The OC above is looking lonely...

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by Mars KountrysideGrizzly

This thread will work in a similar style to except, instead of having an OC being behind you, they’re looking rather lonely. Maybe you can do something to cheer them up? Or perhaps you will take this opportunity to your advantage?


1: You can make your interaction as long as you’d like it to be

2: After you have completed your interaction with the OC above, you must make a line explaining how they are feeling, what they are doing or even, what they are saying. Please remember to use quotation marks (“”) as speech and asterisks (*) as actions or descriptions. 

3: Props of any kind are allowed. 

4: In regard to rule 3, if your interaction is explicit or 18+, you must put this interaction under a spoiler. To do this, just press the lock button and type whatever you want. When it comes to interaction for the OC below, you cannot make it explicit or 18+. It is strongly advised that you do not make your interactions explicit or 18+ because users under 18 will have access to this thread.

5: The ban will work in a three strike system. A third strike will ban you from the thread. An example of when this rule applies is in rule 4, in which explicit or 18+ content without the spoiler tab will give you a strike. If there is a serious problem, you may be skipped to strike 3 and blocked from all of my future threads. 

6: Make sure that you only use one of your characters per interaction. Extra characters can be included for the OC above but they must have a reason to leave them alone afterwards.

7: To make enquires to a user without interacting as your character. You must put this in brackets and tag them in the bracket to talk to them. E.g. (CheesyWotsits2 can I draw this interaction please?)

8: If there is anything that needs to be directly addressed to me, tag me with the brackets or, in a serious case, message me as soon as possible.

9: All characters are accepted! Seriously, don’t be shy about having a human OC finding a lonely monster OC or whatever species they want to use and vice versa.

10: Direct links that lead to explicit or 18+ content will lead to a strike. Direct links to content suitable for all audiences is fine. This also applies to images that you insert into this thread.

Strike 1

No one

Strike 2

No one

Strike 3/banned users

No one


User 1: *(character) sighs and sits on a bench, looking really glum*

User 2: *(character) sits down next to (user 1’s character) and offers a hug* “don’t be so glum, chum!

“wow, I love this book!”

User 3: ...

And so on.

(It is strongly advised that you make your interactions longer than the example. Simple ones are not as great as complex interactions, if you know what I mean.)

We’ll be starting this thread with Mars.

“Argh, I can’t let this one get overdue!” *Mars is sitting on the bench, ambitiously rushing in to complete her coursework as fast as she could*

 Pansy Zinkyzor

The soldier raised a eyebrow under his helmet walking up to koharu who was sitting on a bench gazing out longingly into the distant horizon by her many victims.  Pansy settled himself next to her " hello sister. You look awful... lonely " his voice was stern and gruff but no response " I suppose your the mysterious type? Yes? " still no response " well I have a mysterious friend.  His name is Vladimir.  You two should meet sometime and be mysterious together instead of lonely and sad " the soldier got up leaving koharu a flower 

im starting the scene: the soldier laughed a hardy laugh, for his team, the R.E.D team had stolen the intelligence and won against B.L.U he set the rocket launcher over his shoulder his smile fading everyone else had left him to go inside.  He stood lonely and suddenly very sad on the blood stained battlefield

Carodemi OML- thats so sweet 🥺💖

Hugh McCraig Carodemi

Hugh noticed the solider standing on the battlefield; alone. He watched as Pansy's team headed inside. He slowly padded over to the soldier who seemed to be lost in thought. Hugh leaned on the wall next to them as they both watched the sun go down. A comfortable, solum silence hanged in the air before either of them even dared to speak. 

Hugh turned to face Pansy, folding his arms. "Neither of us knows each other, and we've never spoken before but.." he looked at the flower that was placed on Pansy's helmet "...I know whoever gave you that flower or whoever you wear it for is damned proud of you. You're a good man." He turned his gaze back to the sunset as the light beamed through the trees surrounding the battlefield. The two strangers stood in silence; as the wind gently swayed the trees.

queenansleis I loved that response that was so cute ;u;
Follow up:
Hugh looked at Bruno, it wasn't every day he had someone offer him a drink, sure, he had regulars that'd come and go but he'd only have brief conversations with them; they'd ask how he was, how the business was... the usual really. He was slightly taken aback but figured joining Bruno for a few drinks wouldn't hurt; besides it'd probably be quite refreshing going around the town with someone who knew it so well. He smiled and nodded "I'll join you after I close up the bakery if that's alright?" he paused for a second- "Ah! That reminds me, I haven't introduced myself- I'm Hugh." A welcoming smile grew on the baker's worn face; if this was a start of a friendship, it was one he would surely welcome.

