The OC above is looking lonely...

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by Mars KountrysideGrizzly

This thread will work in a similar style to except, instead of having an OC being behind you, they’re looking rather lonely. Maybe you can do something to cheer them up? Or perhaps you will take this opportunity to your advantage?


1: You can make your interaction as long as you’d like it to be

2: After you have completed your interaction with the OC above, you must make a line explaining how they are feeling, what they are doing or even, what they are saying. Please remember to use quotation marks (“”) as speech and asterisks (*) as actions or descriptions. 

3: Props of any kind are allowed. 

4: In regard to rule 3, if your interaction is explicit or 18+, you must put this interaction under a spoiler. To do this, just press the lock button and type whatever you want. When it comes to interaction for the OC below, you cannot make it explicit or 18+. It is strongly advised that you do not make your interactions explicit or 18+ because users under 18 will have access to this thread.

5: The ban will work in a three strike system. A third strike will ban you from the thread. An example of when this rule applies is in rule 4, in which explicit or 18+ content without the spoiler tab will give you a strike. If there is a serious problem, you may be skipped to strike 3 and blocked from all of my future threads. 

6: Make sure that you only use one of your characters per interaction. Extra characters can be included for the OC above but they must have a reason to leave them alone afterwards.

7: To make enquires to a user without interacting as your character. You must put this in brackets and tag them in the bracket to talk to them. E.g. (CheesyWotsits2 can I draw this interaction please?)

8: If there is anything that needs to be directly addressed to me, tag me with the brackets or, in a serious case, message me as soon as possible.

9: All characters are accepted! Seriously, don’t be shy about having a human OC finding a lonely monster OC or whatever species they want to use and vice versa.

10: Direct links that lead to explicit or 18+ content will lead to a strike. Direct links to content suitable for all audiences is fine. This also applies to images that you insert into this thread.

Strike 1

No one

Strike 2

No one

Strike 3/banned users

No one


User 1: *(character) sighs and sits on a bench, looking really glum*

User 2: *(character) sits down next to (user 1’s character) and offers a hug* “don’t be so glum, chum!

“wow, I love this book!”

User 3: ...

And so on.

(It is strongly advised that you make your interactions longer than the example. Simple ones are not as great as complex interactions, if you know what I mean.)

We’ll be starting this thread with Mars.

“Argh, I can’t let this one get overdue!” *Mars is sitting on the bench, ambitiously rushing in to complete her coursework as fast as she could*

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Daniel (Doodle) ArtisticTiger

     Doodle spotted Alila looking quite lonely. He aproached her and smiled. "Hi there! My names Daniel. But you can call me Doodle." He admired her hair. "Wow your hair looks so cool!" He frowned, and patted his goopy head. "I only have this goop." Doodle pulled out his notebook. "We sorta both have magic huh." He smiled and drew a bird on a page. Doodle taped the paper and the bird flew off the page and landed on Alila's shoulder. 


          Doodle smiled at the mention of paint. "Why I'd love to  paint with you!" His tendrils squiggled excitedly. He was so happy to meet a fellow artist. 

Cavas robot-star

"Hey, your color seemed faded, may I help you brighten up?" Cavas consoled as she approached Doodle. "Solitude really dulls the soul." She sat beside him, looking him in the eyes with her pale blue ones. "I heard you're a painter of sorts, so am I" From a bag at her side she pulled out a sketchpad, opening it up to a lovely cyan landscape painting. "Maybe we could paint together...?"

 Yggdrasil Soup5

(art gang)

Yggdrasil puts on their fake smile. "May I sketch you?" Yggdrasil asked as they pulled out their dull pencil and a wrinkled paper from their mouth; Yggdrasil let out an amusing giggle. Ygdrasil's empty eyes lowered their gaze. "By simply being alive, I have met so many creatures in my life and have heard their stories, yet I cannot remember their faces. That is why I am going to sketch everyone I've met in my life." Yggdrasil said before starting to take a few steps back. "Don't mind me. I just want to capture this beautiful image.~"

Ithel Llyod HardyLark

Ithel looks up from his camera, a frown on his face. Maybe he had been using his camera to people watch again, but it was always so interesting! Plus he sometimes got the best urban footage he's ever seen just from keeping his eyes on people around him. It was when he'd zoomed in on Yggdrasil's lonely form, sitting by themself on a bench, that he'd felt something odd. 

Of course, his first emotion had been sad, because they seemed lonely in what he considered a pretty busy place. That and when he'd done so, his stand, Vagabond had rippled out of his skin, floating next to him, looking between its user and Yggdrasil, chirping inquisitively.

