[IC] Association rambling

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by Caine

Basically this is an IC game where the characters get to ramble about something they associate with what the OC above them has talked about! 

This can be anything from really straightforward associations (A talks about Christmas and B proceeds to talk about how they never believed in Santa) or something more vague (Character C talks about their relationship with their parents, character D talks about what their childhood home used to smell like). 

The point of this game is to just have fun and get to know your own and other people's characters through their small ramblings! 

  • Your post can be any length you want! Just keep it short enough other people will have the stamina to read it to pick an association from there for their own OC
  • Make sure to claim your spot so nobody will snatch it while you type!
  • Your character doesn't have to respond to the character above in any way! However, they can do that if you want. 

How this game works:

Character A: [talks something about flowers and how they like roses]

Character B: My father used to own a flower shop and I used to spend a lot time there [description about the shop and things they liked there]

Character C: I love shopping clothes but I don't usually have much money to do that! 

Since there is no first post, how about the first poster's character talks about music! (what they like, if they play/sing themselves etc, anything they find relevant) 

Black PolarisStorm

"You know, to think of it, I likely haven't gotten a full night's rest in years, either. I'm not scared, at least not usually, but I'm just not tired or in the mood to sleep, or eat, or sometimes even drink anything that isn't coffee. I get people who tell me to sleep, eat, and/or get some water, but to that I say, 'Why?' Because it certainly doesn't matter to me. I'm a terrible human being who's just waiting for death like everyone else, and if my habit of running on nothing but coffee occasionally will see me to an early grave, so be it. Coffee is probably what half of my blood is comprised of now, anyway."

Zinnia salternate

"Wanna know what I usually order? A mocha, double shot, extra cream," Zinnia exhaled, holding her arms behind her back.

"My friend, he—he likes his coffee black. I personally wouldn't drink it like that; it's just far too bitter." She blinked slowly, her lips curling into a bigger smile.

"I love it when we get coffee in the morning... sometimes in the afternoon. We get to have a good chat, and we get a little pick me up. I'd always choose to sit at the window seat; it's better than hugging the wall. Sometimes, he gets distracted and just stares out the window. I always wondered what he was staring at...Whenever I asked, he'd always snap out of his daze and change the subject." She blinked rapidly, shoving her hands in her pockets.

"To be fair, he does struggle with sleeping. I think he's just...way tired in the mornings."

 Andrew Psycho-freakG

"I love my coffee sweet with extra cream! I do actually work as a part time job on a coffee shop when I finish my classes on the college I'm attending. And the awesome thing is that I actually get to have one for free for every shift I work. I don't get paid that much but I manage, I don't mind that much I like the place it's cozy. I have really amazing and friendly people for coworkers, I'm actually friends with one of them, his name is Asahi, he is a really funny guy. One time he by accident gave three times the wrong order to one costumer and the cherry on top is that he when he was going to give the right order he spilled the drink on the costumer. The costomer that he was flirting with when he was taking their order who was a lovely lady, he trid to play it off like nothing happened. I love that guy he really is something, he never failed to bring to me or anyone else of our coworkers to smile......"

Ethan Wilhelm PicklePantry

Ethan sighed, "Something like that happened to me before too. As in, someone kept giving me the wrong order at a cafe. In the end I decided to just take it. It wasn't what I wanted, but it was still pretty tasty. But man, sometimes this bad luck of mine can really get to me. I have, like, unusually bad luck. Follows me EVERYWHERE! The other day my phone started bugging out on me and I lost all of my pictures! Luckily, Freddy was able to restore it all, but still..."

Aiden salternate

"C-call me-me old fashioned, b-but I-I like to-to keep pictures! Like, actual laminated p-pictures! Kind of like those Polaroids, but not," Aiden beamed, clasping his hands together.

"Ooh, b-but I-I don't keep them out. They stay in-in a-a box in my room. I-I have pictures of my-my-my ex-girlfriend...the girl I like...just p-people I-I'm really close to-to. It-it-it's kinda cheesy, but...I love nostalgia—t-the good kind! Anyways, they're kinda special. I-I've...actually never t-told anyone about this. P-please, don't tell anyone else." After pausing, Aiden slightly shifted the subject,

"I-I haven't touched it in-in a long time. Maybe it'll help me w-with any skeletons in-in the closet, heh."

Maple numberposting

"Ooh, skeletons in the closet? I have one of my own! Literally, there's a skeleton in my closet. ...A fake one, obviously!" Maple grinned, fiddling with her scarf a bit.

"Funny story! Okay, so, like, it was a super normal Tuesday and I was fighting this cosmic space goddess, that's just part of the whole Magical Girl job description!" Maple did a peace sign for emphasis, "and 'cuz of a whooole string of convoluted events we ended up in the rubble remains of a classroom. Y'know those skeletons they sometimes keep in classrooms to teach kids anatomy n' stuff? Well, the space goddess had knocked my magic staff away from me, leaving me defenseless, so I managed to pick the fake skeleton up and I completely beamed her over the head with it!

Maple couldn't help but laugh. "You should've seen her faceee! It was, like, the best thing in the world. Best thing was, after the battle was won, I took the skeleton home with me! I don't have many uses for skeletons, sooo I just jammed it into my closet." Maple's eyes veered off to the side for a moment, 

"So, um, I guess the moral of the story is this: If you can't fight with the power of love and sugar, plastic skeletons are a pretty good substitute."

