OCs whose name/pronouns people always get wrong

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 5 years, 3 months ago) by fuelli

Show me your characters whose name and/or pronouns people always get always wrong! Because we all know that's the kind of thing that happens, be it on the website itself (esp. forum games), off-site, or even in real-life! Are some characters of yours more prone to this than others, and why/how? And how do you usually reacts when it happens?


Had a friend who used to misgender them as she,, now a bunch of people use he/him😭😭 pls guys non-binary poeple exist !!!!

Firebiter Sp00kE

I have the occasional artist that calls him she/her pronouns, but Firebiter is actually intersex and goes by he/they pronouns. I usually kind of brush passed it and use the correct pronouns in my response unless they refuse to change which they’re using!

Estrella Oro OnyxTheSkywing

Estrella is def one of those characters, he gets mistaken for a girl a lot because he doesn't have the normal male MLP body type. Hes leaner and shorter which is more like the fem MLP body types

Tis def a smidge annoying when people ask about him and use She/Her despite him having his gender stated on his reference sheet

11 Song Clouds EVC

alot of people in a rp im in thought he was female. hifegtoe even i acidenlty mix up his pronouns to often

Cyle WizardOfNeet

People spell his name wrong a lot. Or pronounce it wrong.

Our runner-up would be Marcai.

Bonnabelle honeydont

bonnabelle's name gets misspelled on occassion but to be fair there are a lot of vowels and double letters

Ancheal endiria


I don't blame anyone, this name is weird

Polo Pimn

Polo gets misgendered so much

They go by they/them but I've had lots of people referring to them as a guy

Ig it's because people forget (or just dont know) nb people exist 

Io Xiques syzygyz_starfest

ive seen people think the name io is spelled with an L instead of an I 😭

Miquella FuuMiku

I know he’s super feminine but omg :(  People keep using she for him 

callisto caponi whitenoisewife

everyone thinks she's a dude. her butch swag is simply too much

Gorb NG09

Gorb uses they/them and he/him but some people use she/her because she looks slightly feminine in some arts I haven't uploaded :skull:

juh cuh buh dogheaded

im not mad abt this one (i do it myself actually 😭) but this boy gets she/her’d soo much (i should probably change his pronouns tbh)

Shaylcishtarama'ai'icanoma'ara Told

I bet you can guess the issue here. Pretty obvious if I do say so myself.