The OC above is looking lonely...

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 4 years, 11 months ago) by Mars KountrysideGrizzly

This thread will work in a similar style to except, instead of having an OC being behind you, they’re looking rather lonely. Maybe you can do something to cheer them up? Or perhaps you will take this opportunity to your advantage?


1: You can make your interaction as long as you’d like it to be

2: After you have completed your interaction with the OC above, you must make a line explaining how they are feeling, what they are doing or even, what they are saying. Please remember to use quotation marks (“”) as speech and asterisks (*) as actions or descriptions. 

3: Props of any kind are allowed. 

4: In regard to rule 3, if your interaction is explicit or 18+, you must put this interaction under a spoiler. To do this, just press the lock button and type whatever you want. When it comes to interaction for the OC below, you cannot make it explicit or 18+. It is strongly advised that you do not make your interactions explicit or 18+ because users under 18 will have access to this thread.

5: The ban will work in a three strike system. A third strike will ban you from the thread. An example of when this rule applies is in rule 4, in which explicit or 18+ content without the spoiler tab will give you a strike. If there is a serious problem, you may be skipped to strike 3 and blocked from all of my future threads. 

6: Make sure that you only use one of your characters per interaction. Extra characters can be included for the OC above but they must have a reason to leave them alone afterwards.

7: To make enquires to a user without interacting as your character. You must put this in brackets and tag them in the bracket to talk to them. E.g. (CheesyWotsits2 can I draw this interaction please?)

8: If there is anything that needs to be directly addressed to me, tag me with the brackets or, in a serious case, message me as soon as possible.

9: All characters are accepted! Seriously, don’t be shy about having a human OC finding a lonely monster OC or whatever species they want to use and vice versa.

10: Direct links that lead to explicit or 18+ content will lead to a strike. Direct links to content suitable for all audiences is fine. This also applies to images that you insert into this thread.

Strike 1

No one

Strike 2

No one

Strike 3/banned users

No one


User 1: *(character) sighs and sits on a bench, looking really glum*

User 2: *(character) sits down next to (user 1’s character) and offers a hug* “don’t be so glum, chum!

“wow, I love this book!”

User 3: ...

And so on.

(It is strongly advised that you make your interactions longer than the example. Simple ones are not as great as complex interactions, if you know what I mean.)

We’ll be starting this thread with Mars.

“Argh, I can’t let this one get overdue!” *Mars is sitting on the bench, ambitiously rushing in to complete her coursework as fast as she could*

 Joker confusedthing

(^ Aaa no worries D: And they are friends now, confirmed. XD)

He was on one of his usual nightly rounds when he came by the - usually empty - car dump and saw someone laying on one of the cars. For a moment he debated whether approaching them was a good idea or not, but in the end... he couldn't really die anyway, so what was there to be afraid of? So he decided to check on the dude on the car, moving way too silently but the other seemed to notice him anyway. "Hey." he greeted plainly. "You okay? I saw you laying there and I dunno... I guess was worried or something, because it's late and, you know..." The guy awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. "Well that was probably weird. I'm sorry. I'm-" he extended his hand for a formal greeting but didn't continue, instead sighed and lowered his hand again. He honestly didn't know anymore. "You can call me Alistair. Or Joker. Or whatever you can think of." Welp, now that they got that out of the way! "Nice to meet you... I can- leave you alone if I was intruding, I don't know... uhm... but if you need someone to listen or something- I know, I'm rambling but I'm actually a pretty decent listener." he offered. "Do you- do you want one?" he asked, holding up his packet of cigarettes. Smoking instead of rambling because he couldn't talk to people usually worked! Sooo... 

Another night, another round of walking around aimlessly until the sun got up and people were everywhere again... he let out a sigh and just flopped down on the slightly damp grass. Kind of felt nice... even nicer once he lit a cigarette. Maybe he would just lay here. Until everything had passed. Was that even possible? Neither he or what was supposedly his partner were subject to the passing of time. Oh well.

