Unpopular Opinion (IC edition)

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by salternate

Hi hi hi I'm a long time lurker first time page submitter. This was inspired by the OOC edition, and I was a bit hesitant at first--

Your OC shares an unpopular opinion that they have, and another character responds and shares one of their own.

The Rules:

1. Wait 3 posts before responding again, unless the previous post is 24 hours old!

2. Put a little effort in your responses. Your kiddos should give their reasoning why they have that opinion!

3. Keep responses SFW! If there's anything triggering, try to black it out or spoilerize it! If you're on mobile, you can give a warning.

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Sneaky Golden-Bloomy

"What do they mean trashy? Tattoos are dope! If only my body isn't covered in fur I'd get myself one!" Sneaky said with passion and ease. He really is looking forward to get one

"You know, I have been thinking.." the worm paused and looks down to the grey object nearby, squinting at it "Why don't they just call dust bunny 'lump of dust'? They don't look like bunnies!"

Honey Num aloydevaber

"Because calling them bunnies is fun! See, Dust Bunny!" She began to giggle for a questionably long time. She seemed to like the word.


"PHYSICAL books are WAAAY better than E-Books! Why do people prefer E-Books!? With a physical copy of the book, you can smell the book, feel the book, keep it forever, look at the cover, and even peek at the ending!"

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Michael Pomegranarchy

"Yeah, like a puppy," Michael says, wearing a light smile only long enough for his joke to be clear. He's got zero interest in such an age gap- and besides, this Moss person already made their advance. No need to stick his nose in.

"More people need to take an hour to stare at the sea." He takes a sip from his mug, creating a pause before he continues. "Or even a video of the sea. Calms you down a lot." 

Sure, the entire basis of his argument may be founded on the fact he just really fucking loves the ocean, but Michael holds firm to his opinion.


The angel nods her head in agreement, saying, "I could go for a good ol' staring at the seaaaa agaiiin, not gonna lie theeree..." Moxie's voice trails off, and she giggles to herself at the idea of a beach date, piping up again only to add, "How romantic!"

Moxie tilts her head, "Youuu knooow... I don't get why people are afraid of buugs... they're so cute! Don't you get the feeling of awe when you see an ant crawl by you? I really think humans should appreciate bugs more, they're so cooool, don't you think?"

Kuraru Golden-Bloomy

Of course, insects aren't this Espurr-man's cup of tea. Along with spectral beings and darkness for obviously referenced reasons. It's not that he's scared of them, it's just...well, those things made his body produce catecholamines. "Bugs are...irritating. To say at least." Kuraru looked away from the other "...They're great distraction, watching those small critters are most likely distract you from the larger pictures. What if something were to ambush you?" He left the note with something that normal people wouldn't have 'what if' of.


Kuraru was quiet at first, as per usual, with that stares of his. He did speak after a few minutes though, which took him this long to actually say something rather short and from his own opinion. "Maybe dodgeball should be banned...I see no point in it..."

(Man, Pyity does have both opinions opposite of Kuraru's XD)

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7$ muichiro

"You swine." He hisses, squinting his eyes. "Coffee is something to be thankful for. It's widely used in the Underworlds as a means to gain energy." Maybe that wasn't the full truth, but he used it and that's all that mattered. Someone attacking something that he liked and used? Horrible. 


"The attire of this era is disgusting." He holds back the urge to say, 'and so are you'.

Mavis OllyCoyote

Mavis lets out a gasp. "I did not spend so much time learning about fashion to- actually," she pauses, "Okay, sometimes it's disgusting. But usually not!"
"Cotton candy does not taste good and it feels like you're eating cotton balls."

Jezabelle Shadowzim777

"Get...Out...Of....My....SIGHT!!!" Jezabelle yelled at the multicolored rabbit that plagued her mind with the thought of the filth of Cotton Balls rather then the sweet taste of Cotton Candy.


"Listen up jack, I don't care if that is or isn't your name...But Halloween, Best holiday. PERIOD!"

Ashligh "Ashe" O'Bryne AsheNightwind

"I'll agree with you on a technicality, though I dislike the commercialization that it's become," says the bookstore owner that keeps up some Halloween decorations year-round. "It's for the aesthetic."


"I actually enjoy the Disney Star Wars movies. And yes, that means Solo. Though, hands down, Mandalorian is the best thing to come out of this."

Dust TheDoodlesphere

"star wars and star trek are basically the same. and none of them are interesting."


"Getting popcorn at a movie theater is terrible, it makes your mouth dry and if you get up to refill your drink you'll miss a part of the movie."

 france Kiitsuness

"Making the bed is a pointless chore."


"I don't really care about eating popcorn at a movie, making my mouth dry." "I mean, yeah you'll miss the movie, but what if its boring?" :)