The OC above is looking lonely...

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by Mars KountrysideGrizzly

This thread will work in a similar style to except, instead of having an OC being behind you, they’re looking rather lonely. Maybe you can do something to cheer them up? Or perhaps you will take this opportunity to your advantage?


1: You can make your interaction as long as you’d like it to be

2: After you have completed your interaction with the OC above, you must make a line explaining how they are feeling, what they are doing or even, what they are saying. Please remember to use quotation marks (“”) as speech and asterisks (*) as actions or descriptions. 

3: Props of any kind are allowed. 

4: In regard to rule 3, if your interaction is explicit or 18+, you must put this interaction under a spoiler. To do this, just press the lock button and type whatever you want. When it comes to interaction for the OC below, you cannot make it explicit or 18+. It is strongly advised that you do not make your interactions explicit or 18+ because users under 18 will have access to this thread.

5: The ban will work in a three strike system. A third strike will ban you from the thread. An example of when this rule applies is in rule 4, in which explicit or 18+ content without the spoiler tab will give you a strike. If there is a serious problem, you may be skipped to strike 3 and blocked from all of my future threads. 

6: Make sure that you only use one of your characters per interaction. Extra characters can be included for the OC above but they must have a reason to leave them alone afterwards.

7: To make enquires to a user without interacting as your character. You must put this in brackets and tag them in the bracket to talk to them. E.g. (CheesyWotsits2 can I draw this interaction please?)

8: If there is anything that needs to be directly addressed to me, tag me with the brackets or, in a serious case, message me as soon as possible.

9: All characters are accepted! Seriously, don’t be shy about having a human OC finding a lonely monster OC or whatever species they want to use and vice versa.

10: Direct links that lead to explicit or 18+ content will lead to a strike. Direct links to content suitable for all audiences is fine. This also applies to images that you insert into this thread.

Strike 1

No one

Strike 2

No one

Strike 3/banned users

No one


User 1: *(character) sighs and sits on a bench, looking really glum*

User 2: *(character) sits down next to (user 1’s character) and offers a hug* “don’t be so glum, chum!

“wow, I love this book!”

User 3: ...

And so on.

(It is strongly advised that you make your interactions longer than the example. Simple ones are not as great as complex interactions, if you know what I mean.)

We’ll be starting this thread with Mars.

“Argh, I can’t let this one get overdue!” *Mars is sitting on the bench, ambitiously rushing in to complete her coursework as fast as she could*

Novem Aloofcloud

Ennette, a foolish woman who had taken a liking to the 'kind' detective.  Though, it came to no surprise that she did, she was suppose to, Novem went to great lengths to make sure he always came across as gentle, caring, a man you want to introduce to your parents and settle down with.  Unfortunately, Novem was absolutely none of those things, that was all a guise built to put people under his thumb easily.  Ennette just happened to be one of said people, poor women.  

It was instances like this that made it so easy for him to stay in Ennette's good graces, he had spotted her alone on a bench, looking sadly down at her hand in her lap.  The disguised kitsune doesn't hesitate at all as he approaches the woman, taking a seat right next to her with the same warm smile he'd always give her.  "Hey, what's wrong?  It's rare to see you looking so sad, want to talk about it?"  His voice is filled with what one could consider genuine concern, but in truth Novem didn't care.

The meeting with Ennette's father did nothing to dissuade Novem from pursuing the woman, he could easily feel the king's disdain for him behind his smile, yet couldn't be bothered to care.  Perhaps one day Ennette will come to her senses and realize that Novem is about as bad as it can get, but today probably wouldn't be that day. 

((Ennette I implore you to punch this man in the face-))


NP: Novem is 100% faking it if he's looking lonely, he's just going to lure you in to become your 'friend' if you can be useful v.v 

Ambrosia/X5-315 toynbeees

Ambrosia isn't usually the kind of woman to approach a random guy for no reason. It's a tough world, she has a kid to think of, and quite frankly she gets by just fine by minding her own business... but there was something about the man's doleful expression, those baleful grey eyes, that had concern twisting in Ambrosia's gut.

"You look like you could use an ear," she murmurs, settling onto the bench beside the man. He's not particularly tall, but the way he's hunched over makes him appear even smaller. They're almost exactly eye height as Ambrosia offers him a genuine smile. "I know that you probably don't want some stranger intruding but, ah, if you need an ear... I'm Ambrosia, by the way."

The man offers a soft smile, and Ambrosia feels her stomach flutter. It's been a long time since anyone has made her feel like that; he's oddly attractive, in a gentlemanly kind of way. 

"Novem," he says, and his voice is even sweeter than honey.

It instantly makes Ambrosia feel relaxed, and she feels herself sinking into the seat without even meaning to. "Nice to meet you, Novem. Would you like to grab coffee together?"

(Her intuition is usually pretty good, but she has a soft spot for Sad Bois and probably wouldn't even notice she was being used :/ )


@NP; Ambrosia's usually pretty upbeat, so if she's looking lonely it's definitely serious. Maybe her little girl has just started school, and she's missing her?

