Take a third option! [IC Game]

Posted 5 years, 6 months ago (Edited 5 years, 6 months ago) by Kogami

Another IC game, which is surprising for someone who doesn't roleplay pfft

This game should be simple enough to play, you post as your OC giving two options and the next post will choose a third option related to the already given ones!


Character A: "Left or right?"

Character B: "Backwards! Edward or Jacob?"

Character C: "An actual good book. Heaven or hell?"

Character D: "Purgatory! Chicken or beef?"

....and so on.

Since this is a simple and quick game, the rules will be very short but I would suggest wait until 3~5 posts to participate again, unless the last poster were left for more than 12 hours. Also, don't give anything NSFW or offensive, or two options that's not possible for a third one. That's all!~

P.S. Roleplaying or quoting as your character is encouraged since this is an IC game after all c:

Fresa ParadiseLost

"Try frozen lake."

"Rain or sun?"

Salvador Wapenburg fizzelston

"Snow," he said with a big grin, " I love snow, those big flakes that strange sound ya shoes make in the snow.."


Cats or dogs?

Anita RadiantRaindragon

'Guinea pigs. They're so cute.'

Red or blue?

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 Pulsar ParadiseLost

"Space, clearly!"

"Soda or juice?"

 Sapphire Jellysideaccount

"Water!" The Sapphire screeches. "Makes you younger!" The Sapphire clearly had no idea what the concept of water actually meant.

"Ahem, Sapphire's or Rubies?" She spins.

Praxis bittervalentine

"Garnets." Jiāodian said as he took a long draw from his smoke pipe.

"Moths or butterflies?" 

Taesha de Santana zeotaku

"The Beetles is a good rock band..."

"Ice cream or cake?"

Kokoro Hidamari Kogami

"When in doubt, go for the bread >:3c"


"Curry or stew?"


"I would rather take ramen."

"Lemon or lime?"

Babs tamakat

"I'm more of an Avacado woman, thank you,"

"Land or Sea?"


"Sky! Though I do love the ocean."

"Krampus or St. Nicholas?"

Eduard polkadot

"I am going to admit that I have always wanted to meet The Easter Bunny."


"The beach or the mountains?"

Concave Jules

"The bar, duh! Wait, I need to more specific, right? A big city! With lots of bars! Whee!"

"Romantic movie or scary movie?"

Soren Hollowheart7211

"An action film! They’re so fun to watch!’

"Dresses or pants?"