[IC] Association rambling

Posted 6 years, 6 months ago (Edited 5 years, 5 months ago) by Caine

Basically this is an IC game where the characters get to ramble about something they associate with what the OC above them has talked about! 

This can be anything from really straightforward associations (A talks about Christmas and B proceeds to talk about how they never believed in Santa) or something more vague (Character C talks about their relationship with their parents, character D talks about what their childhood home used to smell like). 

The point of this game is to just have fun and get to know your own and other people's characters through their small ramblings! 

  • Your post can be any length you want! Just keep it short enough other people will have the stamina to read it to pick an association from there for their own OC
  • Make sure to claim your spot so nobody will snatch it while you type!
  • Your character doesn't have to respond to the character above in any way! However, they can do that if you want. 

How this game works:

Character A: [talks something about flowers and how they like roses]

Character B: My father used to own a flower shop and I used to spend a lot time there [description about the shop and things they liked there]

Character C: I love shopping clothes but I don't usually have much money to do that! 

Since there is no first post, how about the first poster's character talks about music! (what they like, if they play/sing themselves etc, anything they find relevant) 

Smiley PicklePantry

"Humans are pretty interesting, aren't they? :) They come off as so... plain, but they can be full of surprises!
"You know, I've always fancied myself as an artist or sorts. I love to paint. My art always gets big reactions. :) The problem, you see, is that I like to paint what's inside someone. I want to bring out those smiles I know they're hiding. So, of course, I'll paint using their blood. :) Sure, they scream and cry at first, but in the end they're surrounded by all these smiles that could only be made thanks to them. Isn't that nice? I like to think that's nice. I don't see why people don't understand something so simple. :)"

Alois Lovelace Caine

"I was taught how to paint, and I was told I could make it a career, but I never liked it. The idea of copying what already exist was never really appealing to me, and I never had enough imagination to come up with anything on my own. Likewise I used to be disinterested in music, but after my death I have taken a liking on playing the piano... Unfortunately I didn't learn quite as much as I could have, and now I kind of regret it." 

Harry Melton Renigee

(this is set in like 1902 and I didn't do any research forgive me)

"When I was a boy, we didn't have a piano, or paints, we never got to see any theater, we were very poor. There weren't many children in my family because it was hard to afford to care for more than three. I was ten years old, my brother six, when our mother died from a mysterious illness, and while she was carrying a third child. Truly heartbreaking. Then we were left all alone to fend for ourselves in a growing country. We managed to find a few cents before we went to New York, where the economy seemed to be booming."

 Damien colorful

"I still kind of miss my life as a human being back then. I had one beautiful wife, and one tomboyish daughter. I sometimes don't know what is the right thing to do even, haha. If I only didn't get tempted by money, I bet I was still by the company of my daughter after we were involved in a car accident. I just can't believe the times me, my beautiful wife, and my energetic daughter, just faded in an instant like that. I'm sad that I've been working so hard for her to be cured, only to end up that the surgery failed and I was not able to be by her side. I'm a terrible father, ain't I?"

"Yes, I'm going on circles but I think it was really foolish to work for some random scientist. Because of him, I'm stuck on a weird place. How annoying. Though I just hope Pickles and Fern are doing okay. I'm proud that she gets a special one, even she's just my stepdaughter."

Felren Sharklore

"So you've lost just as I've lost... I once had a wife and daughter just like you. If I understand correctly, in your marital traditions, one spouse adopts the surname of the other. In mine, both spouses take on their counterpart's name as their last. My name, once Felkias but now Felren, is a forever reminder of my beloved, departed wife, Renfel. I will never forget or abandon her by readopting the name of my past. She is as much a part of me as I am.

I tried to spare my family from the war. I watched as enemy patrols more and more frequently disrupted the peace of our streets. I knew it was coming. But when I told my family I wanted to flee, my wife rejected the suggestions as ludicrous. After all, we had vowed early on to provide guidance for the lost; how could we do that if we were to abandon our posts? And so we stayed together until the war took my Renfel and Mirfel away from me. I watched as the people we had vowed to protect saved their own skins by abandoning us and our havens in our greatest hour of need. They took advantage of our hospitality so long as it suited them, but the moment there was any resistance, they fled like cowards. And so I'm bitter. I will admit, I'm so very bitter. To continue to help the same traitors who left my wife, my children, my kingdom to die... Renfel, give me mercy, and if you can, give them sorrow and remorse like mine."

 seth littlebirby

"That sounds... wow. I'm really sorry, nobody should have to go through something like that. I'm sure your family is proud of you for continuing to live on and carry their legacy, if that makes sense. 

Family is a strange thing, you know? Being a foster dad kind of opens you up to different ideas of family. A lot of kids come in simply because their parent's don't have enough money to support them. When I first started, I tried to make fancy dinners and go above and beyond for those kids. I realized pretty fast that that doesn't help anyone. Now I just try to make kiddos feel at home as possible - throw on a cartoon, make some lemonade, talk with the kid like I'm a family friend and not their foster dad. They're a little nervous, quiet, but you just have to let them take their time to warm up to you."