Bruno queenansleis

Bruno had a spring in his step as he strolled into market. His mentor was watching the shop, and all other obligations had been taken care of. A singular caravan caught his attention; he had never seen it before, and a pleasant smell wafted out from within. Bruno approached the vehicle quizzically, smiling with anticipation. "Hello?" he asked, peering inside. His eyes lit up when he saw the rows of baked goods lining the caravan's walls, and the busy baker with a tray full of fresh pastries. 

"Oh, wow," Bruno sighed as he suddenly became aware of his hunger. Bruno waited for a few moments to see if Hugh would notice his presence, but when he didn't, the bull asked a bit loudly, "Please, sir, how much for a loaf of sweet bread?"

When the baker emerged, his eyes had a gentle glint behind his worn face. He seemed almost surprised to see Bruno, as if he hadn't been expecting anyone. "Sorry if I disturbed you," Bruno said sheepishly, "but it smelled so good in here! If you're selling any, I'd love to buy some bread."

Bruno offered a handful of coins in exchange for the loaf. As he leaned in, he tried to get a closer look at the caravan from the inside. It was cramped, and Bruno had to wonder if it was all that comfortable to sleep inside. He held his wrapped bread delicately and hesitated before leaving. "If you're in town for a while, there's a lot to see. If you come by my house—it's down the road, with the bench out front—you could have a drink or two. Anyway, thank you very much for the bread."

It was a slow day, and Bruno leaned over the counter with his head in his hands. He had even lost interest in his absentminded project; the wooden frog sat in a pile of shavings to Bruno's right. To stave off sleep, he fixated on the unringing bell above the shop's door.

This user's account has been closed.
Esmond kordesii

Walking around town alone was something Esmond always enjoyed doing. Sometimes everyone would just get too... overwhelming, so he would sneak away and escape to the town to take a stroll. It had been a nice day, a day he had spent training over and over again until every muscle ached, his hands still shaking lightly from the adrenaline which was refusing to wear off, or maybe it was due to the reverberation of the steel on steel from fighting with swords, knives, and everything in between. Being stuck with two people who loved to fight was starting to get tiring, but at least Eolus was always there to help him escape...

He sighed, putting a hand through his hair before tugging at the sweater he was wearing, a small gust of wind making him suddenly feel cold. He glanced around, noticing the small caravan that seemed to have sweet smells emitting from it. He could certainly go for something sweet right then, making his way over. His gaze was instantly brought to the assortment of treats, and his eyes went a bit wide. They all looked delicious, and he was lucky he had remembered to grab some money before leaving, always knowing he'd end up wanting something to eat or drink.

It was then he noticed the person, his gaze shifting to them as he offered a small smile, "ah, sorry, didn't notice you. I was distracted by how good everything looks." He said politely, a bit of red on his cheeks from embarrassment at not noticing the person who ran the shop. "Are you new around town? I didn't see this here last week." He said, offering a bit of small talk as he tried to decide what he wanted. His voice was soft, as were his features. Looking at him, no one would expect him to be anything but a normal guy on a nice stroll through town.

Being lonely was not something Esmond was used to feeling as he sat on a bench facing the ocean, the sun just starting to dip below the horizon as the water sparkled. It painted a very beautiful image in his mind, and he suddenly wished he was sharing it with someone else. Normally these sort of things never crossed his mind, as he was never really alone besides when he decided to walk through town. Right then he couldn't help but sigh and lean forwards, placing his head in his hands.

He wouldn't mind anyone being there with him, to just enjoy the view and the memory. The walkway was clear of people however, and Esmond really was not one to seek someone out. Not because he didn't want to, but mostly because he wasn't sure how to. So he sat there, in silence, merely watching the sun dip every so lower in the sky.