"That'd be weird, Aye'm just a stranger." He mutters under his breath to it, and it's eyes narrow, and Ithel feels the distinct pressure of his stand preparing to teleport them both somewhere. "Nonono! Fine, Aye'll go over myself! Jus don't blink us over there!" He hisses under his breath and zips opening his camera and slides the equipment inside and begins to approach. Once he's close enough he speaks.

"Hey, you mind if I sit here?" His accent is a little thick, but the question still comes across.  After a beat, he seats himself down, Vagabond sinking mostly back into his body save from the torso and watching Yggdrasil curiously. Ithel fiddles with his bag for a moment before fixing them with a nervous smile.

"Ya looked like ya could've used some company..." He trails off for a moment, tapping his lip before Vagabond makes a soft buzzing sound. 

"Ah, what do you do for fun? I'm a guerilla videographer, but you strike me as someone who's done a lot of cool things, eh?

(ah! Shoot that was on me! Thank you so much for just rolling with it! I forgot to put a prompt ;; Have a follow up! <3)

Ithel let's out a sigh, splayed across the bench as he was. It had even been too hot to film the stuff he'd intended, so he was already annoyed by that complication. Additionally, he'd gotten pretty badly sunburned at the party yesterday, and had gotten the boot for 'causing trouble'.  Regardless, it must've been very clear that he was in a foul mood, because someone approaches him. Vagabond seems a little more energetic, floating out of him to look at Wren curiously, while Ithel just turned his head to fix an eye on Wren. He scoffs a little and shrugs, glancing over to the kids playing in a sprinkler and he grimaces. 

"I would if I wasn't worried about getting a worse sunburn than I already got. I, unfortunately, have a knack for getting burned after spending just a few minutes in the sun. Not a bad idea tho." he mutters,

At Wren's next words, the cameraman lifts his head up and looks at him with a shocked face. He takes the water skin and takes a drink from it before sighing and handing it back.

"That'll do the trick, at least for now... I appreciate the advice though. Hopefully, I can get somewhere indoors before I burn again. Thanks again, mate!" Ithel stands and starts to walk quickly away, doing his best to dodge between the shadows of trees and generally avoid the sun. His stand watches Wren curiously as they leave, before giving a cheerful whistle, waving and disappearing into the man's back.

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Darrius Gildroth SpiritdragonRyuu

(Time to test my new boy out and to get back into the writing again, apologies in advance for the writing, it's been a while xD )

Darrius looked up at one of his snake assistance who had come by to tell him one of the guests were having a nightmare. Quickly, Darrius made his way over to the room and unlocking it with his magic, making sure to close it behind him once he entered. His icy blue eyes rested on the form of Wren, the male had checked into The Sleeping Serpent earlier that night; Darrius thought that he looked sleep deprived, now he knew why. Approaching quietly, the naga reached a hand out and gently placed a hand on the avians shoulder, a faint blue glow emanating from his fingers as he tried to sooth the other with his magic. It didn't take long to realise that waking Wren up would be the best thing to do, the nightmare he was in seemed to have completely trapped the avian within his own mind. 

Darrius gently began to shake Wren's shoulder. "Hey, it's not real, you're having a nightmare." he spoke as he did so, repeating the phrase a couple of times before Wren's eyes shot open. Darrius moved back to give him some room; after seeing that Wren was lucid, he spoke once more. "It's okay, you're safe, no one is going to hurt you." He spoke gently to Wren for several minutes to help calm the other down. 

"If you want....I can stay here until you fall asleep again, or I can use the sedative in my fangs so that you will have a dreamless sleep...the choice is yours, but in the meantime, would you like anything to eat or drink? You can come with me if you don't want to be on your own."


NP: Darrius mainly feels lonely when he is missing his tribe, but feel free to think of something else if you want ^.=.^

 Malory confusedthing

(SpiritdragonRyuu small revive :))

"You're far away from home, aren't you?" Malory asked, to break the silence and, more importantly, in an attempt to not sneak up on Darrius. It was late at night by now, so he assumed there was a reason for the other still being up. He could have been wrong, of course, it was just an uneducated guess. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry," the traveler stated with a brief, reassuring smile. He had not even expected to run into anyone here but he would have felt rude just ignoring the naga. Though all he could do was offer company.
"I am aware I am nothing but a stranger, but if you feel like talking about it," Malory sighed inaudibly, "I know a thing or two about that kind of loneliness." Another look at Darrius before he glanced up at the full moon. "If you prefer, we can just sit in silence... or I can leave you alone, of course. I just figured ignoring you being alone here would have been rude." That way he had at least explained his thought process and maybe appeared less like an intruder? Or not. Social interactions were not his forte, but he was genuinely trying.

