 42: Show me your heroes!
Week 43: Show me characters who are book smart but lack common sense!
Week 44: Show me characters who love Halloween OR would love it if it existed in their world/setting/country! 
Week 45: Show me characters who loves puzzles/riddles! 
Week 46: Show me characters who are picky eaters and/or have eating restrictions (due to allergies, lifestyles etc)
Week 47: Show me characters whose themes/stories are personally important or close to you
Week 48: Show me characters whose pain tolerance is either very high or very low!
Week 49: Show me a character who has a skill they must hide from others (magic, ability to see things etc)
Week 50: Show me a character who is considered somehow "special" in their setting!
Week 51: Show me the character who has the most favourites out of your characters (if you have faves off, show the one you think is the most "popular" out of your ocs)!
Week 52: Show me a character who struggles with guilt!
Week 53: Show me the character/s you were the most invested in during 2020!

Previous weeks 2019

Week 1: Show me a character whose life has drastically changed 
Week 2: Show me a character who is part of some bigger project you're working on (novel, comic, game etc)
Week 3: Show me characters with more than one physical form (suggested by circlejourney)
Week 4: Show me your orphans!
Week 5: Show me your horror themed characters
Week 6: Show me characters you did a lot of research for (suggested by circlejourney)
Week 7: Show me your characters in need of an update or redesign (suggested by circlejourney)
Week 8: Show me a character who is the most like you!
Week 9: Show me your characters who wear armour! Suggested by circlejourney
Week 10: Show me a character who was inspired by a real life time period! 
Week 11: Show me characters with lots of spoilers associated with them! suggested by circlejourney
Week 12: Show me your characters with scars!
Week 13: Show me a character who doesn't have many friends (or any at all)
Week 14: Show me your characters based on mythical creatures!  Suggested by circlejourney
Week 15: Show me a character you have the most trouble writing/drawing right now 
Week 16: Show me a character who can turn into an animal!
Week 17: Show me your physical fighters!
Week 18: Show me a character who uses a wheelchair! Suggested by anon  
Week 19: Show me your flirtatious characters! 
Week 20: Show me your characters who have heterochromia! Suggested by RadiantRaindragon
Week 21: Show me your simple design characters! Suggested by RadiantRaindragon
Week 22: Show me a character who has a low self esteem 
Week 23: Show me your monster people!   
Week 24: Show me a character you think stands out the most from all your OCs  
Week 25: Show me a character who LOVES swimming  
Week 26: Show me a character with lots of colours in their design! Suggested by RadiantRaindragon
Week 27: Show me your working adults!
Week 28: Show me a character who knows how to ride!
Week 29: Show me your creative characters!
Week 30: Show me your fairy tale based characters!
Week 31: Show me your characters with moles on their skin!
Week 32: Show me your characters with long hair
Week 33: Show me your characters with tattoos!
Week 34: Show me your nervous characters!
Week 35: Show me your chosen ones!
Week 36: Show me your nonhuman characters!
Week 37: Show me your ordinary humans!
Week 38: Show me your rivals!
Week 39: Show me your vain characters!
Week 40: Show me your characters who don't trust others easily 
Week 41: Show me your impulsive characters! 
Week 42: Show me your intelligent characters!
Week 43: Show me characters who look tough but are actually really soft
Week 44: Show me a character with a chronic illness (fictional or real)
Week 45: Show me your closed species characters!
Week 46: Show me characters who easily crush on others!
Week 47: Show me your impatient ocs! 
Week 48: - Skipped - 
Week 49: Show me OCs who are questioning their gender and/or sexuality!
Week 50: Show me characters who are constantly tired/exhausted
Week 51: Show me a character you feel represents your "aesthetic" the best
Week 52: Show me your characters who like reading! 

Previous weeks 2018:

Week 14: Show me your characters with freckles!
Week 15: Show me your blueblood characters!
Week 16: Show me your aquatic characters!
Week 17: Show me the first (public) character you posted on TH!
Week 18: Show me your comedic characters!
Week 19: Show me a character you really like to work on right now!
Week 20: Show me a character you ended up liking more than you thought you would
Week 21: Show me your scifi characters!
Week 22: Show me your criminals!
Week 23: Show me your animals & animal themed characters!
Week 24: Show me your feathered wings!
Week 25: Show me your sea themed characters!
Week 26: Show me your characters with pastel colors palettes!
Week 27: Show me your characters with literature submissions posted about them
Week 28: Show me your soldiers
Week 29: Show me your characters with long/big fangs!
Week 30: Show me your characters who draw and/or write!
Week 31: Show me your hospital/medical themed characters 
Week 32: Show me your characters who are students

Week 33: Show me your characters whose profile is complete!
Week 34: Show me characters who have relationships with other people's ocs! 
Week 35: Show me characters whose stories revolve a lot around the theme of identity 
Week 36: Show me your characters who suffer a lot 
Week 37: Show me your characters who come from poor families
Week 38: Show me your non-magic users who live in a world where magic is common 
Week 39: Show me a character who you created by accident 
Week 40: Show me a character who used to be a human, but no longer is
Week 41: Show me a character who is physically weak!
Week 42: Show me your gods and deities!
Week 43: Show me your character with the largest amount of commissioned/received art
Week 44: Show me a character who owns a lot of different clothes!
Week 45: Show me a character with an animal companion (or companions) (suggested by circlejourney)
Week 46: Show me your characters with unusual weapons!
Week 47: Show me your character with the least faves!  (suggested by circlejourney)
Week 48: Show me your adopted characters
Week 49: Show me characters whose looks contrast their personality! (suggested by circlejourney)
Week 50: Show me your LGBT+ characters! 
Week 51: Show me your characters with loving families! (Suggested by circlejourney)
Week 52: Show me your characters who're considered mysterious by others


