Show me your 'Mortal Enemies' / Rivals

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago by Malka aaawhyme

I didn't see an enemy thread, so I made one :> Hopefully i'm not stepping on anyone's toes, I don't want any enemies! 

Show me your mortal enemies / foes / nemesis / rivals ? ... Frenemies works too! 

Two or more characters that absolutely loath each other, or in constant battle with one another in some way. 

Why do they hate each other so much? 


For me- my characters: Malka and Sigma are mortal enemies. 

Malka (who arrogantly believes he's innocent of any crime) causes the demise of Sigma's dear sister! In rage, Sigma imprisons Malka, making his life a living hell in jail. Malka isn't confined forever and once escaped, seeks revenge on Sigma for all his torment to him.  The two are constantly at each other's throats, often quite literally! Malka's methods of revenge are far more subtle and mental, while Sigma wants to make Malka pay with his life, quite physically at this point!

Do any of your characters have an 'enemy'?

 Keith Mitchel Kenson "Tarpit" boysharkwonder

Keith is mine and his mortal enemy is Brant, my partner's. They're both super heroes and have managed to have beef both in and out of costume.

Most of their differences come from background. Keith being blunt but poor and Brant being sneaky and well off. They also don't care for how the other operates, Keith murdering in the name of "justice" and Brant leaving sentencing to the law. There's not much they can actually agree on. When they put aside their differences it's because one owes the other, not because they agree and not because they like each other. When they learn the other's secret identities it becomes more about the obligation of keeping their secrets. "He knows who I am... if I don't help him now, he might rat me out."

They do eventually develop into a romance but even then they are constantly at odds. Keith doesn't really understand romance but is willing to put in an effort. A lot of his gestures come off clunky. Wrong. Brant understands, but feels that showing affection is opening himself up to potential hurt. They both like/love each other... they just can't agree. Neither knows how to "take the L" but neither minds a good argument. They make it work. 

Fredrika Caine

Fredrika and Flavia are more or less enemies who used to be friendly rivals! Back when they were still in their 20s and working as doctors under the Healing Church they'd work and even live together, and they were genuinely some of the brightest and most promising white church doctors at the time. If someone was going to make a scientific breakthrough regarding the scourge of beasts it would have been these two, and their working habits and shared rivalry kept pushing them to improve at their work. They'd spend many sleepless nights researching and running tests and studying to widen their knowledge and I imagine there might have been some slight romantic feelings involved, though neither of them ever acted upon it in any way. 

Eventually though Fredrika ended up cutting her ties with the church due to conflict of interest and morals, and in the process she also cut her ties with Flavia: she found her much too cruel and unfeeling to the suffering of others, and couldn't in good conscience be friends with someone who literally cared more about research than about the people used as stepping stones for it. Fredrika wanted to help people first and do research second, while Flavia wanted to do research first and healing was just a happy side effect of the experiments - a sentiment shared by most of the church doctors. And now Fredrika is an unaffiliated rogue doctor and Flavia is a Choir member (despite what the name suggests it's actually a secret research and experiment faction) so their conflict of interest is even more stark in contrast now. 

I don't think they will ever be able to fully reconcile or be friends anymore due to such a dramatic difference in morals, but Flavia still misses Fredrika and wishes they could be friends again, though she's absolutely unwilling to change herself to actually make that possible. And in turn I think Fredrika sort of wished Flavia would have a change of heart eventually and they could work together, but she knows that won't happen and she's come to terms with it a long time ago. I do imagine they might team up at some point against a shared enemy so they can become allies, but it doesn't really make them friends. 

R'jhera AlleycatIrony

r'jhera and my bf's khajiit, m'jazii! their destinies are entwined...
- w/ her being the dragonborn and he being the reason she ended up at the chopping block at helgen in the first place
- vampire vs werewolf
- vampire clan vs dawnguard
- brotherhood/thieves guild vs companion/thane

they've got a v 'evil vs good' opposites thing going on, tho she ultimately wins in the end - good always prevails, as they say


Oh boy.. I don't actually have a lot of these dynamics, but they're one of my favorites for sure!

Edith and Paris' brother, Garrett, absolutely hate each other. It's really only because instead of killing Edith, Paris ended up falling in love with her, and Garrett was super jealous because he wanted to be "the one" who was destined to kill her. But noOoejkd Paris had to "ruin" it for him.

It's quite funny actually because Garrett is so dumb that he can't even come up with a plan and usually ends up getting his butt beat by her.

Tim tim-in-a-box

Nothing has been offcially put into comics yet, but I do already have a story planned and written (in Tim's backstory) about Tim and Vanessa (doesn't yet have a page here)
They both worked as models as teens already, and Vanessa always tried to be better than Tim, to the point of wearing 3dresses at once at some point. It wasn't as much of and active rivalry as Vanessa trying to pester Tim all the time and him just not wanting to care because he was better than her anyway :'T


I have two rival geniuses who travel through alternate dimensions.  The Scientist represents innovation and progress while  Coffin represents insanity. They can’t stand each other.

Professor Wilson Edison GameGeek002

Wilson and his arch nemisis is Robert Trebor They used to work together as founders of Team Galaxia Hero Squadron when they decided the best course of action for the theme.

To theme it around science or magic. They both have very different opinions on the subjects and when science won Robert left the company and has hated Wilson ever since.


Ray and Amicius are pretty much exact opposites of each other, Ray being a pirate and Amicius being a knight, so their ideals contrast each other a lot.

They despise each other but they also use to be friends when they were children(before ray became a criminal). It's just a lot of angst. Amicius thought Ray was dead after some certain events only to find out his former friend is now one of the most wanted criminals in the universe. They both have a small part of themselves that cares about the other but those feelings are usually over taken by their ideals and values, so they are constantly trying to end the other. 

Anastasia Schilder (De Raaf) DespressoRaven111802

Yeah... She hates her brother, Ryan. He constantly seeks attention, and he almost destroyed the family trying to get it one time. As for why Ryan hates Raven... she resists him.

Gray Allard (Post-Mortem Gray) graystreet003

(Post-Mortem) Gray and Dr.Trousers.
It's not rivarly in the aspect of competition, but there is always a potential risk of mortality on each of their encounters, even if hidden. The rivalry starts after an attempt of Dr.Trousers to kill Gray. After this, Gray fights against the lethality of what supposes stopping the doctor from his killing hunts. 


ok so Eris is mortal enemies with both Aaravos (who is her older brother, she doesn't know that though.) and Zayra

aside from that, Dagnar is enemies with ryder.

 QiangII Doresuaan

AlexandreIII and his old Childhood bff QiangII



Musica and Rene don't really hate each other but rather quite jealous of one another. Musica thinks Rene has their shit together and just this ethereal being. Rene thinks Musica doesn't have to care about anything, free from expectation and public scrutiny. They both like the same girl, so that's one reason why they bicker with each other.