He was lost in thought, more than he was comfortable with, until he heard a voice behind him. Instead of turning like a normal person he just tilted his head back until he could actually see Yeli. Like... an owl? "I- uhm- what-" he stammered, only now realizing that this was probably not public property. Whoops! "I am. so sorry." he sighed, rubbing his eyes as if that would help anything. At least he somewhat rolled out of the way so the man could get to his roses. The whole situation was a little awkward, to say the least. "It is very nice grass." he agreed. "Very comfortable." Joker added, almost sounding defeated. That would haunt him. Just flopping down in a stranger's yard. What a great thing to do... "I hope I haven't ruined anything, I'm sorry." he would probably repeat about 10 more times that he was indeed very sorry.
"Sometimes I'm not sure if I want to let things catch up or just continue running..." he said honestly, before putting on a smile that most people found more comforting than his depressed rambling. "You're right though. ...thank you. ...and you seem to be very good at gardening, if I remember correctly growing roses successfully is actually pretty difficult?" he decided to focus on that instead of his previous thoughts. Plants were awesome, although he prefered houseplants. Mainly because he only had a balcony. Although at least some stuff was growing there. 

"Hm? Oh... thank you." he mumbled, a bit surprised by the gift. For a brief moment there was an actual, genuine smile on his face. He was easy to please, probably. Just not being ignored really did the trick. Still, he was not sure if he should get up and leave or just stay here and pretend he was supposed to lay on this grass, because that made sense, right? For some reason Yeli's presence was rather... pleasant? Even though he was sure they hadn't met before. He would remember that, he remembered almost every face, even if they just sat across from him on the bus. Well. 

Yeli M. S. PicklePantry

     The voice came from behind; feeble and unsure whether to be louder and more known. When Joker would look behind him he would notice a young man in a brown flannel smiling awkwardly at him. "I'm glad you're enjoying the lawn. I enjoy the sunrise, myself, but would you mind moving? I need to get to my roses."
     After another awkward moment, this one accompanied by a chuckle, the man knelt down and set down a bucket and a trowel next to him. "It's soft grass, isn't it?" the man mused while putting on his gloves. "I planted it myself. I wanted something that would feel good to walk on every day. I like to think I succeeded if it's attracted even you." A friendly smile, it quickly turned concerned. "Oh, I'm sorry, you seem very lost in thought. Are you okay?" Nevertheless, he turned back to his roses and observed which needed pruning. "Sometimes it's good to take a moment and let things catch up with you. Nowadays we move so fast, and things change so much that it can be easy to forget about ourselves while we get swept away. It's why I love gardening so much."
     There was a snip, then a red rose was handed to Joker. The man smiled. "Here, take it. I think it matches your eyes quite nicely."

     Yeli slumped against his grocery cart in the middle of the store, staring at his phone with a thin smile on his face. Nobody else was there in the aisle, and there was nobody running over to him. He was all alone, though it was hard to tell whether he was content with that or not.


The grocery she needed was right behind yeli " excuse me sir?? I need something behind you " she asked, her wings close to her side. After she got the groceries she smiled at yeli " whats your name?? Im Campbell! " she introduced herself. After hearing his name she grinned " nice to meet you yeli! Im fond of your outfit options! " she proceeded to talk on and on about stuff like the customer service, her favorite foods, how she wanted to be his friend, but she eventually had to leave " here's my number! Keep in touch "


Campbell was very lonely today. In the old abandoned house she sung " all eyes on me " by or3o and it filled the old house. She had such emotion in her voice.

NV PicklePantry

     "Oh, it's you again," NV mumbled from the doorway. They carefully took a step inside the building, avoiding a broken plank of wood while dusting dirt off their jacket. "I heard singing. I didn't know it was you. It was beautiful."
     They put their hands in their jacket's pockets, and silence settled over them. Conversation was never their strong suit, especially with someone so beautiful and talented like Campbell. They were half-tempted to turn tail and run. Someone like Campbell, even if she seemed lonely, it was possible she preferred this solitude, at least more so than being around them. Yet their legs stayed glued, with only one thought running through their mind.
     "That was fun the other day," they brought up. "The festival, I mean. I had fun. Thank you for spending time with me." Another pause. "Would it be okay to hear you sing again? I liked hearing it."

