I'm sure many of you have seen the numbered or symboled questions that are meant to be used for character development. I've always wanted to give them a try (and maybe you have too), and this thread will give us an opportunity to! If this gets enough interest I may find more question sets that are numbered or lettered so we can have a bigger pool of questions.

★ How to Play 
Written below is a set of numbered questions. The goal of this game is to pick or (or two or three) to ask of a character that belongs to the poster above you.
Initial post: Look at the above user's character gallery and select a character you're curious about. Make a post pinging the user above that included both the name of/link to the character you want to know about, then post the number/s of the question/s you want to ask!
Answering questions: Once someone posts below you and chooses a character and a question to ask, edit your post and answer the questions accordingly!

★ Question Set ★

Set One (made by sidebloggable on tumblr)
1. Their physical weak spots
2. Their emotional/moral weak spots
3. Scars or painful spots
4. Best places to kiss on their body
5. Guilty pleasures
6. Their vices (physical or emotional)
7. Their tickle spots
8. Bad memories/experiences
9. Humiliating memories
10. Fears/phobias
11. Bad or petty habits
12. Grudges and vendettas
13. What gets them flustered
14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit
15. What it takes to make them cry
16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
17. Regrets
18. Things they’ll never admit
19. People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
21. Turning points in their life
22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

★ Rules ★
I'll have to add more rules to fit the game, but for now I'm a thread-running novice and can only think of one really important thing: remember this thread is all-age friendly. It is not categorized as mature, so please be mindful of our younger players bye avoid overly sexual answers to questions. Thank you!

For the sake of organization I'm going to ask the first poster just claim a spot and skip me!


P0CKETKNIFE 6, 14, 20 for Camille?

Stick to this tag as these have profiles!

Broccoli Man RadiantRaindragon


I love vampires, so for Ophelia - 9, 10, 13, 18?

14, 16, 18 and 20 for this unholy abomination:

14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit

Always has to dress well, even if he doesn't need to. Usually wears smart clothes and only ever dresses casually if he's at home and is sure no-one will see him.

16. Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’

None that I can think of.

18. Things they’ll never admit

That he used to be extremely shy as a child, and certainly never thought about becoming a TV presenter. Just the idea of talking to strangers or talking in front of a big crowd horrified him. He did eventually get over this problem with the help of friends and family, but it's something he won't talk about, and is embarrassed to admit just how bad it used to be. He might allude to it occasionally, but will never talk about it at length.

20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines

I always use this question as an excuse to mention AUs I've thought up for the character, so: I once imagined (and tried to draw) a human version of Broccoli Man. I think I had intentions of turning him into a serious character, but realised that he's not interesting enough if he isn't a broccoli.



14,16, 18 and 20 for Broccoli Man!

Anyone from here or here is fine!

3. Scars or painful spots

Fawn usually gets bruises on her elbows, knees or on her fingers, usually through her tendencies to run into many things on her way to Tuinepines. They don't hurt much, but it affects her willingness to move long distances. Of course she usually hides them through her long dress.

10. Fears/phobias

Due to her "visions" and many dreams, she usually fears about minor things only to forget them in exchange for another. She's unsure on how the future may hold, so that worries her.

13. What gets them flustered

Since Fawn usually has her head in the clouds, things don't bother her as much. Only when her visions come true is when she truly gets startled.



3, 10, 13 for Fawn! ^^


9 , 13 ,18 for al!

9. Humiliating memories

he doesn't actually remember much??? he's constantly in a sort of haze of greed-- oof

but if he did, the time he became human and forgot to include a bunch of organs would count, cos he almost died x'D

13. What gets them flustered

hmm nothing? i mean- flustered anger when he cant get something x'D

18. Things they’ll never admit

that he isn't a god-


9, 13, 18 for Al

Use the has bio tag to see my characters that actually have info

Don't pick 7 or 4 because that would make me uncomfy.



2 and 6 for Inkstone

18 and 19 for Clayton


Anyone from here please here

Anita RadiantRaindragon


8, 10, 17 and 22 for Rory!

22, 17, and 14 for Anita:

14. Ingrained habits/forces of habit

Anita came from a poor family in a rural area. Upon entering school, she discovered that most of the other students were from rich upper-class families. Self-conscious of this fact, she started to teach herself to act, sound and dress more like those students, even losing her childhood accent. Eventually most of the school's population (or at least her friends/acquaintances) learned about her background, but she continues to act this way by force of habit and a fear of still being judged for it.

17. Regrets

All of the more dangerous/reckless things she's been coerced into doing by her classmates. She's not a natural rule-breaker and hates doing dangerous things, but occasionally will give in due to peer pressure.

22. People who’ve influenced them greatly

Her ghost friend, William, who has helped her learn a lot about kindness and that it's OK to not always fit in with other people. He also remains her friend through life even though few others can see him, and helps her with numerous important decisions, even helping her to think of names for her children when she has them. If there's one person whose opinion she truly cares about, it's his.


RadiantRaindragon 22, 17, and/or 14 for Anita!

Oh boy, good choices, good choices!

9. Humiliating memories

She used to enter contests for concert piano. There's a reason she doesn't anymore. That second place trophy still haunts her.

13. What gets them flustered

She's super not used to people being genuinely kind or gentle toward her. Most of the time when this happens, she'll lean really hard into trying to impress them, but if they kindly touch her hand or brush up against her shoulder, her entire game is thrown off.

18. Things they’ll never admit

Many things, such as being wrong, being defeated (at the cost of her physical health), being nervous, getting flustered, having a full emotional range in general (at the cost of her mental health), basically anything that would imply she's not the best/smartest/strongest. As a bonus, she'd never admit any of these to herself.

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Izzy hedgemaze


5, 13, 15, 17 for Dagger?

(If you don't want to ask about Izzy, anyone here is fine)


hedgemaze 19, 15, 2, 17?

my charas are kind of a mess, but im working on tagging full/wip bios ;w;

Tiramisu link_url


2, 5, and 9 for Reine?


If y'don't want to do Araa, anyone but Bryon, Percival and Oozoo should be fine!


2. - Tiri's rather cocky, and has a big ego. This leads to her being absolutely reckless at times.

19. - She's hurt a lot of people. You'd think that she wouldn't care but she usually realizes it weeks later and then feels really bad about it. It happens rather often.

21. - When she finally had it with her stupid self. She broke down a bit, not crying, but just motionless and lost in thought.

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