Mr. TV PicklePantry

"Lady, I don't have a clue what you just said. Frankly, I feel like I should call the cops after all that, too. But it did remind me, Halloween's around the corner, isn't it? Skeletons, witches, and all that, yeah. I've got a few projects in the work right now about that, some Halloween specials, some movies. Feels like people would rather stick to their old nostalgia movies, though, yeah? Why is that? I took a look at a couple of those movies, one with some witches that were like the Three Stooges, wasn't too impressed by it. Nostalgia's a big player in it, I'm sure, but if that's the case, nobody's gonna want to try any new movies ever! There's got to be a solution to that..."

OTA RatKingUmi

"Oh Halloweeen!! That's pretty fancy isnt it!?!?" Friday chuckles, a slight smile on his face as he leans back into himself ever so gently, his arms crossed behind his head. " You know Halloween started in the good ol U-S-of-A around 1845 to 1846, bought over from Europe from Irish immigrants, I remember that, yes yes, I travelled on the boat with them. T'was evolved from an old Gaelic festival, ancient even, called Samhain, was celebrated way before my time, but it's interesting how you modern folk use the start of the winter solstice to dress up all spooky! I love the costumes! Had a little girl dress up as a broccoli tree, she knocked on my door, most terrifying experience of my life!!" Friday chuckles, his eyes rolling dramatically before he slumps slightly, his hands pressed to his thighs. "I dont usually have to dress up though, I have this little trick up my sleeve, being immortal, 'm soul is always trying to slip out of me haha, has some pretty dope physical glitches, the kids love it on Halloween night.. any other night though... well hah.. best to keep it to myself and let it be known as an October 31st magic trick..."

Zinnia salternate

"I hate getting spooked. Literally, I hate it so much. I really feel like I am on the verge of tears whenever someone just waltzes behind me, grabs me by the shoulders, and screams in my ears." After the blonde tucked some of her bangs behind her ears, she let out an exhale.

"It's bizarre, really. I have no clue why I do it, but I do. I guess it's some sort of...defense mechanism or whatever? I mean, there's so much I need to be careful with."

En Litari II ([King En]) PicklePantry

"I don't think there's anything too weird about that," En shrugged. "It sounds like a normal reaction to being scared. You think you're going to be hurt or attacked, so you want to cry because it's overwhelming. I've felt like that plenty of times, even today. I don't like the idea of someone grabbing you by the shoulders and screaming, though, that sounds a little excessive," he muttered while rubbing his chin before smiling. "You want to know something really scary, though, try parenting. Ha! Scariest thing of my life! My son is... in a phase. I don't think I've seen anything he DOESN'T hate. And my daughter," he sighed, "she's a handful. She's wonderful and sweet, and her heart is in the right place, but she's so naive! She's taken a shine to someone, and I just... I can't tell if this bad feeling I have about them is something I should look into, or me just being a paranoid father."

 Neoten milkywaytrain

"Ha, parenting's a nightmare. Take it from me, I raised one of those lil naked apes 'n now she's a fine fighter and mechanic," the beastman beamed. "But even if I'm proud of her, God damn do I hate dealin' with little guys! They're cute, but I feel bad for all the humans who had t'raise those babies in the villages." His fins flicked in annoyance. "Speakin' of the villages, I wonder what it was like t'live underground. I've never been in one, but I can imagine it's all cold and gross down there. Ha! Makes me feel good about all those borin' days doing nothin' on the surface. At least I wasn't in a pit!"

Terry Lovejoy PicklePantry

"I'm sure it'd be cold and dark, but hell, with technology as it is right now it'd probably be really comfy. I wouldn't be surprised if things started moving in the direction considering, what, we're losing space as is? You mentioned raising babies, though, earlier, and let me tell you, is it as much of a pain as you think," Terry sighed before taking a heavy swig of his fountain drink. "It never gets easy. Just when you think you've got things figured out, something happens. I swear, I feel more like a babysitter than a teacher most of these days. I can't imagine what it's like to actually enjoy a job. Is it even possible?"

 Aleksandr Linkonovskiy Ledokol

“Yeah, I don’t doubt one bit working with children is probably one of the most exhausting jobs out there.” The major general couldn’t be happier he chose a life of solitude path. Workaholic, staying single and avoiding any chance of social gathering, even with his colleagues from the same work place. “More precisely, I don’t like this expectation of aptitude the society places on adults that every person, once becomes an adult, MUST be able to handle children. I for one, as an only child, don’t. Children are an unfamiliar element in my life, and I want to keep my life from crossing paths with them. When my workplace held a sort of New Year party inviting employees with family in, I’d much rather just barricade myself in my office than enduring even a half an hour of children’s screaming. At least the former option gets my work done. Compare to your job, I guess my perks are that my job doesn’t directly deal with people... and that I get to travel often.”

Gustav Alkaev PicklePantry

"You're lucky you don't have to deal with people. I work in Hell, I get the worst of the worst. You have any idea how entitled people are even in Hell? We have mile long lines and they keep breaking into fights because they think they deserve to be first in line. Still, you have a point, I think I'd rather deal with them than with children." Gustav removed his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose. "They're both their own levels of Hell, though. I don't think I go a day without hating everything and everyone."

"Having to hear that was Hell."

Coco Holmes CometTheMountainLion

“Hell?” Coco said with an upward inflection.

“You should see what I have been through. I am a private detective and have seen lots of tragic and gory things, I’ve had covid, and been in combat more than a few times myself. My ancestor was none other than Sherlock Holmes himself.”

“After his death, my family moved to America and built their firm on their ancestral legacy. And later my aunt died in 9/11.”

“Now I live in Wisteria, North Carolina, a crime-filled, interstate-blighted, drab city in an otherwise scenic region.”