     NV leaned against the brick railing from the rooftops of the small building, gazing down at the busy street. People moved around in all kinds of speeds, all kinds of directions, reminding them of ants. Yet each one was so individual and different, with their own styles, their own expressions. Each one was beautiful in their own right. To be like that, to have plans, to have people to come back to, to have a place in society, how they wondered so endlessly what it was like.

(      )

 Yashar confusedthing

Upon entering the rooftop Yashar noticed he was not alone, probably even intruding. "Good evening." he still greeted politely with his robotic smile, that slowly had begun to become more human, if one could call it that. "You do seem a little melancholic, is that correct?" the android inquired. "Would you like to talk about it?" he tilted his head, trying to focus on NV. There was not much to recognize about the stranger, he only wondered if breathing would be difficult with all these bandages, if they even needed to?
His eyes continued to wander, observing the street for a brief moment. "Humans are fascinating, aren't they?" he mused, blinking while he processed that he had just 'thought' out loud. "I apologize. I have been terribly rude. My name is Yashar, I am a- service android, I suppose." with no one to serve, but that did not matter, did it? "I did not mean to intrude. If you would prefer to be alone, please let me know and I will take my leave. However, my offer does stand. I would quite like to have a conversation with you, if you want to."

Yashar had stopped dead in his tracks in the middle of a busy walkway. Where was he going again? Without a clear objective it was difficult to coordinate. He did not have any memory issues, he was just... lost? That was probably the closest possible description. Before another person would run into him and curse he sat down on a nearby bench while he tried to figure out where he had been going.

The human attempting to help him was odd. Why would he care? Yashar curiously looked up at the stranger, giving a faint polite smile like he had learned to put on. He was about to ask how he could be of assistance, when instead he was offered help? "Oh I am- I suppose, I am not lost, considering I have nowhere to go. Although I did begin to wonder what the point in walking around was, without a clear objective." The android explained. "But that can not be helped, as I do not have an owner anymore. Therefore no objectives." He did not exactly read Nikolai's emotions, he just noticed that something seemed to be bothering the man. "Is everything alright, Nik?" Yashar asked, focused on pronouncing the name correctly. "Is something bothering you?" 

When he finally asked that question the android gave another smile. "They are antennae and part of my energy sources." The android seemed to almost find the last notion amusing. "Do not worry, I do not feel, as far as I know. I am merely a service android without anyone to service."


Nikolai was walking down the same walkway as Yashar that day, just minding his own business for the most part… but seeing the person stop dead in their tracks for no apparent reason immediately made him concerned. He walked next to the person, and pulled him away from the rest of the people walking so he wouldn’t get in the way. He smiled down at Yashar, not at all off put by his appearance.

”Hello! I’m Nikolai, but you can call me Nik! Are you okay? You looked a bit… lost. And confused. Do you need some help finding where to go?”

Nikolai said, looking a tad worried about what might’ve happened to him. Though there was a good chance he was just lost. He looked a bit closer, seeing his appearance a bit closer up. It definitely interested Nik, and he wanted to ask about it now, but he didn’t want to come across as rude! He hated being rude. So he’d just ask something simple to start.

”Why do you have horns? Not to be rude, of course! Just wondering...” 

Nik asked, his voice trailing off at the end there, as he felt extremely awkward asking that. He felt like he was prying. He didn’t want to do that!

”Don‘t feel like you need to answer, of course…”


Nikolai was definitely lonely. And that was something the young man wasn’t used to. He was almost never really lonely! But since Vincent and Richard were away for the day, and all of his other friends and siblings were busy… there wasn’t much for Nik to do at the moment. He was just sitting on the front steps of the house, watching people pass him by and waving. He looked happy, but truly he felt bad. He felt like a raincloud was drizzling on him, even if he wasn’t full blown sad… he wasn‘t doing so hot either. He let out a sigh, letting his usually big smile fall into a more neutral and sad look. It was a bit off putting, as his face wasn’t built to look anything but happy. He just didn’t have it in him to smile for right now.