Ambrosia/X5-315 toynbeees

Ambrosia isn't usually the kind of woman to approach a random guy for no reason. It's a tough world, she has a kid to think of, and quite frankly she gets by just fine by minding her own business... but there was something about the man's doleful expression, those baleful grey eyes, that had concern twisting in Ambrosia's gut.

"You look like you could use an ear," she murmurs, settling onto the bench beside the man. He's not particularly tall, but the way he's hunched over makes him appear even smaller. They're almost exactly eye height as Ambrosia offers him a genuine smile. "I know that you probably don't want some stranger intruding but, ah, if you need an ear... I'm Ambrosia, by the way."

The man offers a soft smile, and Ambrosia feels her stomach flutter. It's been a long time since anyone has made her feel like that; he's oddly attractive, in a gentlemanly kind of way. 

"Novem," he says, and his voice is even sweeter than honey.

It instantly makes Ambrosia feel relaxed, and she feels herself sinking into the seat without even meaning to. "Nice to meet you, Novem. Would you like to grab coffee together?"

(Her intuition is usually pretty good, but she has a soft spot for Sad Bois and probably wouldn't even notice she was being used :/ )


@NP; Ambrosia's usually pretty upbeat, so if she's looking lonely it's definitely serious. Maybe her little girl has just started school, and she's missing her?

Violet Starling Vapor

Violet hadn't stepped foot in a school in... forever. But, it was that time of the year where parents sent their little ones off in a tantrum, for once separated from their dearest guardians. Though she wasn't a parent -- and goodness knows she had no plans to get into the mess of obtaining one -- Violet knew that look well enough, having learned it over the years. Her first thought was to pity the child, lost in a sea of equally-confused brats and forced to listen to some stranger when, hey, wasn't stranger danger a really big deal?!

But, anyways, Violet was... a bit solitary, sure, though she wasn't about to leave the stranger looking so down.

"Don't really strike me as the type to sit around moping." the older woman said, speaking plainly in her slow, southern rasp, "Look like the smart type, and like you're pretty used to being around kids. S'that what's going on?" A bit more curiously -- and with some sympathy -- she looked over Ambrosia. Maybe she shouldn't pry, maybe she was making things up, but she felt the need to do... something. Thing was, she didn't know this woman so well. She didn't know what to offer, and frankly, Ambrosia seemed like the jumpy type. Maybe not the "scream and run away" type, but the shy, demure kind of person who would hesitate on some social situations.

But, if there was something that always made Violet happy, and that she felt made most other people happy, it was...

"You like magic tricks?" asked Violet, already bracing herself to start flinging cards around, "I got a couple up my sleeve, maybe literally. Maybe not so literally. Your choice."

Girls love magic tricks.


Chad Bradshaw PicklePantry

     "Suh, brah! Looks like we're baseball buddies!" chimed Chad as he plopped down in the seat besides Violet. He held up his baseball ticket as if she'd want proof, then pointed at the field. "They don't say it, but these are totally great seats, brah. You get to see everything at just the right angle, ch'yeah. But I bet that's why you got these tickets too, right?"

     He juggled his stuff-- his giant, soft pretzel, his popcorn, his hot dog, his water, his selfie stick, his foam finger. After maybe ten minutes of fidgeting, he found himself in a comfortable position and tossed another smile Violet's way. "It's totally rad that someone your age can go to these on your own. Like, I always see people with their grandkids, ch'yeah-- Some of those people are my age! My age, brah! Isn't that wild?"
     He put his phone on his selfie stick and held it out, turning the flash on and waving. "Suh, brahs, we're at the game! It's so good!" Maybe this was why he usually sat alone at these games. Looking at Violet again, Chad moved closer and aimed the camera at them. "Look, bros, I've got a... friend..."

     No reflection...?

Crimson PurpleAsters

In the years Crimson Rider had been bound to Earth he'd seen many things, from global catastrophes to the fall of nations. Humans... interested him. They were strange, and while he'd never truely question their creation he does at times wonder why they were created to feel emotions. Though he supposes it was their fault, as he'd been taught. But Crimson thinks that the feeling of loneliness must be a burden to bare. 

Chad is a kind man, he can sense that, but he's not pure. So few humans were, but he doesn't judge their fate, only guides their souls to their respective destinations. Despite that, he senses no cruelness in this man's soul. Crimson doesn't understand. But humans are a strange creature and seeing a man of Chad's size looking so small on that bench in that empty park made Crimson nearly sympathetic. He's unsure what the man is upset about, but maybe that doesn't matter. 

Crimson settles beside the man, his presence seems to go unnoticed, it seems like so few humans can see him and he wouldn't be surprised if Chad didn't either. He gets comfortable, back straight and wings near awkwardly surrounding the two in a bubble and calmness. The angel blinks. "Why are you sad, little human?" 

he gets not answer, of course he doesn't. Crimson hums to himself, unsure of a way to help. He frowns, curling his wings tighter in to falsely hide them both from the world in that moment. "I suppose an answer is not to be. I know not what causes you such turmoil, but I'll stay by your side, little human, until you see fit to leave and brighten your face... forgive me and my lack of further assistance."

