Unpopular Opinion (IC edition)

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by salternate

Hi hi hi I'm a long time lurker first time page submitter. This was inspired by the OOC edition, and I was a bit hesitant at first--

Your OC shares an unpopular opinion that they have, and another character responds and shares one of their own.

The Rules:

1. Wait 3 posts before responding again, unless the previous post is 24 hours old!

2. Put a little effort in your responses. Your kiddos should give their reasoning why they have that opinion!

3. Keep responses SFW! If there's anything triggering, try to black it out or spoilerize it! If you're on mobile, you can give a warning.

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Matcha salternate

"Well, there's not much to do when you're cooped up in a city," the canine stated, planting his hands on the counter. He allowed his ear to flick and his lips to smack.

"I love my home, but, well, I want to go places. See what else the world has to offer. Until then, I'm staying here and doing what makes me happy "


"Oh my goodness, don't laugh, but I just love takeout food!" Matcha chuffed.

"I dunno, it just—it tastes much better than my own cooking. I do love to cook, but, well, I'd prefer to go out and get my food. How about you?"

Orazio BubblegumNightmare

"I'm sure take out is just fine. Frankly I'm confused and disappointed with all of the food comments. I can't exactly eat and so there isn't much for me to say on that front. Although I recall my favorite food being roasted pheasant. Which is fairly irrelevant. And yes, please do travel the world, sir. It's an enriching experience, you won't be disappointed." Orazio assured.


"Anyway, I don't think there's any unpopular opinion I could give which doesn't result in the next comment being some variant of "Okay boomer" so I'll just say what I'd like. I wish there was a bigger emphasis on emotional resilience in the present. While I admire the openness about feelings and mental health, I also feel like there's little care about exactly how to come back from hardships and that is just as detrimental to mental health as 'bottling it up' so to speak. In fact, there seems to be a habit of ruminating on hardships which is significantly more harmful then it might seems,"

Chase muichiro

His expression fell. Another person who spoke so elegantly, so defined and so...so smart. There were some key words he could grasp, some phrases that made sense to his ever so loud and obnoxious hellscape of a brain; and yet, he was struggling with the bigger picture. "Are you saying..like..people brood too much, bro?" His voice sounds about as dumbfounded as he is. "Cause I agree, we gotta focus on the positives too..but I also don't know if that's what you're saying."


He curls his fist under his chin, thinking. This game was always a hard one when it came to thinking of unpopular things. Though he wasn't in the whole scheme of staying in fashion with social trends, he still felt that majority of people had similar tastes. 

"I'm thinking that..like, maybe whales are better than sharks? Like the really big whales, y'know? Those guys who just float along in the ocean searching for answers?" 

Maribelle Burnett Vapor

Whales are too big to fit onto spaceships, and though one could make an artificial womb to transport the fetuses of such, goddamn would it be a big hassle.

In other words, Maribelle had no clue what a whale was.

She stared at Chase for a few moments, before blurting out, "What the fuck are you even talking about, Chase? I mean, like, sharks are fine, I guess. I just like pearlfish the most because they live in sea cucumber's..." There was a pause. "They live... in the sea cucumber's..."

Oh boy, was it her turn already? She already had many unpopular opinions, but for now she immediately went for the simplest, and going along with the animal theme:

"Mammals are shit, and they smell like shit." she said, "All other animals are superior to some shitty, sweaty mammals."

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Aiden salternate

"B-black c-c-coffee is the best. Anything else added to it just—it's not the same. I like the bitter taste," the teenager chuffed, tilting his head upwards.

"Though, I-I can't really d-d-drink it-it-it that late. I-I kind of-of-of, uhm...struggle with sleeping. Isn't that...n-not really healthy?


"P-p-poetry is...good," the teenager stated, letting out a deep exhale.

"I-I used to-to-to write it a whole ton, b-but not anymore. Not like those ones that are constantly rhyming. I-I liked the ones with...you know, a-a hidden mmmeaning."

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Not a claim, skip me!

Please keep in mind that you should be putting more effort in your responses! Your answers should at least provide the reasoning behind your kiddos' opinions •^•

 Cliff horseradish

"No, you're right. White chocolate is fuckin' disgusting, shits too sweet to be good. I hate sweet stuff, but white chocolate just goes above and beyond. I wanna puke every time I even fuckin' try puttin' it near my mouth." Cliff made a sickened face and continued;

"But, on the topic of food, anchovies on pizza are delicious as hell."

Saffron salternate

Revival time!

"Yuck! You do that?! That should have been abolished, just like what we did with pineapple on pizza!" Saffron gasped, crossing her arms.

"I'm not a fan of seafood; I only eat it because my husband and children love it. Ooh, but that? That is revolting!"


Saffron pulled out a cigarette, furrowing her eyebrows as she began flicking her lighter.

"Oh, I just love shopping. I do it all the time," the feline stated, pausing to lift her cigarette up to her lips.

"Brand new clothes, food, video games, you know it. I love surrounding myself in new stuff. Getting new things gives me that serotonin rush I need. Don't you agree?"

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