Five Facts About Your Oc

Posted 8 years, 6 months ago (Edited 5 years, 4 months ago) by Craven Runaway

//This always helps me get to know my own ocs! //

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Tell us five facts about yourself and do feel free to explain a bit.



Joyeuse Riptide TheLadyAnatola

Looks like some of my babies have already tried this. It's mama's turn now.

1. I have eleven babies, although they're not really babies anymore. My oldest is 32 and my youngest is 19. I really would love some grandkids too, but none of my babies are even married yet. One of them is engaged, so I have hope!

2. I met my late husband for the first time when I was 12 and he was 18. At the time it seemed a bit odd with how much interest he took in me with the age gap, but he was the only one that actually treated me like a person back then. I suppose it was easy to fall for him when I was so young. I convinced him to marry me when I was 13, and I don't regret it a bit. He was the love of my life, and I'll never find anyone like him again. But if any of my kids would've tried something like that with an older man or woman at that age, you can be sure mama wouldn't let that fly one bit. Any cradle-robbers would've been launched over the horizon from my harpoon gun, but I guess they're all grown up now. Certainly wish my parents would've given a crap about me, but if they had then I suppose I wouldn't be where I am.

3. I love cooking all sorts of food, especially seafood. My personal favorite is calamari, both in preparation and in taste.

4. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a sailor. I wanted my own boat to go out to sea and get away from all the horrible people from my childhood. I did end up getting away with my love, and now I live in a coastline manor with fleets of boats and ships at my disposal.

5. I love collecting nautical themed figurines, wall fixtures, and the like. You'll definitely sense a theme with the decor when you walk around the house. Harpoons and anchors ahoy~


1. uhhh i like really spicy noodles

2. i'm a healer!, if you want i could heal you :)

3. i'm a fairy / alien from outer space. isnt that cool?? only a few people lets keep it that way ;)

4. hmmmm i like bold colours. give me anything neon + colourful and we'll be friends foreverrrrr

5. speaking of friends, i have a really cool friend called ice!! we've been friends since we were babies :p (she rEAlly has nice boobs)

 Varner Sadismancer

 1) I love going outside and especially running through the forests!

2) I can't help chewing and scratching things. I just can't.

3) I really like the colour blue. Kingfisher blue!

4) I actually like sleeping on the floor. I'm most used to it. I tend to roll over and fall off beds.

5) My teeth are all perfect!

Eden Seiden

 Uh? What is this again? I have to talk about me? Well, ok, then....

- I love eating octopus.

- Nothing is more important to me than Ellianne, my pet bird. Or maybe my boyfriend. 

- When Ellianne was given to me, I first wanted to eat her.

- I'm clumsy and always manage to cut myself when cooking. But considering my boyfriend's awful cooking skill, I'd rather cut my fingers rather than letting him cook.

- I love shirts but I hate ironing them. Luckily, I can now exploit my boyfriend. 

Seraye Phaelin Isoprene
  1. I got my beret as a gift from a friend of mine, Anisa. I hope she's doing alright on her own...
  2. I don't care how cute people say they are, I can't stand moths! I don't take the destruction of my working materials lightly! I don't really care for things that fly around while I'm trying to do precise work either, for that matter.
  3. I have a bad habit of falling asleep at my desk... it's become something of a running gag.
  4. I used to be on a Little League team until I was, ahem, let go. You break a couple of noses intentionally and they never let you live it down... c'mon, you can still play baseball with a broken nose! What's the big deal?
  5. You'd be surprised at how shocked people get when I pull out the baseball bat... just because I dress delicately and make dolls for a living doesn't mean I don't know how to knock some skulls. Honestly, where I'm from, it would be weird if I didn't.
Amadeus Seiden

- I am albino. People often think it is cool and cute but it is actually annoying : I am really weak to sun, often getting sun-bites. I can not enjoy summer like others.
- I am a really good cook ! My mom taught me everything !
- I am full of debts... I wanted to launch my own bar but it failed.
- I collect zebras. No, no real ones, of course. Toys, figurines and small plushies...
- I am a Christian. I think.

Arthur Seiden

 - I love drinking. A lot. Whisky is love, whisky is life.
- I love to cook but I never cook anything good. Everything is burnt or too salty. But I still enjoy cooking, even if I'm the only one who accepts to eat it.
- My boyfriend's personality is the opposite of mine. No one understand how we can stand each other.
- I love dressing up. I love every kind of costume and disguise. Yup, I love cross-dressing as well. 
- I have a unicorn. Yes, unicorns do exists! I can't allow you to deny it !

 Azrael Vin
I generally do not enjoy the company of others.
While I cannot lie, cheating and stealing are quite easy.
I have killed before without consquence.
Sugar is my favorite food.
All of the books in Osiris' library mean nothing to me; I cannot read.
Cayenne Jester

-I enjoy gardening. Particularly growing herbs.

-My favorite plant is lavender. I like the smell, and I suppose the taste is not too bad.

-I have the habit of eating my plants without meaning to. Sometimes they just end up in my mouth, and I find myself chewing.

-I have a sister. I don't see her as much as I used to, and I miss that. Especially now that I live alone.

-Usually I am pretty easy-going, but I acknowledge I have a temper when someone upsets my garden.


- I have no idea how to act as a human
- I have an imaginary friend, but he is real to me.
- He's actually my only one friend.
- I love reading. A lot.
- I often forget to feed myself.



1) I'm always tired and sick and being sick makes me tired and being tired makes me sick, its an endless cycle

2) I like birds, I've always wished I could fly

3) I try not to act like it but I'll really miss everyone once I die

4) I'm Grey-Aromantic and I've only ever had one crush

5) If I'm going to die anyways I want to die for a good reason (and I'm secretly afraid of being forgotten)

Alastyn Seiden

((Doing this one at the third person as Alastyn would not do it by himself... I just can not imagine him talking about himself like this.

- He got a rabbit plush from the only person he liked beside his family. This plush is now the most important thing in his life. Behind his father and brother, of course.

- He is actually dead inside. Trying to hide his trauma to himself.

- He loves salmons a lot. Not only eating them. He love and respects them a lot. He may be the only human on earth who's favourite animal is the salmon.

- He knows nothing about life and the outside world. He spent his life in a small Norwegian village, without internet or a TV.

- He has the weird habit to stare at people. For hours. ))

 Esmeralda fangmeat

- Ramón is a name to be proud of, and I am that. My family's a good one.

- Familiar's a shire horse. Upset mama quite often back when I was at home. "Cabróna, you get out of the bathroom!!" is one of the many, yet somehow less offensive, things she'd yell. Mama showed little mercy. 

- I drive a Ford. Both the horse and the pickup. *amused at her own joke?*

- I make jerky. It's delicious. 

- I first learned I could suck the air out of others lungs when I seen bullies at school getting after my cousins. It wasn't pretty, but it was effective. I regret nothing. My cousins are the world to me.