Nikolai was a bit concerned as he watched Fulvous shapeshift, but he didn’t have much room to judge… he was immortal himself. Plus, it didn’t seem to hurt them, so Nik supposed that it was fine. He tried to look through their goggles to return their gaze, but they were so dark he couldn’t see them well… he hated it when he couldn’t make eye contact. He just felt awkward. He sighed when they finished speaking, and looked down at them with his big sad eyes. 

”I’m fine. I’m just…” Nik sighed again. “Lonely, I guess. I miss my partners… they‘re going to a fancy restaurant a few hours away, and I don’t like fancy restaurants… so I stayed home. But then all my siblings and my friends were busy so now I’m all alone. And  don’t like being alone!”

Nik said, almost immediately feeling like he’d said too much. 

”But I don’t need anything. I would prefer it if you could stay here. What’s your name? My name is Nikolai. Most people call me Nik…” 

He muttered, feeling a little less bad now that he was actually talking to someone, even if he had spilled a bit too much during his small rant. He felt a tad less lonely then he did before, at least.

Fulvous (Demon (ATSB Crossover AU)) PolarisStorm

Fulvous had been, well... Doing what they usually do: Harassing poor strangers on the street in their demon form because it was fun watching them scream and cry. They were a supervillain, after all, so it was HILARIOUS to them to terrify people who have never seen a demon before.

But... After noticing Nikolai, they paused. Their tail fell, then swished from side to side as they examined the older man. Well, first off, it was no fun bullying someone who looked as sad and depressed as he did. Shockingly enough, they had a heart- two, actually- and mocking depressed people really was just too far for their tastes. And even then, it wasn't like it was fun when someone didn't have the will to fight back. Not only that, but... They noticed his eyes as well. Those heterochromic eyes... As someone who absolutely hated their own eyes because of heterochromia, there was a bit of empathy for him, even if he didn't hate his eyes.

So, after a while, they shapeshifted back into their human form and sat next to him. "Bro, are you, like... Good?" they asked, looking up at the taller man. "Do you need something? I can get whatever you need, or... I guess just leave if you want. Or stay. Whatever."

... At least they're trying.

Fulvous, currently in their human form, sat sulking on a bench. Well, they were quite lonely, but what was new? They had a few friends, but... Black was asleep, Silver was at work, Carmine wasn't out, and Satan knows where the hell everybody else was. That wasn't their main issue, but it certainly made things worse. Their issue was, everyone seemed to have gotten their happy ending after the battle. Everybody except for them. They still constantly felt like shit over everything that had happened, still had nightmares and their fears of getting hurt like that again... It still hurt, a lot. Everything still fucking hurt, but what the hell could they do? It wasn't like anybody fucking cared! They had gotten to kill him back, they had thought that would fix everything, and yet, and fucking yet!

Suddenly, Fulvous made a hiss to themself, before grabbing a rock on the ground and throwing it with all of their strength across the street... Which, considering they're a demon, was a fuck ton of force. It went directly through a window of a building across the street. Immediately after, they shoved their face in their hands and began to cry. Why couldn't they just be happy?

Fulvous lifted their head up as they heard footsteps, ready to yell at whoever was coming to get the fuck away from them... Only to pause as they realized that it was a kid. "What?" they managed to mutter, not able to hide the aggression in their voice.

They quietly listened to the young boy for a moment or two, before replying, "Uh... First off, I ain't no sir. I'm agender. Also, what the hell even is noise?" They sighed and shook their head, before continuing, "... But sure, I guess. What games you got, kid? And what's your name?"

(v It's okay, it happens!)