Though this was all he would say. Instead, he would wait for Darrius' response and act depending on that. Maybe he just wanted to be of some help because he knew how it felt to be that far away from everything one had once known and called a home. Not that that was entirely a bad thing, if one was fortunate enough to leave on their own accord and not out of necessity. No, he would not go there, not right now. He had heard a little about The Sleeping Serpent and its owner before he had decided to stay there for the night and it sounded like Darrius had found his true calling in leading this business. So surely it had been by choice. Not that that choice was always an easy one...

Today was just one of these days he supposed everyone had every now and then, where just nothing felt right, no matter what he tried. So he had decided to just go for a walk and let his mind drift off to where it wanted to be so desperately, even if those thoughts made his heart ache. Maybe it was just his reminder that he still had one?
Lost in thoughts he hoped would pass soon he managed to navigate around the few souls still wandering these streets, but not to dodge Valnier's hand. The stranger's touch almost violently ripped him out of his mind back into the present and he was not sure if he should be angry or grateful, his initial emotional reaction sure was the former, but reason won the day, so he swallowed it and instead focused on a hopefully good reason for being approached like that. Though he would be left hoping... Not only was his intended question rudely cut off, he did not even get any information. His already bad mood turned sour, yet he forced himself to stay calm, the usual neutral expression not leaving his face. "I'm afraid you got the wrong person. I am a mere stranger myself, so being in my company won't help your reputation at all." Malory stated matter-of-factly. "If you need directions I shall help you, if not I'd prefer you let me be and find someone else more suitable for your purposes."

Valnier Reikslot ProfessionalDumbass


Valnier wandered the cold roads of a castle he had not quite known the name of, his title as witch hunter allowed him to skirt around such limitation. But he was annoyed by it at the very least. He had buttoned up the coat he always wore, even in the lava-covered lands back home. But now it was especially needed. As he wandered the streets, many gave the older man a wide birth, natural. But one man, lost in thought and eyes glued to the ground. While in most cases eyes to the ground conveyed guilt. But this was different.

As the man was about to pass, Valneir held his hand out to his side stopping the noble-looking person. As Malory was about to speak Valnier cut him off abruptly "I do not need explanation, neither do you. I only request that you walk with me, you seem out of sorts. While not my job I would rather have a positive reputation in this place rather than the evil man from out of town yes?"

Nikolai Byko PicklePantry

     "Are you lost, dearie?" mused Nikolai from a nearby ledge, laying down with only his hands holding his head up. "Quite the get up, hmm? Is there a convention in town? Or are you perhaps on a crusade?" he snickered before quickly grimacing at the sight of a bug he flicked away. "Gracious, so many bugs have been around lately. Is this your doing, dearie? I can't possibly understand how anyone can tolerate them, let alone love them, but to each their own, I suppose. The bright side is that you're never truly lonely with these things crawling around, hmm?"

     Nikolai quirked an eyebrow at the giraffe girl that made her way to him, the other eyebrow lifting when his arm was grabbed. Although he didn't want to go anywhere, he allowed himself to be dragged around, more amused (and tired) than anything, though he did cross the line at climbing the trash cans.

     While Yams climbed, Nikolai only put his hands on his hips and sleepily watched her. "Goodness me, that's quite the info dump you've unloaded onto me, dearie, and we've only known each other for five minutes!" Nevertheless, he didn't seem bothered by her story, though he didn't seem particularly sympathetic, either. He only showed emotion once he looked back at the obstacle coarse, grimacing at it. "Tea? Wouldn't you rather a cup of coffee, darling? And one that doesn't require parkour?"

Queen Yams Yamroll

PicklePantry (For context, she basically spots him and decides he looks nothing like the inhabitants of her former kingdom and decides to bring him back to her dumpster home for some tea lol. Yes she lives in a dumpster. This basically happens during that period of time when she decides to kick herself out of the castle-)

“Huh, whats someone like you doing around these parts?” She murmured. She walked towards him, her steps almost unnaturally quiet, as if she wasn’t there. Curiously, she gazed up at him, her dark eyes glinting. “Whats that on your arm? Some kind of tatoo??” She didn’t wait for Nikolai to respond. She grabbed his arm, studying it. Once she seemed satisfied, she dragged him along, ignoring his protests. Once she reached an alleyway, she jumped onto a trash can, climbing onto the side of a building and landing down on the other side of the alleyway. Her head poked up from behind, watching Nikolai. “Well, what are you waiting for? Where did you expect me to live in, a castle?” She chuckled halfheartedly. “I did, actually, but after the war I-“ She choked back on a sob, not wanting to look weak in front of the man. Shaking her head, she gestured for Nikolai to follow her. 