Esmond had been lost in his own thoughts, not noticing his newfound companion until they had jumped up onto the bench next to him. He jumped a bit, looking over at the small cat, before a soft smile came onto his lips. He reached out, a bit hesitantly at first, before he gave Emlyn a few scratches behind her ears. His felt himself relaxing as he absentmindedly pet the cat pressed up next to him. He felt that loneliness from before fading, the companionship from Emlyn helping his mind set itself at ease. 

It wasn't so bad, now. Watching the sunset with the cat was actually very much preferred, he found. It was nice when you could sit in a comfortable silence, not having to worry about someone breaking the peace. "Thank you, little cat." He said, looking down at Emlyn with a warm smile.

(hi, that was cute, i love it lol)

This user is not visible to guests.
 Valerion confusedthing

Aestrum - hope that's okay. :)

His dislike for public events was strong today, yet - of course - he could not decline an invitation as generous as Lord Hail's. Still, a little walk through the park wouldn't hurt, right? The prince wore a dark blue cape, hiding his rather prominent white hair. As he sat down on a bench near the fountain he noticed the little black cat who looked a little sad, or so he thought. Those eyes... he remembered them. Wasn't she a maid serving the Lord? "A pleasant evening, isn't it, miss?" he asked, a friendly tone to his voice. "And yet you are sitting here alone, merely observing the fun." the sound of those words indicating sympathy. He had heard about the maid who couldn't speak and he did not expect Emlyn to answer. Maybe that was an upside to his magic? Being able to understand without words. "Please, if you like, join me for a bit and - if you wish - tell me what is on your mind." For a brief moment the prince broke his usual cold demeanor to smile at Emlyn. "I'm certain I will be able to understand you just fine."

It was, of course, Emlyn's choice whether she would let him in on her thoughts or not and he surely was in an entirely different position than her, yet that did not mean he didn't care.
After sitting there for a while and a final moment of silence he let out a sigh, slowly getting up again. "Would you like to join the party? I could just say I dragged you there." Valerion chuckled lightly, before finally getting back to his usual expression. "At least I don't see a reason why you shouldn't be able to enjoy yourself - it is a party after all, right?" He didn't even entirely know why he offered that, but as long as it would cheer her up it was worth it - she certainly was working hard enough and didn't deserve to be left out. Maybe she even reminded him of his little brother? Sitting on the outside, just observing the fun instead of being part of it.

How many of those endless nights would be ahead of him, just sitting at his desk and debating politics with people who didn't care about any of it in the first place? It seemed like everyone was just trying to gain as much as they could without any regards for the consequences - and he had to explain why that wasn't possible. Well, remembering Allegro, maybe not all of them, that would have been unfair. Still, his head hurt from reading the same numbers and letters over and over again; by now he was sure he would dream of them. 

Sometimes it might have been easier to be able to share these things with someone, especially as his thoughts found their way back to Lior. Whatever he was doing, he sincerely hoped he was happy. Knowing his little brother that probably was not entirely the case, but at least he was free from all of ...this. Not that he wanted to complain, he knew very well that he could consider himself lucky to be in this position and he had sworn to try his best to ensure a better life for everyone. Still, sometimes he wished for a second opinion or just someone to get him out of his usual headspace. What stupid problems those were... 

The prince sighed, tiredly smiling at himself, a slightly bitter expression running across his face. He really shouldn't complain. Maybe it was just time to take a break...

Have a little follow up. I mean... I have to bc I really like those little interactions ;v; Valerion be looking like that and still asking: How could you tell I was tired? 

He was a little confused when he was informed about the arrival of a guest. Did he expect anyone and forgot? That would have been embarassing... but at this time? Valerion couldn't imagine he had scheduled a meeting this late, even if he had been drunk when making the appointment (which was a rare occurance anyway). When he recognized Allegro the elf couldn't help but chuckle for a second; it almost seemed like he had summoned him... what a thought.
"I am terribly sorry, for in no way I intended to break your heart." he replied, not sounding quite as serious as usual. "It appears I just got buried in... this." Valerion explained, gesturing at all the letters and papers that were begging to be answered. It had gotten a lot more since his father had fallen sick, of course.