Pachi zidanetribal

( changed chara thought he'd fit better my bad lmao - IM SO SORRY I DIDN'T SEE FULVOUS WAS AGENDER MY BAD... )

Stepping over the cracked and faulted sidewalk, Pachi was making his way towards his next fighting tournament, aiming for the top prize as always. Despite his waning motivation following that hell of a stupid game they found themselves in mere weeks ago, they still wanted to believe they could do it, so he put a bit of confidence in his step, until--


"...Uhm?" A sizeable rock just flew right past Pachi's line of vision, stopping them dead in their tracks as it flew right into the window of another arcade. probably breaking a few machines with the amount of force that went into the throw. The noise couldn't be back, but could they...? Wearily, the teen surveyed his surroundings, and found a blonde, coat-clad man just up ahead to his left, sitting on a bench looking just about done with life. Normally, Pachi would move on and pay no attention-- even with a throw like that-- but something was different about this guy. Pachi's senses were slowly returning to how they were before his untimely "death", but they could see literal red around this guy; he was possessed by some sort of Noise lingering about, and it was clearly irritating the poor man. Nothing Pachi could get rid of now, but a rare sense of remorse fell onto the young kid. He was going to be a little late to his tournament-- as always-- but he at least wanted to station himself by the man until the noise in his body dissipated.

Cautiously, Pachi approached, dropping their duffle bag full of wires and controllers to the side of the bench and plopping down onto the bench next to the sulking stranger. "...Hi. I'm not gonna lie to you, sir; you're being possessed by stuff called Noise. Might go away, might not. You could end up doing bad stuff with it in 'ya, so... I'm just gonna sit here for, say, 30 minutes or until you go 'I'm fine', or something." Pachi fessed, playing with his hands as he spoke, almost as if they were practicing with an air controller. "...I got a DS. You want to play around with it or stare at it or something? That'd help."

Another tournament came and went. Pachi won, thank the guy upstairs, but it was late when things wrapped up, so most kids their age were heading back home to tend to their scholarly duties. He had some older friend-mentors he could mingle with, but they were all going out for drinks-- not exactly something Pachi could do, and his friends at least knew that. Packing everything and his shiny new medal into his duffle bag, Pachi stepped outside underneath the buzzing neon lights of the arcade, making his way towards a 24/7 diner. After receiving a few inquisitive stares from waitresses, he slinked down into a booth next to the jukebox, slipping his beanie over his eyebrows as he rested his head onto the table. There were a few groups of older teens talking excitedly in the diner to one another across the way, but Pachi was all on their own, even with his relative popularity. It felt so lonely being alone in a crowd, and it felt so lonely to stare at the others without a word... They felt the noise start accumulating around them, and they felt powerless to fend it off. Only the faint glow of the neon lights above him and the crackle of the jukebox provided some sort of comfort, but it seemed someone of surprising interest was approaching him just before disaster...

 Mi confusedthing

"Hey, are you okay?" Mi inquired as she stopped in front of Pachi. She had wanted to pick a song from the jukebox when she had noticed the person sitting in the booth next to it. They looked lonely, kind of sad, almost.
"I'm sorry if I'm intruding, you just- look like you aren't feeling too well." she gave him a soft smile.
"If you don't mind, I could offer you some company for a while?" the girl asked, only sitting down across from Pachi after they seemed to be fine with it. "I heard the ice cream here is really good, we could order some!" she suggested, satisfied with the idea. It was the reason why she had come here in the first place. Not unlike Pachi she had had an event earlier in the evening, though she had not been the main part of it, she had just sold the merchandise for her brother's band. As much as she loved it it was also nice to have a more peaceful moment and she did not mind sharing that one with the kid she had just encountered.

The more she looked at him, the more he seemed... familiar, yet she could not put her finger on it. "Oh, I'm Mi by the way, nice to meet you..." as usual the idea to introduce herself came way too late, but better late than never, right? Hopefully.
She still was not sure if she did the right thing here or if she should just have left them alone... as much as she noticed other people's moods, she rarely really knew how to act. When they introduced himself her eyes grew wide. "Oh, that Pachi? I think I have seen some of your games (I hope this is right orz)! Your skills are incredible!" Whoops, there she was, starstruck for a second. "How did you end up here then? Eh- not to judge, at all, it's just-" the more she thought about what she was about to say the less of a good idea it seemed. "Uhm, nevermind. Still, it's nice to meet you and I hope I am not disturbing a peaceful moment here... hm, the ice cream is on me! That's the least I can do."

