Unpopular Opinion (IC edition)

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by salternate

Hi hi hi I'm a long time lurker first time page submitter. This was inspired by the OOC edition, and I was a bit hesitant at first--

Your OC shares an unpopular opinion that they have, and another character responds and shares one of their own.

The Rules:

1. Wait 3 posts before responding again, unless the previous post is 24 hours old!

2. Put a little effort in your responses. Your kiddos should give their reasoning why they have that opinion!

3. Keep responses SFW! If there's anything triggering, try to black it out or spoilerize it! If you're on mobile, you can give a warning.

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 Jericho Wey _Deadweight_

Jericho looked up from the piece of wood in his hand, knife in the other, and let out a harsh, amused breath through his nostrils as he continued carving. "While I agree, I also think some people just need to shut the fuck up sometimes. People care way too much about what others think and believe, that they make problems out of nothing just because they like to. Sometimes it's just drama to be drama, but yeah, a lot of people are way too comfortable with jumping to conclusions and not, y'know... acting like they got two brain cells."

He looked back up at J, chuckling to himself, adopting a stereotypical 'white chick' voice. "Oh my God, did you see Becky out with Kyle yesterday? That bitch, she already has a boyfriend!" He put on another, somewhat different, "But didn't she break up with him, like two days ago?" Back to the original, "I have no idea, I just want to believe that because it's funny, Jessica"

He laughed deeply, collecting himself, putting away his knife, and holding up the figure he had finished, quite pleased with it. "Makes me wonder if the world leaders should talk about their feelings more. Probably end world hunger and we'd get fewer wars, honestly."


"Alcohol at parties, or any social get-together, is severely overrated. I know I drink plenty, but it's pretty much the same to me as going into a burger joint and getting a soda. These people who "need" it to have fun just seem like alcoholics in denial, or they're just too socially anxious to enjoy the company of their friends, which is a whole other topic." Jericho leaned back against his car, crossing his arms with a look of annoyance. "I get needing some liquid courage, I know I do, but if you expect me to believe every social outing or party needs drinks to be fun, then you're more of an alcoholic than I am; and, again, I drink plenty."

He shook his head, but quickly waved his hands in front of him, "I don't mean to seem like I'm yellin' at you, just wondering what you think about it."

Allisriedia angeliic_gestalt

Isri nodded, remembering her many alcoholic misadventures with a slight grimace on her face. "You could... certainly say that again - besides, it carries so many risks if you're not careful with how much you consume. How many times have you heard of inopportune drunken confessions ruining lives? Confessions that would've never left their mouth if they were sober?" She sighed - that was... almost exactly the reason she left home. A drunken confession. She tapped her fingers gently on the table, just to have something to do as she thought. "If anything... most parties would likely be better off without alcohol - but who knows?"


"I know, it's ironic for me to say this, considering that I grew up as a noblewoman - but I've learnt my lesson. Ruling territories and gaining the associated privileges by birthright alone is an altogether idiotic notion that should be eliminated from all civilized societies. People should either have to prove that they're fit to rule or be democratically voted in and out, lest we end up with tyrants ruling every inch of land just because their ancestors won fate's lottery."

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Fanboy Awake_Ache

"I agree 100%. Everyone is always 'Sacrafice yourself' this and 'Think about others' that. What about me? I mean, if thinking of yourself is deemed bad, how are any of us gonna live? Like jeez, why demonize wanting to save yourself? What if we just put this logic into everything? 'No, I am not gonna buy toilet paper. It's the last package and someone else might need to buy it!' or 'I am sick and it's killing me to get out of bed. But Yeah, I'll help you clean up your after party!' One leads to you having a stinky butt and the other leads to you spreading sickness."

"I think it's OK to like awful media. I don't mean, like, gore videos on the internet or the horse ones. I mean, awful, cringyworthy media. Media that is constantly made fun of for being the equivilent of a 14 year old's fanfiction writing skills. I am talking about shows and movies that are filled with plot holes and pointless action scenes. I mean, being cringe is where we all start and it's nice to have people like our cringe."