"If I was to grant all those wishes we wouldn't have any taxes and would reintroduce slavery because paying staff and workers is appparently too much to ask." the prince sighed, shaking his head at the thought. Not that he would start to complain about his people... it just sounded absurd to him.
Seeing Allegro's smile almost felt contagious, as he noticed himself having a similar expression. It was probably the time of night that let his usual 'mask' crack a little, but at least this time he didn't mind too much. "Sure, why not? That does sound like the best idea I've heard all day..." the elf replied to the friendly suggestion, maybe joking a little with his last words. "I'll gladly have tea with you and in fact I have never heard a royal siren's voice before... I would be honored to witness that." having said that he finally got up from behind his table. "Would you care to take a little walk first?" he felt like he direly needed a breath of fresh air.

Allegretto PicklePantry

     One of the guards stepped into Valerion's office to notify him of a guest arriving. When given the greenlight to let him in, Allegro stepped inside.
     "I tried not to let my heart get broken from no reply," teased the prince. "Although I had a feeling I hadn't heard from you in so long because of this. Passing any new laws? Or are people trying to convince you to?" He walked closer to the desk to try and peek at what littered it. In the end, he instead looked at the elf and gave him a light, almost sympathetic smile. "The workload will never go down; I'm sure you know that better than I do. Why not step aside for a moment to catch your breath? And perhaps have some tea with me?" His smile widened slightly. "If you'd like, I can sing to you to help calm your nerves? Have you ever heard a royal siren's voice? I'd be happy to share it with you."

     Tucked at the back of the castle, farther away than the gardens, was the cemetery. The royalty was buried there, along with high nobles and such. Yet in the end, they were all the same: skeletons in coffins visited by only few.
     Allegro sat against a tree there, alone, his eyes closed and his head tilted back. It was difficult to tell whether he was asleep, or simply listening.

     Although he hadn't seen what was happening, Allegro could hear a familiar heartbeat and and even more familiar voice. He could hear it beat faster, with more nerves, and could even feel her hesitant breath against his face, but it slowly disappeared. To say he was disappointed was an understatement.
     Nevertheless, he opened his eyes slightly and smiled at Cordelia. "My, you braved the dead just to visit me?" he mused with a teasing tone. He opened his arms to invite her to lay against him. "Since you're here, why not spend some time with me? I'd rather just sit here than have tea, if that's fine?"

Cordelia Evergarden FairySugar

Cordelia huffed. That man. Inviting her to tea and then disappearing on the day she was supposed to arrive. To be fair it was possible he had forgotten after all his his head was always in the clouds. She had stumbled upon him by accident really,  deciding to go exploring (looking for him really but she would never admit that) after she found he had disappeared for the day. She grumbled quietly throwing twigs and leaves that had gotten caught in her hair when she saw something out of the corner of her eye and she glanced over to see him. His back was against a tree and his eyes were closed his face looked peaceful she stared for a moment unable to move before she quietly tipped toed over to the Prince assuming he was asleep. 

"Stupid Prince sleeping in such a place. " she whispered to herself as she moved closer to the sleeping Prince or what she assumed to be sleeping she huffed quietly as she watched him thinking he had no right to look as beautiful as he did in that moment. And with that thought came an overwhemling urge to kiss him. Her cheeks flushed at the thought and she looked away about to head back before she paused glancing back at the Prince. A little kiss wouldn't hurt would it? He wasn't even awake he'd never have to know. She glanced around her heart quicking in her chest as she moved closer to the sleeping Prince when they were close enough that a single movement would make their lips touch she hesitated. Blushing bright red and moving back. A Future queen did not take advantage of a sleeping man. She thoughy to herself sighing before brushing his hair away from his face. Deciding she would watch him sleep for just a little longer. 


Cordelia stood straight as she glanced up at the stars. The apple in her hand bleed red and was dripping though she tried to ignore it as she stared at the twinkling lights so far above. She wondered vaugly what would happen if one of those stars came crashing down to earth. Would they destroy her and this planet? She glanced at the pulsing glowing apple. Would it destroy her untill nothing else remained? 


Lorento looked to Cordelia after a small skirmish battle ended, finding the woman unharmed at the near edge of a cliff from the town that became a battlefield. The woman was looking up at the stars as she held an apple in her hand, the apple bleeding bright red liquid, the stars above glowing brightly among the smoke from the battle aftermath.

