Unpopular Opinion (IC edition)

Posted 3 years, 9 months ago by salternate

Hi hi hi I'm a long time lurker first time page submitter. This was inspired by the OOC edition, and I was a bit hesitant at first--

Your OC shares an unpopular opinion that they have, and another character responds and shares one of their own.

The Rules:

1. Wait 3 posts before responding again, unless the previous post is 24 hours old!

2. Put a little effort in your responses. Your kiddos should give their reasoning why they have that opinion!

3. Keep responses SFW! If there's anything triggering, try to black it out or spoilerize it! If you're on mobile, you can give a warning.

Kira Kittyinabox

"Have you ever had to sleep on a rock? I have it sucks. Rocks are just annoying, whenever I have to hike they get stuck in my shoe...And thats not even counting the times I've had to stop my brother from trying to eat them!"

"Relying on others is too risky...You should only work with someone if they owe you something."

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Jacques Howlard fizzelston

"You're probably right," Jack muttered. The former soldier rubbed his the bite marks on his arm uneased. "War makes people rich and powerful. Some people will do anything to become rich and powerful."


"I don't really like the smell of pine trees. It's too-" Jack frowned. "-tree-isch."

Nix CherRayinz

"Y'know, i totally must agree, in fact, i dont like many smells that arent related to the cold and and the smell of earth,leaves and bark just aint it for me, the sharp smell of frost is totally what im for, it kinda covers up strong smells like the tree-isch problem you mention, ahhh nothing beats the cold weather. "


"Ive thought this many times, but i find it quite unnecessary wearing so many layers of clothing, shouldnt a cloth be enough to cover your body parts and all? Its so stuffy as soon as i put anything else on my shirt i can barely even button my shirt, i dont know why everyone else finds it so pleasing at all."

Xander Klingelhof fizzelston

"Oh," Xander breathed hardly audible underneath his many layers of clothing. He rubbed his hands. "I do disagree," he said. "I believe that layers of clothes can tell you something about the person and ah, I do prefer to look...Stylish. Besides, I dislike being cold and this extra fur coat on top of my waistcoat -, I do wear a shirt underneath that coat, oh and a cravat,  -surely makes me feel secured." 


"I am not sure if this is a super unpopular opinion, forgive me if I'm wrong but...." He paused. "I do think that fire is a dangerous force.  Even the smallest flame is a hazard that you'll need to be careful around. Ah, I do not want to sound belittling but.. Only you can prevent wildfires." 

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 Mary fizzelston

"Oh, I totally agree." She grimaced. "I don't understand why people do that either. You can just eat the cookie, you know." Mary shook her head. "It spoils the milk too! I hate drinking milk with biscuit crumbs in it," she even stuck out her tongue.


"Ah, I just think puns are overrated," she said. Mary absentmindedly twirled a tentacle around her fingertips. "They are boring too."

Azreal Trapezoids_Bimonthly

"WHAT?" Azreal looks at her, offended. "PUNS AR3 TH3 GR3AT3ST, H0W W0ULD S0CI3TY FUNCTI0N WITH0UT TH3M?!"


Azreal looked down at the card in their hand. "MAY0CHUP-IS-G00D... WHAT D03S S3C3RTARY M3AN? THATS N0T AN UNP0PULAR 0PINI0N! IT IS TH3 W0RLD R3KNOWNED SAUC3!"

if you dont know mayochup is a mix of mayonaise and ketchup

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 Rat Pieplove

“Popularity is relative, yeah, that’s true. But the question if smoking is considered fine or normal has nothing to do with “popularity”. Besides, even if a lot of people do something, doesn’t make it “good”. On top of that, smoking is bad for your health, so only if you want to die I’ll consider it “good” for you.”

“Sure, do that. I don’t care.”

- - - -

My statement: “Love isn’t real. “Love” is something you feel when you depend on someone. It makes it easier to accept your dependence.”

 🚬::ROSS Nookie_inactive

"That's something I'd always thought. For so long I never understood the meaning of love, why it drives people to do stupid things and I just saw it as an excuse for those who are weak to be weak. But then I had my daughter, and I think, I understand it now. She taught me what it was to care for someone without wanting a reward from it, and I was even willing to change for someone for the first time. Maybe she does only love me because she's dependent on me, I haven't been the perfect parent, but I love her for reasons beyond that and I think that's what love is... Or whatever."


"I can't stand cinnamon. The taste, the smell, the texture- it's disgusting, I don't get how so many people can like it."

emelda alcaraz creatfran

"Well, I love cinnamon! When I was a kid, my mom used to put it in my rice pudding and it was the best. Cinnamon rolls, too. I still buy some from the store every now and then because they're just so good, even if it's not my mom's cooking."


"I don't get why people think frogs are so cute. They're...just eck. So slimy, And they have weird tongues, jump around too much...I'm kinda scared of them."

 Dandelion (D&D) fizzelston

"Frogs aren't that b-bad right?" Dandelion rubbed the back of his head thoughtfully. "I mean, you're right… They are slimy but.. Also, small. You can fit one on the palm of your hand. I think that's adorable. Besides, I loved listing to them when I still had my ferry."
"I don't really like soda's, soft drinks. I can't stand the carbonated-aspect… I think." 

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