Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.



Una Apidelca TheLadyAnatola

1. I work as a freelance mail carrier. Basically I carry letters or small packages on foot to remote places that aren't connected to the main mail system. Sometimes I even go off-planet for deliveries.

2. The guild that I usually get work from was pretty skeptical about hiring me to carry mail because I'm... kind of on fire. Most fire elementals or people with similar fiery bodies don't get into modern society without training themselves to not burn things, which I've obviously done. If my fire burned things uncontrollably I suppose it would be a little difficult to be affectionate with my boyfriend.

3. My hair is actual fire when I'm running or doing blood pumping activities. When at normal pulse level, it's somewhere between hair and fire, and when completely calm and holding still or when asleep it behaves more like hair, although it still illuminates like dim embers and is rather warm. But at all times unless I purposely want to burn something it's always at a reasonable warmth so people around me aren't too uncomfortable.

4. I'm a little shorter than my sweetheart, but my boots tend to make me a little bit taller. I tend to keep my posture straight and my head tilted up a little so I don't jab him in the face with my horn on accident. Also need to wear some padded horn-cover thing when I sleep so he doesn't lose an eye and also so I don't ruin his headboard.

5. I don't like dancing, but my man keeps trying to teach me. Please try and convince him otherwise.

 Luza cedes

{Ah, I'm trying to get her speech right *U*;; I like to think she repeats things, has a small vocab, and is very distracted in her ways lol }

I like to lick things. Everything tastes so different! People always look at me funny when they see me licking all the things. They probably already licked everything already and know all the tastes and can't believe it took me this long to find! Ha ha!

My hair is fun! It's all green and not shaped the way others want it to look. And I'm green!  And my skin color isn't the way others want it to look.

I like to run around and hop over things, but my skirts make it hard. But still people always see me hopping over all the things. Logs, trees, branches, puddles, trees, logs. Lots of things really! Oh, and puddles too!

I've always wanted a tail! They just seem way cool and make things unique! Waruud says I'm already unique, and than goes and talks about why he hates being unique, and than I run around and hop over things.

I get hot realllly easily. My skin is green! Oh no, I mean my skin is fuzzy! A lot of it is way fuzzy. Keeps me warm. Too warm! I wear a lot of skirts too, and that keeps me too warm! And a nice shirt and another shirt. Keeps me warm.

Bonnie Isoprene
  1. I take forever in the shower. I can't really help it. I mean, have you ever lathered your hair? Come on, how can you not just stand there for half an hour blankly staring at the wall while you try to put your hair into funny shapes? Don't act like you're above it. You're not better than me.
  2. Don't let my laundry list of car accidents fool you, I am an awesome driver and it's just everyone else that can't drive. But noooo, everyone's just like "Bonnie you can't text and drive at the same time, that's illegal!!" this or "Bonnie how the fuck do you still have a license, how did you even get one in the first place??" that. But if it wasn't for me getting into car accidents all the time then my world would probably be doomed, so ha! It makes sense in context. Checkmate.
  3. I can't stand geese, or really any bird that's not tiny and innocent and free of murderous intent. You ever been chased by a flock of geese while trying to protect your impulsive bake sale buys? Those things are pure, unrepentant evil. I am 99% sure they came straight from the depths of Hell to torment the living, but my boyfriend always denies it.
  4. Oh right, I'm dating a Demon Lord. You know like... one of the kings of Hell or whatever, I guess. He's pretty much the best, but don't let him fool you. He acts like he's gayer than me, but there's just no way. He can try, but he can't out-gay me. I'll fight him. I'll fight all of you.
  5. I love candles even though I never use them. Sometimes I just like to go to the candle aisle and just... sniff 'em all, you know? Good shit.
Anna Lady_Sif

I help my girlfriend solve crimes!

Despite my more agressive nature, it's normally me getting her out of trouble then the other way round.

My tail does have a bit of a mind of it's own, but I can force it to do things. Normally I don't have to though. Once it actually saved my life all on it's own.

I'm allergic to bluebells!

Despite being mostly carnvious, I do enjoy a salad every now and again, even if they aren't very good for me.

Mhai Ishliayaq
  1. Well, uhm... Mhai's my whole name. Where I come from, we only use first names. But sometimes people call me Pearl Mhai, because I am pretty good at bringing up clams and muscles when I go swimming, or when I help father with fishing.
  2. I don't know how to read. My father reads to me sometimes, but he's not very good either so I think he's making up half of it. I'd like to learn some day, but I suppose it's pretty unusual for a fisherman's child to know how.
  3. I adore children, especially infants. I end up babysitting most of the kids back home, since I'm a lot older than most of them, but it's okay. I just love the way they smile, and it makes my day if I'm able to get them to.
  4. My favorite thing in the world is dancing. Even when there's not music, I can hear some in my head and dance to it. I don't usually wear shoes, and so my feet are callused hard from being barefoot all the time, but it keeps me from hurting myself when I get really in to it.
  5. I don't like birds. I don't like them at all. Their eyes are so creepy, and they follow you without moving their bodies. We had chickens for a while but father god rid of them because they kept making me scream. We get eggs from the neighbors now.
Gabriel Feng Amon SaitoPsyncin

Sure, I'll take a whack at it.

1. Don't talk to me about burritos. Don't even suggest going out to eat burritos. It's not that I hate eating them, it gives me bad memories of something horrible. Talk to me about burritors and get ready to get your head literally shoved up your ass.

2. I'm a sucker for cheese strings, for some odd reason. When you hand me string cheese, I will play with it instead of eat the damn thing.

3. I'd like to believe my spirit animal is an owl. Don't ask.

4. Milk makes me fart quietly. Don't make me drink milk.

5. As much as I adore science, there are times where I hate it. More specifically, I hate it when people attempt to pull me to the side while I'm working.

 Rokakku voidranger

I. "I-I like drinking milk... Since my parents said that it'll help me grow up q-quickly."

II. "I have a crush on... S-Someone... Huh? W-Who?! That's-! T-That's none of your business!" 

III. "I'm proud to say that I'm one of the top students in my grade!" 

IV. "I hate that I'm so short... I wish I was taller..." 

V. "Ice cream is my favorite type of treat!" 

Valentine Kelly hospice

o-oh, jeeze! you really want to know about me? well... all right!

  1. um. where to start. well, my cat is named drake after the drake equation, a probalistic argument used to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in the milky way galaxy! she's orange and, uh, pretty fat because i keep feeding her human food. heh, you know how people look like their pets...?
  2. i'm ambidextrous, though no longer so good with my left hand... i wasn't really allowed to use it in elementary. 
  3. gosh, i guess my favorite show would have to be... the bachelor, maybe? it's just sooo fun to see people find the loves of their lives on television!
  4. my birthday is november fourth -- mom and dad said i was concieved on valentine's day, which is kind of cute.
  5. and for number five... goodness, i don't know! i don't think i have five things to say about myself! how about this: i would love to learn how to cook, but i never have the energy... i guess that basically sums me up.
Spinner Runaway

(Thank you all for posting! )


!. I have six tentacles. Two are for capturing prey.

@. My color pattern is not set. I can shift it.

#. hate seeing Numbers.....(shivers)

$. i dislike most sea food....I just don`t....I do kinda like crab flavored things....(Yumm)

%. when i dont use numbers it looks like a swear running down the page....(i swear Often