Ask a question to the above person's OC

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 6 years, 10 months ago) by Amvira varkarrus

So it'll go like this: A person posts a question to the above user's OC. Then, after a new person posts a question, the first person edits their post to have an answer.


Something like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

then Person A edits their post so it's like

Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


Person A: (posts a question to the above person)
I do like cupcakes!

Person B: Does (person A) like cupcakes?
No, I absolutely could not take Goku on in a fight, have you seen that guy?

Person C: Could (person B) defeat Goku in a fight?


EDIT: Try and ask questions that lead to the development of characters!

EDIT2: Cant believe this needs to be said, but make your posts legible!!!!

EDIT3: Also. Read the person's profile before you ask a question!
Follow these rules or I'll implement a banlist!


I'll edit this post to include a response to the next person's question, once somebody posts!

(re: "Do you enjoy sitting in a garden to relax?")
"A garden? Pfeh! What kind of pansy-ass garbage is that? Lemme tell you how I relax! A warm, musty couch, some snacks, and video games! Hah!" ((But to be honest, she might enjoy just lounging around under a tree on a hot day))

Tea Guardian Hawkeye

"Why is it so difficult for you to accept what happened to you? You know, if you accepted what happened, it might be all the better for you, you know.. there is no shame in having lost and be beaten down. It is more admirable that you got up afterwards. "

My home is wherever my feet land... though I do have a little pocket of the world for my own. No mortal can reach it, however, and I suppose you would call it 'another plane' I think would be easiest to describe it. It is also what helps me get from one place to another so quickly. 

 Tashtumar Mariette

"Do you have a home? Or are you just a drifter? I wonder because you always just happen to be in the right place at the right time..."

"Pshhh. It's a wonder what sorts of obligations are piled on you when someone saves your ass from death."

Serin Databuffer

"Damn, I'm no stranger to having to pay back debts, but what the hell did you do to warrant over a /century/ of work as payment?!"

Serin stared at the message in mild disbelief. To say the least, it wasn't what he was expecting, and- to be honest, he felt the need to laugh, simply at how it had caught him off guard. It was an urge he pushed down, but he still spoke with the tone of someone who quite obviously could burst out in laughter any minute. "Right so uh... Well, my stomach still works perfectly fine, but I can't really use it to gauge, because I require a lot less food now... I haven't actually been able to fill up in quite some time, just because excess of anything in my system could get really dangerous-" He cut off. It was a lot more complicated that he intended. "Right so uh, anyway, can't get full, so I usually just eat this nasty goop in a vial my doctor prescribed. It tastes awful, but it keeps me working, so I guess thats a plus..."

 Leo Greymalkin BlankStorefront

Leo writes: "... How do you.... tell when you're done eating?"


Leo writes: "I like most animals, but I don't like being around a lot of them. I really like ocean life in particular, though."

Shinda Shihaisha TheLadyAnatola

"So, you're not fond of cats, to put it lightly, hm? What animals do you like then? Or what are some things you like in general?"

"She is, by far. Naturally I have a lot more experience than she does, only due to my longer lifespan, so she tends to push herself harder to 'keep up,' as she'd describe it. I think she does just fine with providing a welcome challenge, but she can get pretty intense about it sometimes. I used to be more competitive when I was still mortal, but I suppose I've mellowed out over the years. It's refreshing to spar with her when she has that spark I have trouble finding within myself these days."

Renne Araa HeroofEnelios

"So you spar with your wife... tell me, who is the most competitive between the two of you when it comes to swordplay?"


"Huh... I suppose in a way it has put some pressure on me, but I think that's to be expected. As I have this power, I have a larger responsibility to use it in a way that helps my people prosper."

Bran O'Corcrán/GhostKnight Databuffer

"Have you felt like more pressure was put on you to succeed due to your connection to magic, or do you feel it was quite the opposite, and you were pushed along without trouble?"

Sebastian let out a sigh. "If I am being completely honest, I am unable to remember many sensations from when I was alive, but I doubt it felt like this before. I can feel, somewhat, not as much as a flesh and blood human but... Well, I can feel heat. The metal of my body is almost constantly frigid, and the castle I reside in, is deep in the mountains, so heat is foreign to me, and I treasure it. It is incredibly comforting, and it makes me long to be free of this awful body..."

Santino sylvertongued

"My, aren't you an interesting one indeed? So you like being touched, do you? Tell me, what does it feel like to you? Does it feel the same as back when you were alive, or different since you no longer have an actual body?"

