Unpopular Opinion (IC edition)

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by salternate

Hi hi hi I'm a long time lurker first time page submitter. This was inspired by the OOC edition, and I was a bit hesitant at first--

Your OC shares an unpopular opinion that they have, and another character responds and shares one of their own.

The Rules:

1. Wait 3 posts before responding again, unless the previous post is 24 hours old!

2. Put a little effort in your responses. Your kiddos should give their reasoning why they have that opinion!

3. Keep responses SFW! If there's anything triggering, try to black it out or spoilerize it! If you're on mobile, you can give a warning.

Ryo Kurosawa watanuki

"Ah, finally somebody who understands. On TV, everything is sensationalized for the ignorant public, facts omitted for flare-- honestly, it's baffling to me that this is an unpopular opinion. Reading also exercises the mind, it keeps you sharp. Proactiveness, diligence, determination in making our own choices, own research instead of it being spoon-fed in simplified chunks by people who don't care about truth?"

"Strawberries can be sour- bitter-- tart, whatever you call it. I mostly find strawberries disgusting, but those types are the worst. What is it, they were harvested prematurely? I don't know."

 Jeremiah GG_Gremlin

"Yeah, I agree with you there...Strawberries aren't that great, and neither are raspberries; I prefer citrus fruits."

"Honestly...Not a big fan of sushi, never have been...It's just...fish."

Agnès Alexg47

"J-just fish?! It's much more than that, it's awesome! Plus sushi refers to the rice, not the fish..."

"Operas aren't boring, they're beautiful and fun~!"

Xander Klingelhof fizzelston

"Oh, yes haha! I don't think that it comes as a surprise, haha. But allow me to say the obvious anyway. I love operas. I don't think they are boring at all."
"Ah! Well, if I'm being honest, my dear friend. I'm actually a big fan of cold weather or winter in general. I love snow." 

V "Oh! I can take you out on a drive through the snow if you like."

Valnier Reikslot ProfessionalDumbass

"I have...Never seen snow. My home hardly ever gets cold either so. I am no good judge of this opinion"


"If one giving orders they are to follow them. Questions may be asked and requests are given to superiors. But you are to do as told in most cases"

Sahya AllseeingDaydream

Sahya half-scoffs half-barks out a laugh, "What are you, military?" The taunt is evident in their amusememt. "Superiors. The day i'd ever willingly work with someone as an order-taker is the day the sun will explode."

[Murder discussion??]

"Honestly i'd never really got the hype on.. y'know, mercenary work? I feel like my mentor is going to judge me for this when i went to her, local notorious mercenary to teach me fighting but like, doesn't it get tedious or something? Killing for other people. I'd rather get my pick of targets rather than having to choose from a limited pool honestly... It sounds so boring and restricting. Blergh >XP."

 🔪Rhuna🔪 (Sona) S3L

"I agree. I also like to to my pick on who I want to kill. My own will."


"For some reason... I would like to set my whole world on fire. Demolish it, really. Its fun."

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

Roswell didn't even try to hide his grimace.  "Dats a bit much," he said. "A bit edgy. Yer a bit much."


"Pears taste better than apples"

sunni muichiro

"Nah," he starts, smiling. "I think apples are a little better. Pears have a bit of bite back to them." At least for him, they did. Apples also made applesauce and that was a delicious thing to eat during high bouts of depression. 

"Rap and classical music are just as good as any other music."

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Archimedes Athanasiadis Nuclear-Hydrangea

"Maybe you've seen too much social media? You just have to delve deeper other than big names of tech industry. There are actually people using technology to help the community than by profit and fame."

"People just watch too much dystopian sci fi movies, robots and AI are not that bad when it's not made by some tech giant who made billions." 

Adour FancyHatching

"I agree in principle, but it's one of those cases I'd argue 'sounds good, doesn't work'.. That shit is expensive, you only get it funded if you make a profit off of it. And that's usually done through ripping off consumers, war or exploiting people's needs. Not saying that's always bad either, it's amazing what the industry for uh... adult needs does with the newest technologies".


"Monogamous relationships aren't about love, they're about control. It's about people hating the thought their partner might realize they have better options".

daniel l3ftpale_

“Orrrrrrrr maybe it’s because the fact that dealing with one other person is exhausting already. I can’t imagine dealing with 2 other people IF I CAN’T EVEN DEAL WITH MYSELF!

“I like to wear worn down shirts with holes in them, I can’t stand nice shirts.”

Verdi splendens

“Uhm, what? No nice clothing? Are you a sewer rat or ‘sum? Do you sleep in a dumpster? Beg other people for food? Are you just so used to your downtrodden lifestyle that ‘ya can’t have the audacity to wear decently made threads?”


“What’s the whole deal with beaches? The sand gets in your eyes, the water is way too salty, and there’s a bunch of squawkin’ birds there…. Blech.”

Carolina Angélique MeowMeow422

"What's wrongs with birds? They won't bother you if don't bother them! But I can  get the sand part. And the water makes my feathers feel so weird."


"Why do people think just because someone's been to prison, then they're instantly and/ or always going to be a bad person? There's such a thing as wrongful accusations afterall! Just because others say they're bad, doesn't automatically mean I have to believe them."