Unpopular Opinion (IC edition)

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by salternate

Hi hi hi I'm a long time lurker first time page submitter. This was inspired by the OOC edition, and I was a bit hesitant at first--

Your OC shares an unpopular opinion that they have, and another character responds and shares one of their own.

The Rules:

1. Wait 3 posts before responding again, unless the previous post is 24 hours old!

2. Put a little effort in your responses. Your kiddos should give their reasoning why they have that opinion!

3. Keep responses SFW! If there's anything triggering, try to black it out or spoilerize it! If you're on mobile, you can give a warning.

Vinny Worthington PicklePantry

"Oh no, I'd feel awkward if I didn't make my bed. There's something about coming home to a clean bed that can make me feel cozy."

"The garden is the most important part of a house. It gives a first impression of the owner."

 Finnley [The softest boi™] confusedthing

"I- I don't know if it's the most important part b-but you surely can tell a- a lot about a person by looking at their garden." Finnley said, hopefully loud enough to be heard. "So- so I ..mostly?... agree."

He took a deep breath looking at the next person. "Uhm- the- the cupcakes you can buy at grocery stores are kind of gross, aren't they? You taste more chemicals than anything else.."

Mortem Pomegranarchy

"That's... hmm..." Mortem frowns, looking off into the distance. "I've never so much as visited a grocery store, so I wouldn't know. I don't tend to eat much, anyway. A rather useless question when it comes to me... I have no experience to share."

"Death is beautiful. Plants, bugs, animals, and more die and thrive off of each other's deaths. It's cycle, one which perpetuates and survives upon itself, and it's absolutely magnificent." 

 unnamed muichiro

"Yes, I quite agree. Death is beautiful, isn't it?" He smiles, eyes focused forward. "Such a shame it's so frightening."


"Beauty is truly the most important science."

Turn Vin Hollowist

Uh- NO? chemistry is the best science! Or rockets! Rockets are great! What does BEAUTY have to do with SCIENCE?!


“Books over people any day. Being social is overrated”

Omisa Patel cozylittleartblog

Agreed. Most things are better than being around others. Books may not be my first choice, but they are up there.


Spring is the worst of the seasons.

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Zeus Stinger dandikix

"I can't agree more. Like what the hell, I'm not a dragon how do you expect me to eat fire??"


"You can't hate a color. A specific shade(s) of it? Maybe. But never a color in general. You deffenitly will find a shade that works for you."

Patty Dalton cozylittleartblog

"Oh my GOD someone who understands. Yes!! There's too many shades to hate an entire color. Folks are nuts sometimes. There are really people out there who think they hate yellow." 


"Homes shouldn't be spotless. They should be clean, yeah, but they should look lived in! Mail on the table, or shoes by the door. Little things. Real tired of folks actin' like they can't let people know they own things, or like their house is some sort of showroom. You're not livin' in a home improvement show, Debbie 🙄"

☕ Coffee Roo ☕ KingDrago

"Uh, yeah?? Haven't you noticed that clean freaks often get the most sick- my filthy desk builds my immune haha" ----- "Frogs. Frogs are gross. Their these little slimy things with these big ol eyes- just... ew"

 💚 | skull howie

those critters dont ever bother me. so i dont really care, they are kinda ugly though.


why do people like crowds so much?? its too much to handle, and usually its pretty annoying. but i wont judge.

Ebony Chadwick Carodemi

"Honestly I have no idea. I don't particularly enjoy the idea of crowds...I'd prefer to be on my own."
"Why'd people get so funny when someone wears face masks or a mask at all? I'm probably biased but still, I don't think it's a big deal."


"...I-I feel I have to agree. It doesn't make sense for people to get so worked up over it. P-people should be able to wear what they want... you know? Though, I guess some people just like to be in your business..."

Erika wrings her hands before speaking, "I-I really feel like people don't appreciate manual labor enough. Don't you think a garbage man is just as important as a doctor?"

Vivian VictoryDrawsStuff

“Fuck yeah and the fact that sometimes they work in extreme conditions and don’t even get payed enough compared to doctors or whatnot pisses me the fuck off. This is why I am studying law! Workers that do everyday jobs deserve to get payed more, at least above min. wage!”

A small warning for talking about gender norms and discrimination mentions- But nothing to explicit like gore or violence! 

”Fuck gender norms. Gender norms is a damn social construct that is forced onto people the second they are born into this world and when they want to change because the gender norms don’t fit them they get discriminated??? Excuse me what the fuck is this bullshit? Gender. IS. A . SOCIAL. CONSTRUCT. STOP. FORCING. EVERYONE. TO . GO. WITH. IT- Oh boy I got worked up, sorry. But when I see this shit going on it makes me so mad.

 Sol confusedthing

"Well, what more can I say than 'you are right', dear? These norms are indeed stupid and serve no purpose other than a sense of superiority for mostly men with fragile egos." Sol shrugged, for once not having an entire speech to go off on. Sometimes it did not need many words and Danica did already say everything important.

small spoiler for mention of threatened murder, nothing graphic or direct tho. his opinion just has to do with threats!

"I am getting really tired of supernatural entities threatening people with words like 'I could kill you if I wanted to.' ...so could literally anyone and anything with enough dedication, love, what is your point? Especially to a human you probably are, realistically, not more dangerous than a rabid dog and you might just look more pathetic than one."