"Well, that depends on your definition of 'low', gorgeous." He chuckles to himself for a moment. "Truth be told, it would be easier to ask what I haven't done yet to get into someone's pants, or wallet. But I might as well share one of the many things I've done." The demon smirks and his tail gives a lazy twitch before he continues. "There was this one man who was devastated when his wife left him for another man. I ended up not only letting him pay me for 'comfort' in the form of drinks on the night we met, I also took on the role of his wife for a while - roleplayed as her, so to say. I wore clothes he bought for me that he thought she would like, I took on her name, I listened to his stories about her to incorporate their memories and her hobbies and quirks into it... It was rather interesting, actually, but I grew tired of him rather quickly. He wasn't really my type in the first place, and he was very clingy and whiny. I just couldn't deal with him for more than a month, despite the fact that he was quite wealthy." Santino gives a small shrug. "I've been told that was rather low, not just because I took advantage of the fact that he was in emotional turmoil, but also because I went along with it for a relatively long period of time and pretended to be someone I obviously wasn't. At the very least he agreed to it too though, and that's all that matters to me."

 Lucifer Aarix

"No shame at all, hmmm? Tell me, what's the lowest thing you've done to get in someone's pants and/or wallet?"


"Fantastic question, I like you! Not enough to want to spare you from my reign of destruction, obviously, but enough to answer.

I've got a tone of faves; changes every day tbh. There's always something newer and flashier... Though these are fun, if you're into vintage..." he whipped out a pair of staggeringly enormous twin guns with GET and REKT painted on them respectively. "Ever fired a punt gun? Ever fired two at once, one in each hand? These things are epic; 8ft barrels, 2 inch bores; they weigh 220 pounds each and take a pound of gunpowder for every shot. Clear the whole sky," he somehow managed to shoulder both of the comically oversized canons simultaneously, with apparent ease, and flashed a knife-filled grin, "Not high-tech, but you could probably shoot down a helicopter with one of these things. could shoot down three." the edge to his voice and glimmer in his many eyes attested to the latter claim, at least. 

 "Granted, the recoil would rip your arm off. Not mine though." he threw the guns aside to flex for a bit, as if his biceps had anything to do with his godlike strength rather than it just being down to the fact he's a demonic Devourer of Worlds.

Amy -jacket

"I see you own a lot of guns. What's your favourite kind of gun, out of that massive collection you've got?" --------------------------------------------------------- "Life before my disappearance was fairly humble. Violet had always been my good friend. In fact, we were practically raised together, as our mothers were best friends. I also grew up with another close friend, Penny Schmidt, but we hadn't talked much in the year leading up to my disappearance as she'd moved to Burien, WA to train at the police academy there. I grew up with higher expectations than most; I've always been a straight A student and my parents had very high standards. My mother was rather upset when she heard I decided to go to the local college in Pasco instead of a more ambitious school."

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casper valentine melchior

"What made you want to become a gym leader, exactly? Was there something or someone that inspired you to specifically go down that route, or did you just find yourself at that point, with the opportunity in front of you?"

"Ah, yeah.. I guess you could say I miss the Heavens. It's a weird feeling - though I prefer the freedom of the mortal realm, and the types of people that reside there, I get a little.. homesick? Is that the word? The Heavens have this strange atmosphere that can only be described as quaint, and the starkness is something I've never felt in the mortal realm - wait, what do humans call it? 'Earth'? Well.. it's certainly miles different from the celestial realm. I miss the home-y feeling of it, on occasion. As for my preference, I'm really not sure. I'd probably go with 'Earth', seeing as I've been able to spread my wings with so much ease. Quite literally, in some cases."

Barwyn Cleo Mochagatari

"I know you left Heaven on your own accord, but...d-don't you ever, y'know, miss it there? Do you prefer the human world to being there, outside of having to hide?"

Alice Somnificus reinapepiada

How does it feel to see things when you're a chameleon?


"Yes, actually!... I mean... There's a whole thing on what the sound of thought sounds like but to recognize certain people I can try to hear their thoughts... Most of the time I can get a lead by how fast, slow, ordered or disordered their thoughts are... But I have to know the person first... If I'm in an important ocassion I usually try to ask a given person who they are via their own thoughts... Most people have an immediate response to that..." he pauses, trying to remember something, and just kind of zones out.

The problem with asking people who their are with their own thoughts is that it might lead to some identity crises, and that's something Alice has caused before. He can't recall when, though...

Terry Lovejoy PicklePantry

"Faceblindness. That's interesting. So you can't recognize people off of faces alone, right? Does reading minds ever help you out for that? Or do thoughts tend to sound the same for everyone, too?"

Terry barely listens, his eyes dully looking at the girl's ears. Are those real...? he asks himself until he registers her question. His face still sickly tired, and without hesitation, he instantly replies, "Yes.
"Connections? Relationships? Kid, as soon as you start teaching you lose all of that. You're spending hours writing up lesson plans or talking to the principal about how one kid thinks you're racist because you wouldn't let him bring his pet turtle to class." He pauses to twiddle the thermometer in his mouth, then glances through his window at the kids all playing around at the playground. He's silent for a moment before looking back at the girl. "Actually, nevermind. These brats give me their colds and additional migraines, but I guess they're okay. Job pays well, anyway."