"Hey...are you alright? What is with that...Apple?" The soldier asked the woman, walking up to her as he disarmed himself as a way to show that he meant no aggression.

The German got no response, the woman named Cordelia in seemingly deep thought.

Deciding that Cordelia was not one to talk at the moment, Lorento stayed next to her as he ordered his gang group to once again focus on protecting civilians against their fleeing opponents that still decided to fire upon their more victorious enemy.


Another battle has ended for the Revolutionaries gang. Lorento has ordered his gang members to flee, the gang losing the battle to their opponent. He hated this life, another life of being in a constant cycle of war. First, you are forced to join a group you do not like just for mere survival, then you are placed into the trauma of war. Lorento stood alone in the aftermath of the town that has been turned into another battlefield, waiting for his brother to return until the pair of siblings can flee together.

Note for @NP: You can reply to his current life / Genshin Impact ver. or his past life / TIH ver. I am using his past life version but either is fine! Have fun! :)

Spot EggSalt

"Wow," Spot's voice sauntered out as the small watchdog scurried forwards, looking to-and-fro at the battle scene. 

He had seen many invasions, well--- of course he had. He used to be apart of them, taking over small planetoids or other places but....He hadn't ever quite seen battles this violent. Typically he would be knocked out by now and the citizens freed shortly after, or the invasion was quick and clean with an almost immediate surrender from intimidation alone...Maybe a few shocks from a blaster too. This was deeply different, and though he was quite used to mocking and parading around being a ''villain'' on his home lands this....Seemed almost wrong. Almost.

"...What...Happened here?" Spot questioned, eyeing Lorento with a calmness that he wasn't quite used to, "Did you fail some kind of invasion?"

It was easier to rationalize comforting a stranger if he simply pretended they were some overlord looking to conquer. No need to sacrifice himself for 'good-guy' deeds. Just two bad guys looking out for eachother.

"There's always next time! Make a new plan, yeah?" Oh Spot...War isn't that easy, "You'll uh, get them next time, I'm sure."

A watchdog was certainly not perfect comfort, but there was a clear effort in the torn apart town. Perhaps next time, an innocent could be saved for Lorento.


A thump was all it took to alert any passerby of something small, but a bit heavy hitting the dirt. A red blaster soon cluttered down next, slipping across the dirt pathetically.

"Ugh...dumb....dumb-," Spot growled, eyelid creased in minor pain and annoyance before he shouted softly, "Stupid planet! Stupid grass, stupid people--"

Bad day, huh Spot? Most residents kept their distance. An annoyed, lonely little eyeball with a blaster wasn't exactly something they sought after to interact with.

Overlord KillerBirds

It wasn't long before such ruckus caught the attention of an unknown figure. A tall, looming figure materialized over the seemingly miniscule foreigner. Much like him, he was also a foreigner to this planet. His intentions however were not evil ones, despite his appearance. He picked up the balster that traveled by his shroud of mist encircling where his legs would be.

"You're not from here," His voice curled in a deep unsettling way. He lifted up Spot and set him back on his feet, then handed the blaster back to him. After all, it wasn't his business what Spot was going to do with that. "But not to worry, I'm not from here either." He added, drawing his hand back behind his back.  He curiously studied Spot, as if searching for something. The knick in his helmet felt out of place, but he didn't worry or ask about it. He proceeded to clasp his hands out in front of his abdomen, and out of its void appeared a thorny looking plant with a captivating flower resting on top. It's smell was alluring as it was captivating.

"You can have this, for your troubles." He said gently placing it in front of Spot. The shroud of aether drifted backwards, and Overlord with it too. "Just whatever you do, don't consume it. Its poisonous-" In a flash he was hidden behind the aether as it seemingly warped out of existence, leaving the scene silent after his departure. 

Elsewhere in a place darkened by the night sky, the tall figure Overlord stared up in a jaded manner at the star ridden sky. Looking as expressionless and silent as ever, alone with his thoughts and open sky. Hands clasped behind his back and the cloud that would surround his legs flowing with the direction of the breeze.

Even though a face like his wouldn't convey many emotions, he seemed preoccupied- and a little weird standing in the middle of nowhere- studying what could possibly be so fascinating above.

His attention was quickly drawn to something else, as he stopped to turn where something was rummaging around from afar.