NP: Crim is slowly becoming corrupted by sin, which means he's developing human emotions and traits. He's still naive,but his relationships with those around him effect him much more than he thinks. 

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En Litari II ([King En]) PicklePantry

     "I had a feeling you were the one taking care of his grave," En chuckled when he caught Isolde in the royal cemetery. He stood besides her and gazed at Allegro's grave, taken well care of and clean with fresh flowers. "The cemetery was his favorite place to go to," he murmured, "He liked coming here for peace and quiet. He always came here when he was stressed. It was quiet, but he also liked people not seeing him not tranquil and calm. Even though he was always so carefree, I think even he felt the burden of his influence now and then." He smiled at her. "I bet that's all stuff you already knew, though, right?"

     How strange it felt. To think so many years had passed. Isolde was as beautiful and strict as she had always been, but En's appearance had changed quite a bit. He always wondered how Allegro would have reacted to seeing him know. Proud, for sure, and that's all that truly mattered.

     "I'm not a musician-- I mean, I can sing a scale now, heh-- but I wonder if this place has the same affect on you as it did with Allegro. Does it calm you down? It gives me the chills, if I'm being honest." He peered at the objects surrounding her. "Are you writing more music? I don't know how you keep getting the energy to do it on top of all those concerts. Your last one was nice, by the way."

     Another silent moment passed, and he gave her a gentle smile. "Don't take too long out here, okay? Make sure to grab some dinner before you leave. Plus, Ennette keeps asking where you are so she can play her lyre with you."

You can reply to him, his younger self, or his evil self!

Marco Taeya


"Hello, handsome. All alone on valentines day? How sad. Your boyfriend should treat you better." Marco teased with a somewhat forced smile when he spotted En hanging out by himself. He notably held one hand behind his back, as if he was trying to hide something, while approaching.
"I uh..." He stopped in front of the prince and averted his eyes in shame. "I know I said I had plans today. But the thing is I.. kinda forgot it was valentines day..." Marco sheepishly scratched his neck. "I canceled the plans, of course. So, uh... Happy valentines day, Enny!" Regaining a bit of confidence in his smile, he revealed what he was hiding behind his back. A white gift bag with a cute yellow bow. It's content were that of chocolate, a valentines card and two whole onions. Inside the card it read 'if you read this it means you're cute and don't you dare think otherwise' in Marcos handwriting, along with many drawn hearts and one... what appears to be a frog holding a flower. He handed it to En.
"Please forgive me." He smacked his hands together in front of him and lowered his head. "I love you and you deserve the world and I never wanna lose you and if you don't hate my face..." He peeked up to his boyfriend with puppy dog eyes. "We could spend the rest of the day together?"

(Bit late here lol I hope you still see this)

Marco didn't like poking in anyone's business. But having nothing else to do, a sight like this was sure to peak his curiosity. His staring was rewarded with quite the ominous sentence. "You've heard- wait what?!" It spooked him. The pit in his stomach that the sight of the deceased crow gave him grew deeper. Has this guy been watching him? What else did this guy know? Marco took half a step back.
Despite Zeros claims that he hasn't been stalking Marco, he still didn't quite feel at ease. Especially when he also revealed that he knows of Marcos angel DNA. They've.. told him, huh? Marco eyed the crows with a bit of a stink eye.
"Whaaat? An angel?? ME?? Why would they ever-" His (bad) attempts at denying the accusations stopped when he saw the look in Zeros face. He remained silent, hearing the other out. They really were important to him, weren't they? He couldn't read crows very well, but if even they were mourning...
With a sigh, Marco held the bird. "Alright I will give your friend my.. angel blessing?" He certainly didn't know what that even meant. But maybe it'll mean something to Zero if he at least tried. "A friend, a fowl,... among other things have left us. Flap thy sabled little wings and fly to crow heaven, little one. May uh... May you always caw gleefully in our memory."
Marco wistfully watched as the flock of birds flew away. How nice that at least they have each other. "Yeah, I... think I do."
And then respectfully indulged in the moment of silence.

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Four "Mine" Aloofcloud


They had crossed paths once.  But only once, and not in the best of circumstances, Four still remembers the outline of the body felled by Nameless.  Perhaps her ideals were too soft of for this world, one would think as soon as her eyes fell onto the form of a giant of a cultist that she would book it to safety.  Yet, something seemed so melancholic about the air around the taller man, it held the woman in her place. 

Her brown eyes stayed on Nameless, clutching her basket filled with flower close to her chest as if it'd act as a shield between the two, decorations for her home.  Against her better judgment, Four approaches Nameless, her expression resembling that of a startled deer the whole time. She doesn't say anything as she approaches, she isn't even sure what to say.  Four takes a quiet seat next to Nameless, stealing a few apprehensive glances towards him.  Sometimes it was best to share silence with someone, people talked when they wanted to, and kept silent when it was silence they wanted. 

Turning her attention to her basket, Four rummages through her assortment, pulling out a handful of baby's breath, extending it out to Nameless, it's not an olive branch, but it is in place of one. 

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