Unpopular Opinion (IC edition)

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by salternate

Hi hi hi I'm a long time lurker first time page submitter. This was inspired by the OOC edition, and I was a bit hesitant at first--

Your OC shares an unpopular opinion that they have, and another character responds and shares one of their own.

The Rules:

1. Wait 3 posts before responding again, unless the previous post is 24 hours old!

2. Put a little effort in your responses. Your kiddos should give their reasoning why they have that opinion!

3. Keep responses SFW! If there's anything triggering, try to black it out or spoilerize it! If you're on mobile, you can give a warning.

Samaël Raffaëlle (Modern) EclipsedShadowK

"Je suis d'accord avec vous. Parfois, certains pays ont des systèmes traumatisants. J'ai entendu dire que dans des pays comme les États-Unis, les prisonniers sont astreints à des travaux forcés en guise de punition, ce qui revient à les réduire en esclavage"
[I agree with you. Sometimes, some countries have traumatic systems. I have heard that in countries like the United States, prisoners are forced to do hard labor as punishment, which is like enslaving them]

"Les reproductions à Broadway de comédies musicales européennes sont pires lorsqu'elles n'ont pas été annulées pour une autre raison. Avez-vous vu la production de Broadway de Tanz der Vampires ???? C'est horrible !"
[Broadway reproductions of European musicals are worse when they have not been cancelled for another reason. Have you seen the Broadway production of Tanz der Vampires???? It's horrible!]

Despina Papadimitriou Nuclear-Hydrangea

EclipsedShadowK lets go >:D 

"Ah, Broadway, long time I haven't seen the home of famous musical. One time, Sotirios and I got there long time ago. I do see their version of Tanz der Vampires back then. It lacks the charm from the original one to be honest. It was too distant from me?"


"I find the current state of talent shows boring and stale, it lacked variety and focused getting singers as winners continuously than of other contestants that were talented. Had a feeling they are biased towards singers, entertainment industry getting more singers to be popular and profitable... but the likes of Illusionists, or acrobats who practiced dangerous, yet outstanding performances, they are unnoticed..."

 Maya Beridze winston

“talent shows are quite boring now a days, i agree. people aren’t creative anymore and it’s the same run of the mill shit all the time.”


“taurus revolvers really aren’t that bad. change my mind”

vv "410 is a kids shotgun round, nor would it be my selling point. however, being able to fire 454 casull for $300 less than competitors, plus their revolvers offer built in optic rails, how can anyone complain?"

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Rivers Vaccaro ap0calypse-weekend

“You’re so right! Country music is amazing I don’t understand all the hate for it. It’s always been a favourite of mine”

“I don’t understand why people don’t like lizards n stuff, even the big ol’ mean ones they’re all great in their own way. If I could befriend every lizard, I would” 

Twig [he/they] p_atyk

"oh lizards are absolutely the best! my ship is full of collections of various lizards and lizard-like creatures of all species, kinds and worlds... well, I love them very much, must admit that"


"ranch (the sauce) is SO MUCH overrated. that's it."

Yoshiko Minami Zanreo

"Yeah... ranch is pretty mid as far as condiments go tbh. I mean, it's edible enough but certainly wouldn't be my first choice to put on anything"


"So... forums are better and more fun than social media, just as a concept... I guess that could be seen as unpopular considering, well. The activity across the internet in general. Yeah, it's cool to have these big places where everyone is... if you ignore all the various bullshit on most of the platforms at least..., but there's just something special about being part of a forum community!"

Sebastian apodoforcas

“I’d agree that it’s probably easier to interact on forums, and social media can be a nightmare at time, but I’m still gonna post and enjoy posting on my socials…” 

“It’s definitely just me, but Hawaiian pizza is the best pizza flavor. Like hear me out, the combination of the pineapple and ham on the pizza is such a unique but great combo!” 

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Keenan C3H

"Liquid... medicine?" He's getting reminded of the Nyquil Chicken incident.

"...Sure." There was a BIG FAT hint of uncertainty there.

"Guys, I feel like my ears would bleed to breakcore music. Is it normal or something?"

Biohazard TheGreatStatic

"Eh, I like it, but slam any music in front of me with a high enough tempo and I will probably love it, I'm not a picky bot. Genre reminds me of home honestly, harsher electronic sounds are pretty common in music back on Cybertron... Ah, but enough of me reminiscing. Can totally get how it's not everyone's thing. No music is. Agree to disagree, I suppose." 


"I don't get the fear some people have of spiders. I know, giant robot, how could I pretend to understand, all that? But I've seen some pretty big spider-like species on some other planets, and those still don't really have that kind of effect on me. They're just guys. Even when they're actively threatening, I don't think I've ever actually been scared of one like I've seen some."

Rose Quartz GhostKiwi

"Right! Spiders aren't anything to be afraid of people who are afraid of them are such babies!"

"I wonder though...can spider webs be used to make fabric?"


Frills and lace are the best!! The more frills your outfits have the better! They make everything ten times more cute and elegant! 

Axel apodoforcas

“Frills are not for me personally, but if I were to dress more elegant and just out of my general style more often, I would certainly be wearing lacey stuff more often. I love seeing both of those on other people, though”

“Do you know those candies with assorted flavors? The citrus flavored pieces are the best ones. Like I don’t hate the strawberry, grape, blue raspberry and green apple flavors and what not, but I just love a good orange, lemon or lime-flavored candy”

Bridge ascii

"Ooh, I see... Yes, that does sound appetizing. I myself trend more towards the stronger flavors as you do; Lemon, orange, the like. Actually, I find Warheads are fun to try to eat without making a face... Or, in my case, spitting it back out. My olfactory processing doesn't always agree with the strong sour flavor, ha-ha..."

"McDonalds fries and vanilla sundaes are the food pairing ever. I will not elaborate further, it is something you must experience to understand."

Xander Klingelhof fizzelston

He couldn't help but feel his nose slightly wrinkle. "I do not think I agree," he admitted. "I am more of an 'eat the vegetables you have at home', kind of gentleman."

"Ah, if you ask me.... I think beer taste way better than wine."