So far I can think of three; I ended up liking Friedrich and Seraphina a lot more than I thought. I made them just to be Archer's parents and just wanted to put a face and name to their concepts, but then I decided to think about their relationship a little more and now they're more developed and they are a super cute couple and some great parents and I enjoy day dreaming about them XD 

I also ended up Leroy more than I thought too, I made him out of coming up with an idea for Lloyd, and somehow I came up with an idea that two of them were made but then got split up abruptly, so they developed in different environments. I think at one point I liked thinking through things how Leroy would see them, even if my thinking would still be simplistc compares to what his actual would be like.

Kojima Kenmai

I ended up liking Koji a lot more than i thought i would! I was mostly drawing up his design so i could practice drawing anthro characters (and he was apart of an adpotable set but i ended up keeping him ;;;; ) I just like the idea of his character and relationships and once again i fell in love with his design hehe

Tobie "Théodore" Cohn fuelli

"Week 20: Show me a character you ended up liking more than you thought you would"

Haha, that's Tobie! At first, he was supposed to be one of my Binding of Isaac fan characters (hence his sprite in his gallery), but he never caught my attention enough to get a proper introduction to the Internet before he became an original character, lmao.

Also, when he first appeared in the comic, he was more supposed to be a secondary comic relief than anything aaaa I still didn't really care for him TT Fun fact, one time when I asked a friend who was her favourite character from the cast, she replied "Tobie", and I was like, super confused because I didn't know who someone could appreciate him more than the others, since he was super underdeveloped haha 

But now I love him he is so cute he is my child rftyghuijtgr I don't know how it really happened

Izzy hedgemaze

Oh geez, Izzy (and the rest of his band, but mostly him) was originally supposed to be an unlikeable antagonistic character, but I challenged myself to make them have sympathetic aspects to make them more human, and now Izzy's basically my son, haha. He still has the same personality-- rude and brash and extra-- but he's also this loveable doofus who loves his grandma and cares so much about his friends, and he's one of my favorite characters. (That was many years ago-- the two bands in the story are still antagonistic to each other, but it's a lot grayer than that.)

I could say the same for many characters as I developed them more, but he's the most obvious. Theo is another one: not that I ever disliked him, but Ira was always the one with the personality, and Theo was the friend. I'm not sure exactly how it happened (a lot of it's probably from the research I did, figuring out whom to base him on...) but Theo feels so much more alive now and a lot of fun.

 TK-20 Severstal Ledokol

          There is quite a few of them but if I have to pinpoint which one, I'll go with Severstal. When I drew him for the first time in September 2016, he wasn't supposed to have any role in the plot except the super tiny role of harassing the Borey trio before they left the Sevmash shipyard. After all, according what's about to happen in the plot, he's basically permanently retired and simply waiting for his death. There was absolutely no future for him. So honestly, back then I totally saw no point in even bother coming up with his personality.

         Anyway, about three months later, a friend created a roleplay group which I somehow decided I'd register Severstal into the group along with Shaposhnikov and Kocheshkov. In doing so I needed to created a very basic personality for him and...long story short, somehow he has really grown on me so much. Maybe I started to love him because among the three, Severstal is the most 'normal' among them, hahaha. Thus he's rather easy to RP in contrast to Shaposhnikov (Mr. 1000% intense and strict) or Zhenya (Loudmouth, inappropriate, overacting and hyper 24/7).

Violette Goatbert VincentVanGoat

Well I really did like Violette when I made her, sure, but I didn't expect her to become my favorite a few years later like she did! Though lately she's back to being tied for my favorite with Fancy but still, I expected her to be around but not one of my bests!

PREM Tokyozilla

Week 20: Show me a character you ended up liking more than you thought you would

definitely this gal! I thought the character would be a one time draw but I ended up getting a bit attached to them!

Helena Stoker Returnofmorningstar
Week 20

Helena was originally just a random sim I made while trying to populate a town. I didn't even think much of her until I happened to be going back through my saves and found her. She developed her own personality really quickly and I decided to actually post her. Then came her girlfriend, who also popped up unexpectedly.

Elnric Vitson DuskHunter713

Elnric was suppose to just be a one shot villain for my fan trolls, but then i started thinking on backstories and a personality, and now he's one of my favorite trolls.

Solque starfast

That’s Solque. He was actually originally just a side character who really only got mentioned a few times by Jaire and wasn’t even part of the story really. I can’t remember when or why that changed but I love him now.

Jaed Impy

I typically don't go for...dragons...and oriental designs.. but this one has my soul Q_Q


Week 21: Show me your scifi characters!
(and remember scifi doesn't necessarily need to be just space or future related like I used to think for years lmao)

Harmonia Caine

Majority of my scifi themed characters are still waiting for me to draw them proper refs & upload them, but here is Harmonia! She is a homunculus created through scientific means, even though admittedly a small portion of demon DNA was used on her, but it's not like her creators could use magic or anything like that.