Concerts were nice, they really were, but sometimes she was just happy when they were over and everything was packed up and gone. Tonight was 'sometimes'. She would have liked to think it had no particular reason, yet there were just too many thoughts running through her head. Some evenings just felt lonelier than others, that was normal, right? At the same time she felt guilty for feeling that way in the first place. After all, she was surrounded by lovely people, most of them she considered her family. But that was... different from having friends or a relationship, it just- she didn't even know what it was, truthfully. Her head was just a mess and finally making it outside of the venue felt relieving. The cold night air was wonderful and comforting, yet she felt closer to crying than before. "Damn it Mi, get your shit together..." she mumbled to herself, trying to convince her brain that a walk was all she would need to feel better.

"Uhm.." when approached by a giant alien soldier robot with glowing parts Mi slowly took a step back but stopped because she felt bad for judging a book by its cover. (One day that thought process would be the end of her, she was sure of that, but he showed no signs of hostility, so...)
Being adressed as 'human female' was a bit strange but then again, what else would he call her? Would have been kind of creepy if he had just known her name, she guessed.
"I- uhm- 'home' is a bit difficult..." she mumbled, looking at her hand in his, realizing how small it was in comparison. Oh well. "But I guess taking a walk at this time might be a little less frightening with you?" the girl suggested, for a second wondering where her survival instinct was hiding right now. "H-hey, do you have a name? Mine's Mi!" she introduced herself, hoping to break the awkwardness that she had just created.

(Unnamed) Marclyn

The intrigued rogue soldier observes her. The soldier can compute that the human was suffering but he saw no physical signs of trauma. He had always had a difficult time understanding human emotions. That was something he couldn't save a human from. But wished he could... To compute those complex neurological meaning. However, duty compels him. And since he had the need to save her, he made his way towards her. Unaware of how it'll look from her perspective in the dead of the night. Killer robot tall looking thing approaching her from the dark...

The soldier approaches her and tilts his head curiously. "Human female. May I walk you home this evening." He gently takes her hand, placing it in his cold synthetic palm. He knew he wasn't charismatic or charming. He couldn't be the friend and comfort she was seeking for. But he could at least be company. So that is what he will do, if she was to accept. Be the very silent listener. The ear to her voice, opinion, her music.


The unnamed soldier was often lonely. He had no one. So he observed the human and their culture. The way they connected with each other by hugging and kissing. Holding hands. As he mimics their actions by himself and tries to understand their meanings.

Just as Ethan was showing how him how to hug by hugging himself. The unnamed soldier gave him a hug. Wrapping his cold synthetic arms around him. "Hug." Then he unwraps his arms. He curiously watches the civilian as he talked about hugging and what it meant to him. Earlier the human mentioned something he quite couldn't understand. Peeping Tom? Must be a friend or a foe of the human male. Noted.

"Thank you. Friend." They were buddies now right? Or at least that's what the soldier thought. What does he know anyways. His brain can only compute so much. But since they had conversed before. And had a pre establish relationship prior to today. Even if it was barely a friendship. The unnamed soldier would think they are now? Since they finally did that thing that real pals do when they haven't seen each other in a while. Hug.

