Opposite characters!

Posted 6 years, 4 months ago (Edited 6 months, 22 days ago) by Izzy hedgemaze

I thought this would be fun-- like the Similar OCs game, this is the opposite!

Look at the character above you, and post IC as a character who is their opposite! Maybe the character above is outgoing, and yours is shy; they're a tiny fairy and yours is a hulking brute; they're a succubus and yours is an angel; they love pineapple pizza and yours thinks it's an abomination-- have fun with whatever differences you can find!


  • It's fine to post characters who have no description (and let the person below compare only by appearance), but try to pick a character you think someone can find something to respond to.
  • It's ok to do comparisons like "Bob is male and Jenny is female" or "Spirit is a wolf and Craig is a human," but try to add in more comparisons than just those, if you can!
  • You can post as little as one simple comparison, but it's fun if you can think of several, or if you can think of something a little in-depth (comparing personalities or backstories, etc.)!
  • Let at least two people post before going again. Try to vary the OCs you post, if you can.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

I'll start with this guy. How is your OC unlike him?

Want to play more games about character similarities?

All my forum games and threads

Salvador Wapenburg fizzelston

Sal is more of an introvert than extrovert like Taiyari! He's also more stoic and reserved with his expressions while Taiyari is more bubbly. I also think their clothing styles are quite the opposite of each other! 

Grug Gutbusta ProfessionalDumbass

Big, stupid, not subtle at all, and will pick someone up he doesn't like- NEED I SAY MORE!

(the only similarity would be not the best social skills :^))

Jordyn (Jörmungandr) Snowfallqueen


Even though I was sniped (nice shootin, tex!), funnily enough, Jordyn is still a great fit as Grug's opposite.

She's smol, he's tol.

She's known for her cunning, while he's simple-minded.

She's a got a silver tongue, while he'd rather cut yours off.

She's rather physically weak, while he solves all his problems with brute force.

They are similar only in their ruthlessness and loyalty.


(I got sniped but you can keep this haha)

Honestly I really find it funny that these two have met in a forum game before because they literally could not be more different.

One a woman, the other a man.

One could sell ice to eskimos, the other has trouble asking for directions.

One is an extrovert, the other an introvert.

One is pansexual, while the other is asexual.

One is beholden to time and is forced to find a way around it, while the other can change the flow at will.

Flavius DustY_Sheeb

this seems fun! wonder why this hasnt gotten any post recently-

- hes a demon, shes an angel

- hes loud, shes quiet

- hes a boy, shes a girl

- hes fucking tall, shes short

- his clothing style is red and black, her clothing style is gold and white

- he makes life end, she brings life back

Chime MechanicalHoundz

Chime will do everything in his power to avoid killing. He's only done it twice (for those of you who are pokemon fans and wanna know, it was Ghetsis and his Hydregon that Chime killed, both in self-defense and in defense of N) and still feels horrible about said two times even over a decade later.

Tho not particularly "small", Chime IS small for his species (he's a runt, actually) and therefore I think tall vs short could apply here!

Red colors vs Chime's blue colors!

Oliver Kasey (Hinato Uchiyama) AtomicStarCat

Hinato acts like he’s scared, but in reality he’s a sadist who seems to enjoy bloodshed. He’s killed tens of demons and some humans who disagree with his values. If it is to save himself, he’ll go through any number of bodies.

He’s not that short lmao he’s pretty average

Blue and Yellow are not complimentary colors, but they’re pretty far away from each other on the color wheel.

Eleftherios Toutziaridis Nuclear-Hydrangea

- Lefty is pacifistic and not really into violence at all.
- Lefty Doesn't believe in demons or supernatural things
- Lefty don't know how to use any weapon
- Hinato is a fandom OC while Lefteris is my own.
- Hinato is around in the 1910s-1920s (where the period Demon Slayer sets) while Lefty is in the modern era (2010s-2020s)
- Lefty is open while Hinato has his own strong beliefs
- Lefty has green-white hair while Hinato has yellow ends.
- Lefty is part of a tech cooperative (no weapons and stuff) while Hinato is the Demon Slayer Corps (people are fighters)

Litchi Baisol

- Litchi's hair is the opposite color of Lefty's (black and pink / white and green )
- Litchi (despite being a machine himself) doesn't know how to work a recent computer, much less how to program something on it
- Lefty is very peaceful and doesn't fight, Litchi will go out of his way to fight anyone who even dares to look at him wrong
- Litchi lives in the more distant future (2200-) while Lefty lives in the 2000's
- Litchi is really closed off, edgy and just mean while Lefty is far more talkative, friendly and open
- Lefty doesn't believe in the magic and in the supernatural, while Litchi is quite literally an undead being, while also being  familiar with a lot of magic users
- Lefty is married with two children, Litchi is a loner and has no interest in romance or having kids of any kind (and he doesn't have much of a family)
- Lefty is very old and tends to act in a more mature way, while Litchi acts like a spoiled teenager most of the time
- Lefty is a big fan of horror movies, Litchi despises them
- Lefty lies a lot, while Litchi can often be brutally honest and dislikes liars/telling them

btw i love the code you used for lefty (also really cool character!!!)

Roswell van Breek fizzelston

While Litchi has to adapt to his new time area, Roswell is a product of his time. Ros also needs to eat and sleep to function, (he's not a robot, sad) and is a liar, unlike Litchi. Roswell also hates the colour yellow 😿

Leo dandikix

In opposite if Ros's historical theming, wet noodle build and narcissistic personality, i have Levan, an alien from the distant future, built like a heavy lifter and selfless to a point of recklessness  

Zamir hedgemaze

Levan is a physically strong and imposing middle-aged alien involved in criminal enterprises; Zamir is a noodly, cowardly young human man. Levan also has two ex-wives and five children; Zamir has never had any serious relationship!

Matsu ConfusedBiscuit

- Zamir is your stereotypical millennial hipster and matsu's fashion sense.. let's just say it fit her time.

- Zamir is a giant coward, Matsu would throw hands with anyone if they ticked her off enough

- Matsu is so self aware it's almost scary. Zamir is not.

- On that note, Zamir is ignorant and Matsu is most certainly not.

- Zamir is sickly and has asthma, Matsu is an expert in medicine and in very good health.

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- Jet is an angel, Vernon is human

- Jet’s abilities are powerful, Vernon’s powers sometimes don't work.

- Jet has a natural hair colour (brown), Vernon has an unrealistic hair colour (blue).

- Jet is dead, Vernon is alive

- Jet isn’t an adult, Vernon is.

Kitschy silket

- kitschy is a demon, while vernon is a human!
- vernon is quiet and somewhat mysterious, while kitschy is loud and an open book. she's an obnoxious extrovert
- vernon dislikes sweets, but kitschy loves em!
- vernon's palette is cool-toned, whereas kitschy's is warm (particularly her clothing)
- some of vernon's abilities could be used in combat, whereas kitschy's are mostly good for scaring people or just being bothersome to them.