Overlord locked eyes with Val, and eased his poise realising it was just a bypasser.

"I am alright, but thank you for your concern. I can assure you that you are not interrupting," His tone was soft and unsuspecting. He followed Val at the motion.
"I'm unfamiliar with 'boba tea', but any new experience can be a good one." 

"Indeed I do not possess a mouth and cannot enjoy such delicacies, however I still do not mind coming along to be in your company." He reassured, sincerely as well.

 Val confusedthing

"Hey... are you okay?" he carefully asked, looking at the giant figure that was Overlord. "You look kind of lonely... sorry if I'm interrupting something. I- just so happened to come across, I got a little distracted on my way home. N-not that you think-" ...well, what exactly was he supposed to think? Val forgot. "Nevermind. Uhmm... how about we get some bubble tea? I know a place that is still open around this time! It always cheers me up and you look like you could need something to cheer you up." he decided, gently tucking at what looked like Overlord's sleeve to get him to follow him. "There are a looot of different flavors so I'm sure you'll find something you like, even if you have never tried it before!" He wasn't too sure if he had, so it was worth mentioning, right? 

Then something dawned on him. "You- wait, you can drink stuff, right?" He just now realized that the celestial being did not have a visible mouth. What a smart move! "We- we can do something else! Or- go somewhere else?" now he was a little unsure. "If you can't drink anything I mean." Val may not have been the smartest right now, but he sincerely wanted to cheer Overlord up!

(Poor Overlord probably just wanted to observe the night sky in peace.)

Val sighed quietly as he sat down on the rooftop, his feet dangling above the endless ground. Hopefully it was not illegal to come up here? It was just... nice. So quiet and peaceful. He felt at ease here, like he could just let go for a bit and not try to smile all the time to please people. (He probably didn't have to in the first place, that was just what he thought he needed to do.) For a bit he just drifted off, looking absent and probably a little lonely. It was very beautiful up here though...

While it would certainly be a charming image, Val was far from being an angel... quite the opposite, actually.
He didn't even think much about all the other people, for once, he just... he didn't really do or think anything to be honest, it was just peaceful up here.
The creaking door however made him spin around to see if he needed to run, but it was not the housekeeper, luckily. Instead it was someone who seemed just like another lonely soul. Or maybe he misinterpreted it. "It is, isn't it?" he asked with a smile. "It's a really nice place... and... you hit the nail on the head." Val chuckled. He liked it here, a lot and he understood very well why NV would, too. With that view and without any judging eyes... who wouldn't?
"Oh, no need to leave." Val said. "I wouldn't mind if you stayed here. After all this rooftop is just big enough for two people." Maybe he would even have liked company, but that was probably a weird thing to say to a stranger.

NV PicklePantry

     Realizing someone was already up here, NV quickly ducked back towards the door, but stopped just before a full retreat. They glanced over at the occupant. He was quite beautiful. Even at this distance, they could make out such soft features, silky hair, and smooth skin. Against the sunset, it was almost like bearing witness to an angel. Perhaps that's what he really was, and why he was really there, to look down at the people surely beneath him. A pitiful beast like themselves had no right to be even in the same building, so they turned to leave after their minute of appreciation. The door, however, was vocal about it, and caught Val's attention.
     NV stiffened, wanting to run more than anything, but stayed. They slowly turned to face Val. "I'm sorry for intruding," they murmured. "I didn't expect to find anyone here. I like to come here to think." They gazed around, then up at the sky. "It's still in the city, but tucked away from all the curious stares. I feel a lot less pressure and judgement when I'm up here. It's... relaxing. Is that why you came here, too?" They turned back to the door. "It's no business of mine. I'll leave. Sorry for interrupting."

     A deep, heavy sigh, and a forlorn glance down at their hand, NV sat at the base of a tree in an overgrown forest. It was far from civilization, barren of even much wildlife. It was a secluded piece of land abandoned by life, and for the Sin, it was the perfect spot to spend the rest of their days.
     They couldn't get that look out of their head, those hurt and betrayed eyes. Every blink as much as painted that memory perfectly in their mind. They'd almost welcome Envy's abuse if it meant not having to remember the pain they caused all on their own, yet even it had gotten quiet lately.
     Love-- Positivity, for that matter-- was a foreign concept for NV, especially when receiving it. The words and compliments alone were difficult for them to hear, something they weren't used to and would immediately assume was done from a place of ridicule, and touch, gifts... those were too overwhelming for them. Not to mention Envy itself, always wanting more and more, even from those that were so kind to them. It wouldn't have ended with him, Envy would have soon wanted all the people they considered friends... and they wouldn't be able to resist.
     Another sigh, a clenched fist. NV closed their eye. Solitude was the best option.