Ethan Wilhelm PicklePantry

     "Oh hey. I, uh, knew I recognized that figure anywhere," Ethan chuckled awkwardly with a smile to match, though he winced inwardly at his words. Man, what a way to start things off. Real smooth.
     With the awkward silence too much to handle, Ethan motioned towards the unnamed soldier. "You okay? It looked like you were twisting around in pain a second ago." He paused and followed the soldier's gaze to a few couples ways away. "Are you trying to figure out what they're doing? Being a Peeping Tom isn't the best way, you know," he said with another awkward chuckle. He sat down besides him with a smile. "I'm not real experienced with all that myself, but I can at least help you understand why people do that... I think. Like the thing with the arms around yourself--" He hugged himself to mimic what he saw earlier. "When you do that with someone else, it's a hug. It's different around the world, but for me it's like when you're really happy, or when you want to be closer to someone." His voice trailed off, and he ended up scratching the back of his head. When it came to actually explaining things it was a lot harder than he thought!
     "We could try that, if you want?" Ethan shrugged. "I mean, it's just a hug. People of all kinds do it all the time. Ah, that's if you want to, I mean," he quickly corrected. He hoped he was even in the right just being here and barging in with his thoughts. The soldier looked so lonely, and the times they've interacted he's always been a good guy, he wanted to see him again and make sure he was okay! But now that he was actually here he was starting to wonder if he ruined any preferred alone time...

     Sometimes Ethan preferred being alone, like now. He was standing outside, at the back of the store he worked at, leaning against the wall with a huff on his face. His bad luck was especially bad today, messing with all the computers and causing him to drop nearly everything. It was frustrating. He spent his break here in hopes of keeping his bad luck from affecting others nearby.

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Ayuka Amatsukaze Wye

Ayuka was walking around the Nevada buildings, easily spotting the stairs - Her first intention was to head to that location just to place the bag next to her and fucking sit down, breathing exhaustedly "PHEW- that was super close! Thank goodness.... that i managed to scot free from... them." and so she lay on the floor of the Nevada building and watches the red sky itself, And after she recovered from exhaustion, she managed to sit up to get her lunch, but she glances quickly at the lonely Amnesiac, and that person is sitting on the ground, against the concrete wall, and the fact that their clothes are covered in blood stains, which concerns her.

Even she feels like she wanted to leave the guy alone, she wants to just stay there for them just to know he isn't entirely alone, so she just carry her bag and sits next to them but a small distance away from them. "You seems upset, is there's something's wrong?" that's what she said, but a simple question turned into a conversation between a war photographer and the leader. So after they're done talking, she widen her eyes, realizing that it's time for lunch so guides her hand to the bag just to grab two lunchboxes with a meal inside "It's lunch time, so here! just take another one of mine, i have plenty of those." She gives them a cheeky smile and the two began to eat their own lunch, and have a chat about what the fuck is going on.


If you're wondering about where the Ultimate War Photographer is, then yes she is currently in a room, inside the building, in the middle of the battlefield. Ever since The war started, soldiers keep getting slaughtered by a bunch of the opposite army, one by one, group by group, and so all.

Ayuka, however gained an injury in her right hand by an enemy soldier during when she was running away from them, screaming on top of her lungs. and now she just lay behind the door, and is laying sloppily on the floor, and convinced her brain that doing nothing and stay here for the night would be the best.

And yes she is lonely as fuck.

Dragon ([Monster Form]) PicklePantry

     Heavy thuds could be heard in the building, accompanied by the smaller pitter-patters of smaller footsteps. Muffled yells from several shoulders joined soon after, then there was the deafening sound of gunfire.
     Then screams.
     Then nothing.
     It got closer and closer, heavier and heavier. Whatever it was was large, and with enough listening one could make out the faintest wheezes of breathing. And it was right at the doorway where Ayuka was.
     A large silhouette was cast inside. The creature ducked and entered, now in full sight. It was a massive, skeletal beast, a skull for a face and a long, long tail of bones behind it. Mangy fur covered parts of its body, and in its torso were several different creatures that all seemed to be staring at Ayuka. The skull head, as if realizing this, followed all of their gazes to her.
     It said nothing. There wasn't even a way to confirm if they had even noticed her beyond the bodies in its torso all watching her. It didn't seem like it was about to attack, merely standing there. Slowly, the rest of its body faced her, and it sat down besides her. What it was doing wasn't clear, but it didn't seem like it saw her as a threat.

     Down in the darker parts of the forest stood the Monster in silence. It stood perfectly still, almost convincingly a statue save the beings in its chest that wriggled and squirmed.
     It stood there quietly; alone. Not even the wildlife would dare get close to it.

(Yo that was legit one of the best replies I've read)