Your favorite design by the person above!

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 10 months, 5 days ago) by hedgemaze

I thought about how there are games to pick your favorite characters or art from the person above, but not one for designs specifically!

Like those other games, for this you'll go to the profile of the person who posts above you, but click on their "Designs" tab INSTEAD and pick your favorite-- based ONLY on the character's visual design, not their profile or personality. For this game, it's fine to pick designs that the person created but don't currently own. Then talk about what you like about the design!


  • Claim first to make sure you don't get sniped.
  • Please ping the person above you so you make sure that they see your comment! If you're not sure how to do this, you simply type @THEIRUSERNAME, and they will be notified! This will not work if you edit the ping into your comment later (like if you wanted to claim and then edit your response in); you must put it in when you first submit the comment.
  • You are NOT ALLOWED to skip anyone in this thread. If you cannot see the post above you because the poster or you have blocked each other, wait for another person to comment before replying to the thread. Feel free to bump the thread to encourage others to participate!
  • Make sure you click the person above's Designs tab and NOT their Characters tab, and check to make sure they actually designed the character you want to praise. The idea of this game is to compliment the person above's design skills, not their taste in characters. There are other games for that!
  • Please write a decent explanation of why you like the design! "Because I like the color blue" isn't a good enough comment. You want to make the person feel good about their design! What about it did you like?
  • All comments should be positive and complimentary. Unsolicited critique and passive-aggressive comments are not allowed here. If you would like to participate in critique of characters and character designs, two threads for that are here: 
  • Wait at least a couple of posts before going again.
  • You can bump the thread as often as you like; I don't mind.
  • Be nice and have fun!   

Have fun, guys! The first person can just claim and get a free response.

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Ulysses is probably my most favorite! You have a lot of awesome designs (Such as Captain Riptide) Ulysses is such a beautiful design!
Long hair is always a weakness of mine, but also his colors are very appealing.
Not part of the game but seeing the vine tattoos makes me feel like he would have a small garden?
Or at least a few potted plants he cares for like children.

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ahhhh so many beautiful ladies~! But my most favorite is this girl~! Her color palette is so pretty and i absolutely love her curly hair! Her outfit is amazing, too! I think it really fits her and i love her boots so much *O* Her tail and hearts on the skin complement the design so well and the make her look even more gorgeous <3333

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BlueEle I absolutely dig this babe ! His design is very gorgeous, I MEAN HIS PALETTE AND MARKINGS IM WEAAAK I also adore his haircut ! Tbh I love everything about this babu fjebfjf


i really like aries!! pastel cute characters are my weakness, so are characters named aries tbh,, i just really like the name aries
also she a bunny!!! (i think) and i lOV bunnies

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i LOVE gooby!! so cute aaah a cute little cat glob.. a glat.. clob.. i wanna give him a hug


I really like Ritz.  Recently I have really become in love with raccoon characters. They are fluffy and cute but also can look very smug and are very cunning little fluffs.

The design is very simple but still recognizable. I love how his eye markings are not quite symmetrical. I tend to favor unsymmetrical designs because it makes them look unique.  I love the shade of blue you used for him, it is not a shade I see very often even though it is quite nice.

His clothing makes him look super dapper and cute. <3


Omg, I love Dakal! I have a weakness for stripy blue characters! Especially fluffy ones!


@Polymorphus, I had a really hard time choosing between Onyxi and Firefly, and kind of for similar reasons. Onyxi really stood out to me right off the bat because I love the colour scheme that you've used for him. The green contrasts really nicely with the black and grey. Firefly caught my eye mostly because of her colouring (which I seriously love) but after looking at the art on her page, even without the colours, the design is still really awesome. 



I really like Solque's colors every time I see him! That light turquoise of his gear looks so nice with his blond hair. And he has such a friendly face. c: 

I also like how his gear is simple and practical, but distinctive in design!


Ryleagh has a really cool design and very well fitting colors (i like the the blue but vibrant tones she has). I like how they're gender-fluid to give people more freedom i guess!

Choose from Here 


@milky_mints I really like Karma's design! The cross eyes + wings + tail are SUCH a good combination that is equally like cute and memorable ; o ; < 3 Also the purple colour scheme is super pleasing to look at 

For my design gallery, just heads up that as a cs creator some designs are listed under my name but are not actually designed by me, so make sure to check from the profile credits if it has a different designer! Sorry about the inconvenience! 



Lucien is by far my favourite: Her overall design and color scheme is very appealing to the eye and I love her hair a lot ♥

(all my characters are here: )