     Silence. It was the first time they'd ever really experienced it. Was Envy shocked at their cruelty, was that why it wasn't talking? In a sense, they almost wished it would sneer at them. Like this, it felt so lonely.
     Upon hearing a new voice, NV slowly opened their eye to look at the young man smiling innocently at them. "Ominous..." they echoed quietly. They'd have scoffed if they weren't so down. As if anyone could be more ominous than them.
     The young man crouched down and spoke more, almost in a threatening tone despite his excited energy. Then, his eyes flickered briefly with a dark magic. NV's eye sparked with an electric green almost as if in reply. "I came here hoping no one would be around," they explained. "Dangerous, sweet, they'll all end up the same way to me. I can't stop it anymore." They paused. "Is that why you're here?" They tilted their head back to get a better look at Teer. "Being here with confidence like that, and the power surrounding you. You must have come here to be secluded too. You must know what it's like to be a monster, too."

Teer Taeya

Something peculiar has taken Teers interest. A figure with a green jacket and face hidden in bandages, sitting at the roots of a tree in a forest he stumbled into. Truthfully, Teer wouldn't be able to tell anyone how he got into the dense and lonely forest in the first place. Sometimes, he just wanders and gets lost in thoughts. And then he gets lost in general. While loudly slurping the last drops of his soda up with a straw, Teer stared at NV intensely, unblinking. By now he probably had their attention, too. It wasn't the fact that they were covered in bandages that drew him in, it was... something else. Something agonizingly sinister. Teer could practically smell the despair in NV. Now, if only he could get a taste of it.
Soda can still in hand, he walked up to them with an onimous smile. "Hello!" he began in a strangely chipper tone. "I couldn't help but notice you looking pretty gloomy over here... Be sad all you want, but aren't you worried that you might meet some ominous personalities out here?" he asked, as if he wasn't said ominous personality. "Unless..." Teer squatted down to be on eye-level with NV.  "You can afford to be this vulnerable?" He snickered shortly. "I'm just curious. You can never know what hides behind a persons normal-looking exterior." What was normal to Teer? With one blink of his eyes, his scleras turned into a deep black, as if to show off a glimpse of his fellow 'monster'ship. "Come on. You know what I mean, right?"

At night, in a car dump sat a young man all alone on on one of the wrecked cars. The sky was cloudy, but windows in the clouds would reveal stars, shining bright, anyways. He looked up at them wistfully. They reminded him of what once was his. Was he really right to just let it go like that? Should he have been more selfish, like he usually was with so many other things?
Initially he came to this unpleasant place to have some quiet time alone, but now he only felt more empty. Who knew how long he'd stay here? It's already been hours. He sighed and layed on his back, before slowly closing his eyes.

Teer @ Joker (also look at you reviving two games i killed thank you so much 😔)

It was so quiet and tranquil. Despite how uncomfortable the top of a wrecked car is, Teer seemed to almost fall asleep. However, his eyes snapped back open when he heard a disturbance in the silence. Someone was approaching. After hearing a simple "Hey" as confirmation that there was, in fact, a person, he gazed towards them. A tall guy with black hair and bright blue eyes. Teer silently heard him out, before turning around on his belly to then sit up on the car, and continue to vacantly stare at him instead of shaking the hand offered to him. Who knew what he was thinking right now.
Finally, his expression changed into a smirk. "Hmm Joker... I like that name." he said in a chillingly calm voice. "My name is Teer. It's nice to meet you, too." The teal haired man reached to take a cigarette from the packet offered to him. "No, you'll stay here..." Wow that didn't sound like Joker even had a choice. "I didn't think anyone else would come to this place. I'm actually pretty glad to see you. It was starting to get a little depressing..." He put the cigarette in his mouth. "You got a light?"