”I don’t know much about you, but you seem lonely. I haven’t seen my family in years, let alone heard of them…and believe me, the last time I ever fell in love with someone I ended up having to kill him myself. I didn’t want to, I swear, but I had no choice.” She smiled at him sorrowfully. “But enough of all this talk about death. All I want is to drink some tea with another lonely soul.” She sniffed disdainfully. “That is, if you don’t mind recycled teabags??”

Tarus ArtisticTiger

“Hello there Miss. You look a tad lonely..” Tarus approached Queen Yams and kissed her hand gently. “I can play some piano music for you if you like?” He folded his tendrils close to his body. “Or we can just sit and chat.” He gave her a warm smile.

sunni muichiro

He sits himself down beside Tarus, looking out at the small pond in the near distance. What a creature, or perhaps man like him was doing out here, Sunni couldn't tell. It was early morning, almost sunrise and there weren't even any of the usual ducks floating about in the water. "Rough night?" He asks, fishing in the pockets of his jacket. He has no undershirt on and the pants he wears are strangely enough, boxers. At least this time he'd been able to get out of his clothes fast enough before the moon had taken its toll. Where his shirt and pants went, he couldn't remember; but these two article of clothing had been neatly sitting on a tree branch. 

N'arfi TwizzlyTwist

The viera saw a man sitting by the lake with a guitar, surrounded by empty beer cans. Even though N’arfi was quite far away, he could hear the singing and gentle strums of the guitar. He sounded upset, or maybe it was just the song choice.

Nevertheless, he decided to approach the man and sat down next to him, looking out over the lake. The sun was starting to set and it looked like the trees were on fire but more like a gentle fire. “You have a nice singing voice. I don’t know if you’re just singing a sad song because you want to or if it’s because how you feel right now but back at home, the dragons tell their history and life stories through song.” He thought for a moment before looking back at Sunni. “I could sing one of their songs if you’d like. It’s.. a quite tragic one though.”


Usually, his eyes were a very sensitive topic that he didn’t like to talk about. He shivered slightly as he was thrown back to the incident that left him blind in his right eye. The massive scythe of his enemy cutting his face right open and the immense pain that followed. How he still managed to finish the fight, he did not understand. “Aye…” He takes a sip from the bottle offered to him. “It’s.. more like a colorful blur but it’s hard to even force myself to look through it. I’m used to filtering it out.” He looked down at the table for a moment. She meant no harm but he still had a lot of unprocessed feelings about this topic. “The white mages did a wonderful job, really.”

He thought about the offer of competition for a moment before he gave her a silent nod. All he wanted right now was to forget.

 Nerine Diadrakos Vapor

Nerine found it difficult to console others for any reason. Dragged to the tavern by her rebel companion, she was quickly left alone to sulk, nursing on a bottle of rum. How rare. She hadn't a proper drink in a while, and was ready to lay back and lose herself in it, but then she noticed N'arfi. She wasn't sure what it was. Something about him seemed... lost. At least she wasn't alone in being... well, alone.

She took a last swig of her bottle and then stood. She approached N'arfi and casually seated herself next to him. She shook her bottle at him. It was decently full, not quite halfway depleted. A bit of alcohol sloshed out of the top and onto the counter, while her eyes focused on his. Then, she whistled.

"Shit, someone did a number on that eye of yours." She said. She then felt around her face, touching her own scar gingerly. "You blind there, too? Can still see out of this bastard myself, just -- bah, it's almost not even worth it. I may as well ask someone to take it out."

"..That all said, you look like you've seen better days." Nerine said. Then, she lifted her bottle. "So, you wanna toast to the dead, or do you wanna have a little competition? Just the two of us. Most everyone here's got their heads up their asses, anyway."

ah women ?

Was she being too rough? Nerine certainly considered the notion. She had been having so much fun sparring with Ennette, brushed with pride every time she knocked the other woman's sword away, that she forgot this was supposed to be a training session. The third time it happened, though, she finally noticed that... yeah, it didn't look like the princess was having the time of her life right now.

"What are you talking about? I always thought you were doing fine!" Nerine said to Ennette. She already sounded disappointed, but then she took into account the rest of what Ennette had to say. She hadn't thought about the princess's lyre. She always thought it was just a simple instrument, all ornate and pretty and just there for show. But, if it was as powerful as Ennette said it was...

"..If you want to go for that option, I can't stop you." Nerine sighed. "Besides, life's funny like that, right? You think you're going to be something else, and you're hoping for it, but..." She trailed off for a moment, lost in thought. Then, she snorted. "You know, life never goes the way you plan. I don't need to tell you that. If you want to pursue your skill with the lyre, then definitely go for it. Just promise you'll play a few songs for me!"