Unpopular Opinion (IC edition)

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by salternate

Hi hi hi I'm a long time lurker first time page submitter. This was inspired by the OOC edition, and I was a bit hesitant at first--

Your OC shares an unpopular opinion that they have, and another character responds and shares one of their own.

The Rules:

1. Wait 3 posts before responding again, unless the previous post is 24 hours old!

2. Put a little effort in your responses. Your kiddos should give their reasoning why they have that opinion!

3. Keep responses SFW! If there's anything triggering, try to black it out or spoilerize it! If you're on mobile, you can give a warning.

Lock Walker PicklePantry


Lock scratched his chin as he glanced down at the little creature besides him. Yeesh, why was she so quiet? It was giving him the creeps. His ears stood on end and his fur bristled when she finally spoke; he nearly jumped out of his skin! "Wh-What? I don't... I mean, I've been punched in the face before so I've had to taste my blood, but I've never really thought about it. I don't, uh, know about that specific flavor, but it does have a kind of metallic taste to it, I'd say. Not something I want to taste again, thanks."


"That sounds... suspicious-- Hey, what exactly are you doing with this fire? Are you talking fireworks? Because yeah, that's fun. When you're, you know, lighting them in the right spots. And on the right days. Otherwise lots of people lose sleep. But if you're talking pyromancy then I can't agree with you there. Fire's hot! I don't want that near me! I want something pretty to look at, I'll get a lava lamp. And if it really IS pyromancy you're talking about, I've got a feeling we'll see each other again one of these days."

"I'm telling you, peanut butter is best when smooth. Chunky peanut butter? No. Thank. You. I don't know! It's just... awful when I'm enjoying something but then gotta crunch and munch on it! It interrupts the joy, the journey, you know??"

Matcha salternate

"Agreed! I mean, I like chunky peanut butter, too. I'm just more inclined too buy the smooth peanut butter. It's much better if I have jelly for it."


"Now, now, don't get mad at me, but..." Matcha began, adjusting the collar of his dress shirt.

"Binging shows is not really great. I usually just watch one or two episodes at a time. It's easier on my eyes, but I also had a huge habit. I used to binge this one anime until, like, three A.M."

 Gerard Rockwar KilljoyLights

"I disagree, I like binging shows, especially when the show is super interesting and I just can't wait for the next episode! To a point of course. I won't watch anything if I'm too tired to watch." 

Gerard looks around nervously before leaning close. "Hey, don't tell my boyfriend I said this, but Romance movies really aren't my thing." He confesses sheepishly. "I mean I'll still watch them with him, but I thing they're kinda boring."

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James Hall cozylittleartblog

He blinked, eyebrows raising. 

"Pardon? Pipe organs, while beautiful instruments, simply don't have the same range and versatility that pianos do. There's a reason they're so popular in the first place!" He scoffed. "Not to mention the size difference, pianos are a lot more manageable and better suited to more environments than a pipe organ. Suppose you'd like to have live music in your business or home, are you going to tell me a full pipe organ is a better choice than a simple upright piano? Or that the acoustics of the room would do it justice?" He shook his head. 

"Pipe organs certainly have their place, and that place is certainly NOT above a classic piano."


James thought for a moment, tapping the side of his foot to the ground as he looked off to nowhere in particular. 

"I think air travel is a fad, honestly. It's terribly dangerous, I mean those tin cans jostle you around like mad, and they feel like they're ready to drop out of the sky if someone leans too far to one side of the plane. And don't get me started on airships, they're practically giant balloons. The sheer size of them, and they seem so fragile. We should stick to cars, and ships - the sort that stay on water."

Rush muichiro

"Tin cans?" He laughs, leaning himself back in his seat. "Can't say I've ever heard anyone call airplanes that. Sure, I agree. They're overrated. But the facts are that cars are notoriously more dangerous than planes." One hand lifts the bottle of the beer he's been holding, and absently, he takes a sharp sip. "What about hover cars? How do those make you feel?" 


Thinking on the question, he holds his phone with both hands, ignoring the light of the screen fading. "I think.... technology is actually kind of annoying. We should go back to writing each other hand written letters."

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Brown Haired Maribelle porkchop

"Yes!" blubbered Brown Baired Baribelle, spitting french fries all over the place. "Fuck stupid people! We should kill them! Burn them at the stake! Give them the pear of angish!" The dumb idiot girl was rapidly revving up, swinging her giant bumbling chunky chicken fists about like she had misplaced her most essential brain cells in her pant pockets and threw her jeans in the wash. "We should start destroying places stupid people hang out, too! Like Crackerbarrel, fuck that place! And the DMV, and Antarctic research bases, and anime clubs at highschools, and Toyhou.se-- wait..."

Brown Haired Maribelle breathed in placidly, hands folded upon her thigh with her legs crossed.

"The looming threat of nuclear disaster still looms over the planet, yet sometime after the 1980s the general public seems to have forgotten that in just a single night we all could be vanquished from this Earth by the means of weapons of mass destruction... The Dutch were the only country to vote against the nuclear disarmament agreement proposed by the United Nations. in my opinion, the Netherlands is a horrible country and should be destroyed. Lol."

Chase muichiro

He blanks out, completely staring at a wall above her head. For starters, the words she was using and what she was saying just didn't click together. Second, he couldn't get over how she dyed her hair without him helping! Granted, this wasn't the same Maribelle he knew, but he hadn't the faintest clue about that. 

As he zones back in, he hears the last bit of her proposition and frowns. "Brooo, that's not cool! They deserve to live like anyone else!"


Turning over his mango on a stick, he conjures up a rather concentrated face. It's deep, and heavily in thought. "I think..ghosts might be scarier than vampires."

Jezabelle Shadowzim777

Jezabelle gave a nod, wagging her index claw a bit. "If I had to be brutally honest...And even I hate even having a tiny shred of honesty, I think they both are underwhelming. I know one hyperactive Vampire who tends to be lamer then a old man at a bachelor party and two LAME and INCOMPETENT  ghosts who always make things worse for me." Jezabelle groaned just thinking about her ghost knight lackeys. "If you ask me, Demons are the superior scary beings. I mean, I must be frightening to you."


Jezebelle was getting her pumpkin bag ready for the upcoming night, her favorite holiday was upon her. 

"If there's one holiday that trashes upon all the others, Halloween is the best. Wouldn't you agree?"


(I can't help myself by doing a Follow-up. Aplogizes if this sounds harsh, Jezabelle has a really bad temper.)

Jezebelle's eyes winced, her head twitching to the side hearing this man's insult. 

"Listen hear you pathetic mortal. I am no "American", I am a actual Demon. A Demon that could strip the flesh of your paltry skin if you do not give me the respect a Demon Princess should deserve." Jezebelle marched up towards Clement, facing the soldier eye to eye.

 "I don't know or clearly care about your measly Guy Fawkes Day. But if I come to your house this coming Halloween, there had better be some candy corn ‘round your area', Capishe?" With that, the Demoness backed away with a immature tongue being stuck out towards Clement.

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