[4/30] Code of Conduct Discussion

Posted 7 years, 11 days ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by admin

[4/30] We have updated the Code of Conduct to reflect the new rules as discussed on this thread.

We'll be leaving this thread up to take further suggestions and feedback on the rules in the future, as well as for keeping track of our history of changes to the COC, so please let us know either via this thread, or via the ticket desk or PM if you have any thoughts or concerns. 

[4/30] Major changes:

  • We will now be enforcing behavioural conduct rules: this includes locking and deleting threads or characters which are overly hostile or aggressive.
  • NSFW artwork containing characters which are described as under 18 or described as appearing under 18 (or the equivalent age of adulthood in non-human species) are now prohibited. Note that this includes gratuitous violence towards minors which is presented as sexual or fetishised.
  • NSFW now has been separated into different content filter categories - please read up and let us know if you have any suggestions for further categorisation. 
  • We may add content warnings to characters or forum posts that contain sensitive or offensive content, please don't remove these unless you also revise the content.
  • Accounts which contain nothing but, or a large ratio of parody or satire characters will have their Listing privileges revoked. Hateful or insulting satire is now strictly prohibited.
  • Public blacklisting is now explicitly allowed, albeit with restrictions on tone.
  • Report trolling/baiting is now disallowed.
  • Some information was added on how to properly report a scam - unfortunately a large quantity of tickets we can't do anything with currently because we lack sufficient evidence to take action.

Users will not incur retroactive warnings or account sanctions for any changes made to the Code of Conduct, but we will be going through and removing any old content that violates the new rules.


Oh bless u admins for the update on the code of conduct, we really needed it oml


so the tag system would remain and in additon to that the account wide flag? 


I think an account-wide flag would be rad, but having character-wide flags in addition would be super awesome as well! I have a character who's a shambling mass of eldritch viscera and dad jokes, so there's not really any way to give him an avatar without it including at least mild gore & body horror. I've avoided using him in forum games and the like because of that, so it would be great if I could just flag him entirely as "gore" so that his avatar or posts would automatically be hidden from people who have that blocked and I could use him freely! I think it would likewise be helpful to anyone who has any almost exclusively NSFW/gorey characters or terrifying body horror monstrosities!

I dunno if the demand is there for it since my case is kind of a niche one, but if it's something that could be implemented easily enough you've got one buddy pal here who'd definitely benefit from it! *winky emoji* *finger gun emoji, do they even have one of those?? they should*



Oh but my question was is it nipple level or explicit? If I was showing butt holes or butts in use, I'd tag explicit of course. But it's just cheeks being cheeks for the sake of butt cheeks. It's the same level that you see in the trailer for Boss Baby when his butt gets powdered... sans the farting. No farting. Just a butt.

Nipple level or explicit level. xD Sorry but I read your answer as a "yes" to my question.


Is it also possible to add that people can't upload photos of celebrities and call them ocs? That's been happening a lot lately.
It's really not funny and the ones that are up in featured should be actual ocs not pictures of celebs x'D


@databledog I'm fairly certain that falls under the "parody characters" clause at the very end of the new t.o.s. :3 The ones that were up most recently have been taken down, thankfully.


 admin I also like the blanket tag idea

How would the bump button work??
Also, Change of link color when you have already visited a thread so you don't visit again thinking it's a new one would be SO awesome. Forever clicking on trades and going "wait... I already looked through these..."


I think everyone is overexaggerating and losing their minds over this. I like the new update. People need to find their chill and worry about actual important things when the mods have been pretty clear about everything

>> Hate speech characters aren't allowed
>> equal censorship on all fronts and appropriate tagging for sensitive materials
     - in the butts thing I feel like butts are fine they allow them in cartoons, and bugs bunny is technically naked come on guys this isnt that hard
>> glorified pedophilia isn't allowed

in a nutshell. i dont understand why this is so difficult to grasp



agreed, i don't feel like it's as big a deal as a lot of people make it out to be. in addition, the admins stated that the mild and gore tags will be only loosely monitored and mishaps with them are highly unlikely to lead to serious issues for users.

i feel a lot of the things upsetting people is that nipples (especially female (though also male to some extent?? i mean, i wouldn't want to be caught looking at any topless person while at school or anything)) in society are considered taboo, and aren't realizing that toyhouse doesn't make the rules of society. also, the difference between censorship and filtering- it's just tagging things, if you want to see nipples, just turn off your filters, simple fix


I agree with Faunicorn and Hinatot. We finally get some updates and stuff and I don't really think it's that bad? Plus, the Admins dont just enforce it and actually made this thread to talk with the community about it and thats a big plus for me O:


Nahri ah yeah probably, thanks :P


I've been taking in a lot of suggestions and feedback from many users both onsite and offsite over the past few days, we're strongly considering rolling back the changes on Mild Nudity and only labelling nipples when present in a sexual content. While we understand there are users who just don't want to see nipples, it's not something that a lot of users want to see changed on site and it's unreasonable to ask users who've been actively & happily using the site for the past two years to re-classify everything currently in their galleries. As such, the option isn't something we can fairly provide without adding more development time that could be spent on higher priority features or the site recode. We wanted to be lenient on content tagging as a compromise but having unmoderated content filters makes them largely useless to the viewers who actually want to use them to filter out unwanted content and adds an unnecessary amount of confusion and bloat to the moderation process which we've been seeing in the ticket desk over the past few days.

Here is the direction that we're currently thinking of taking:

  • The Mild Nudity filter will be removed.
  • The Explicit Nudity filter will be replaced with a catch-all Nudity filter for bare genitalia.
  • The Mild Sexual Content filter will be expanded to include depictions of nipples or genitalia (clothed or bare) where they are the primary focus of the image, disproportionately detailed compared to the rest of the image, or are being fondled or otherwise interacted with in a way to bring attention to them.
  • Sensitive Content filter will be added: this is an unmoderated filter which is used according to user preferences in cases where they would prefer for the thumbnail to not show up immediately in their character's gallery, or would otherwise like to provide a cursory warning for their viewers. For some users this may include images with nipples, for some this may be substance abuse, etc. AGAIN: This is a feature only used for user comfort and customisation of galleries, and will not be moderated. Images containing Sensitive Content will always be hidden behind a tag regardless of the viewer's filter settings.
  • Explicit Sexual Content & Gore filters will be unchanged.

Please continue discussing and providing suggestions - we will be reviewing feedback for awhile longer while we come to a final decision. Following the site recode we may be able to offer further options in customisation, organisation, and being users being able to tag / block characters on an individual basis but unfortunately it's not something we can currently fit into the development schedule.

We've noticed that a lot of users are reluctant to give negative feedback in a public area, so please feel free to file tickets to give private feedback, or contact us at [email protected] if you have any concerns or queries. For those of you who are more comfortable speaking to me directly, many of you know my twitter handle, and my personal discord is バーボン#5257 - you are free to get in touch with me any time with problems or thoughts.


 I am much more in favor of these changes!  I think this is far more reasonable, and allows non-sexual content of nipples to not get dragged down by a nsfw tag, while still making it possible to filter out the sexaulized stuff separately for those uncomfortable with that material.  Especially if people combine the proper tags with the use of sensitive content filter so viewers can be properly aware of what they might click before clicking it.