Saccharin Kirbygal

"Those kids are really lucky to have someone like you~ I'm a foster kid too; my real parents died when my old house burned down. It was... sooo long ago and I barely remember them anymore. But now I have new parents and are super nice and kind and I guess they do kinda spoil me a lot but I don't think I'm too demanding of them for anything~ They let me do whatever I want and they do their best to take care of me. I think all I really need to consider what is family to me is them, and my most best friend in the whole universe, Argent! Argent was with me through all the bad times I had and he's super reliable and sweet~ ^^ Mmhmm~ These three people are the most important people in the world to me~!"

This post has been removed.
 Mircalla Karnstein colorful

"Ehehe~ I'm glad that you are happy while others are happy! It gives me hope and a will to live when I see the likes of you. I want a world where we're all happy! Ehehehe! It's sad that most of us gets happy when one is sad... I don't want to live in a world like that, uuu... The reason there's so many of us is because we should go along and be happy, right?"


"I would have to agree with you there. I don't think there's a sweeter and more heartwarming feeling than making someone happy or just making them feel better. I've always been all ears... as they say. It gives me such a sense of fulfillment and it makes me, myself happy as well. Ahah. Even if it is... just a little thing y'know? I'm always happy to help anyone that needs it. Another thing that really just makes me happy is having my son around. He's just, really the biggest sweetheart around me. Woke me up on my birthday with a cake already made for me. He was and is all I could've asked for in a child and more. He helps me out in my little flower shop and he got the nickname. "Sunshine" there because of how much he used to smile at the regulars. He really is my little sunshine in away. My little pride and joy."

Chris Jensen truelexblue

"I'm happy for you. I've never thought about having children until I met my boyfriend. He's made me feel the happiest I've been in a long time. I don't know how to explain it, I just... I love him so much. It feels good to know that there's someone that loves me as much as I love him. It's wonderful. Forgive me if this sounds too corny, but I want to be with him for the rest of my life. I want to marry him, I want to start a family with him... just don't tell him yet."

Reggie Ster PicklePantry

Reggie sighs dreamily while cupping his cheeks in his hands, small hearts floating around him. "How romantic~! Oh, I'm so jealous! And happy for you! It must be sooo nice having someone like that." He sighs again, lost in his own thoughts. "That reminds me, I hope that detective stops by again. I could use some help figuring out who keeps stealing all our candy. I mean, I know, but it'd be nice to see him stay a little longer. Speaking of, I need to double my orders on candy now that Halloween's right around the corner. There was some kind of block party going on nearby last night, so all these children were walking in with their costumes, and guess what? One of them was dressed like me! Well, not me, per se, but a clerk! I. Cried."

Darcy Bronson Sharklore

"You're telling me you have detectives on a candy thief case? What are you, made of money? Pshh. If candy were really worth that much, I'd be stealin' it too. You wanna stop shoplifters? Put up security cameras. Don't just wait until the crime happens and then get the cops to crawl around looking for wrapper trails for you. Jeez, it's like nobody knows how to run a business anymore. What's the saying--mountains out of molehills? What about murderers out of dumb delinquent kids who just want their sugar fix? Get a life... and better security measures while you're at it. You're the reason the police dillydally for an hour before getting anywhere."

"And you're not the only one that gets all busy on Halloween either, but at least all you've got to deal with is a bunch of latecomers looking for a chocolate bar or two hundred. I need to deal with clients who want dates for all their sad little Halloween parties. And you know what all of them want? Matching costumes. It's cute and all until they start asking me what I want to go as. You know what I really want to go as? A single chick who is most certainly not your date. Usually I don't hate my job. Really. Not typically. But the last thing I want to do on Halloween is go to a party with people I don't know dressed as the salt to some stranger's pepper. Kinda degrading. At least I blend in with all the other decorated chumps in there."

Ambrosius Caine

"The unicorns in my kingdom, that is to say, in the demon realm, don't actually celebrate Halloween. Rather, we celebrate Samhain, and some celebrate Kekri. Obviously unicorns that have migrated elsewhere and integrated themselves into human cultures especially have different celebrations for the month of October, but in my case it's a silent celebration. The entire October is spent listening to the sounds and sensations around us, and our magic is at its peak during this time. Sometimes some family members even see ghosts of their loved ones who come to visit and give them a mission so that their soul can rest. 

As for me, I enjoy staying at the castle and read by the candlelight - it's one of the rare occasions where I do not join a party other inhabitants of the demon realm hold." 

Dich Tempus SaitoPsyncin

"Celebrations certainly are a nice way to recognize accomplishments and rituals. I've seen worlds where they don't celebrate at all, and other worlds where celebrations are literally ever day. It's fascinating to see the differences in Accounts and how they've developed into what they are today."

The Commander-in-Chief pondered, crossing his arms. "...I merely speak of reading from books and making assumptions. My apologies for being confusing."