With the new literature update, it's time for a new forum game! Simply browse through the user above you's 'library' and link to your favourite of their works with a reason explaining why it was the one you liked the most!

Some simple rules:

1. Must have at least three works in your library to participate
2. Write more than a sentence about the work you like - put some thought into it!
3. Wait two posts before you post again to let some others get a chance

I'll start! :D



Out of the ones I read (pretty much all but the ones with warnings), my favorite was Coconut Water.  I loved the atmosphere created by the origin story, and I'm curious as to what will happen next.  I like how you both made the character wary of and ignorant of the true meaning behind the warning.  The world and characters feel well-established, which is really fun, especially when I have no context on the story besides what you wrote.

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I was torn between "Snow Angels" and "Do Nothing," but I think I'll pick Do Nothing-- there's just something cozy about these two hard-working, rough-sounding guys enjoying Hunter's favorite spot, something as simple as a hammock in the middle of nature. I like how "small" the scope of the story is; a story doesn't need to be grand to be meaningful, and this story shows that something very simple can be precious and important. You can see the vulnerability and trust in Hunter showing Cruz around his favorite hideout, and what it means to share that with his coworker. The short story has a nice atmosphere to it, and I hope they enjoy their rest. : )

NP: I guess I'll copy and paste this from another writing game-- you can of course pick any of my lits, but if you're daunted by how many I have for you to look through, here are some of my favorites by genre:

v Thank you so much, again, for the very lovely review!!   I'm really happy to hear you notice and enjoy the metaphors and imagery in my work. Painting a scene is one of my favorite things about writing, and I'm glad to hear it comes across vividly to you.

"Will @ when finished editing." I said before forgetting to hedgemaze

I'm going to go with Summer Rain. Although I really liked Noise as well. I ended up picking Summer Rain for the nostalgia. The very opening line, "Haggis and Roadie dashed down the street in the downpour, laughing hard. The tiny folding umbrella Haggis had, white with hideous pink flowers, was hanging off its handle half-broken and utterly useless" drew me in and pretty much encompassed childhood summers of mine. This alone just really sets the tone; light hearted, fun, and young.

"Bright watercolor smears from traffic lights." Is another line that stood out. I adore when things are described as watercolor and it really fits considering that this one has Rain as a central theme. All of your worjs seem to have really amazing metaphors and vivid imagery but Summer Rain in particular highlights this skill and what I enjoy about your written works. I think that it helps that I have experiences to go on that enrich the sensory descriptions that you give.

I also think that it helps that Haggins is my favorite of your OCs so reading about him is really nice. Both  he and Roadie are just delightful OCs.


(Just bumping this, don't mind me!)