[4/30] Code of Conduct Discussion

Posted 7 years, 11 days ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by admin

[4/30] We have updated the Code of Conduct to reflect the new rules as discussed on this thread.

We'll be leaving this thread up to take further suggestions and feedback on the rules in the future, as well as for keeping track of our history of changes to the COC, so please let us know either via this thread, or via the ticket desk or PM if you have any thoughts or concerns. 

[4/30] Major changes:

  • We will now be enforcing behavioural conduct rules: this includes locking and deleting threads or characters which are overly hostile or aggressive.
  • NSFW artwork containing characters which are described as under 18 or described as appearing under 18 (or the equivalent age of adulthood in non-human species) are now prohibited. Note that this includes gratuitous violence towards minors which is presented as sexual or fetishised.
  • NSFW now has been separated into different content filter categories - please read up and let us know if you have any suggestions for further categorisation. 
  • We may add content warnings to characters or forum posts that contain sensitive or offensive content, please don't remove these unless you also revise the content.
  • Accounts which contain nothing but, or a large ratio of parody or satire characters will have their Listing privileges revoked. Hateful or insulting satire is now strictly prohibited.
  • Public blacklisting is now explicitly allowed, albeit with restrictions on tone.
  • Report trolling/baiting is now disallowed.
  • Some information was added on how to properly report a scam - unfortunately a large quantity of tickets we can't do anything with currently because we lack sufficient evidence to take action.

Users will not incur retroactive warnings or account sanctions for any changes made to the Code of Conduct, but we will be going through and removing any old content that violates the new rules.


Honestly, I can agree with nipples being under NSFW. Why?

NSFW means Not Safe For Work

Not many workplaces have bosses who are okay with nipples being on their employees screens at work. If yours is, that's great, but your workplace isnt everyones workplace! That is important to keep in mind.

Wether or not nipples are sexual or not isn't really the question here - it's a question of it its safe for work or not. At least that's what I think.


I second with Falu. Nudity doesn't necessarily equivalant to eroticism, sexualiztion or nsfw. In fact, a lot of classic art involves nudity. Will my boss be concerned seeing me looking at the sculpture Venus de Milo? I doubt. I agree that a tag blacklisting system should be enough as it's impossible to cater to everyone's need.

edit: If this is the case, is it possible to set an entire account to nsfw? so people with the filter turned on will automatically not be able to see content on my account. Most of my characters and artworks portray topless characters, and it's not only subjected to my characters gallery, but I also post stuff that involves nudity(e.g adopt sales) on bulletins where there isn't an option to flag?


All I can say is
Artistic nudity ftw

I'm afraid with these rules that censorship is gonna go crazy, and we're eventually going to be severly limited with what can be done with our characters, and it basically defeats the purpose of toyho.use. 
I definitely like the tag system more than just blanket reporting. The fact that I can't post a shirtless man is? It's too much tbh. 


Wow holy shit , is toy house run by antis????


Love the new classifications! <3 I have no problems with nudity or sexual content personally but gore isn't something I am always comfortable with, so it makes amazing sense to have the classifications split up to be easily tailored to each user's preference!  Great for different ages and different cultures!


honestly I have seen breats and nips in children's movies and classical art in a completely non-sexualized way so tagging them as nsfw is kinda just...??
like if it's sexualized I totally get your point but if it's not then it's like?? no?
also if you're gonna include breasts in the nsfw category, why don't you include males chests as well? they're not sexual are they?? so why should females be bc of a few certain people??

I think the tagging and whitelist/blacklist system would be a lot better, considering people can see what they want to and stuff? and then everyone would be happy c:



I REALLY LIKE THE NEW NSFW OPTIONS but... I have one problem with it? Is there a way for us to still see our OWN NSFW? Obviously if it's ours, we're okay with it, so it seems silly for it to be hidden from us behind a warning because of our settings...


Thanks for updating the NSFW rule!
On another note..... regarding characters 18 and under.....
Again, although I understand why some people would want this...
I feel that people 18 and under do commonly have sex? I don't necessarily know if it's fetishising.
Because 14 year olds commonly do things with each with other because of puberty and the natural flow of things?
Scratches chin but idk I might be out of the loop of what people are mad about specifically because I haven't seen anything that seems abnormal....

Ah, also can we have an option of tagging our entire account as mildly nsfw?
Because I post nude mermaids and stuff for auctions... and that's not really tag-able


~coughs~ Its nipples not Breast. aka all nipples


Outstanding, and boy was that quick!

And yes guys, it does, in fact, say nipples. Not breasts. Nipples of all kinds are now 'mild nudity', please tag accordingly. Yay!


I feel like this is such a small and unnecessary thing compared to the bigger discussion,,, But I was thinking about gore and I was wondering if it should also have levels like the sexual art? Because I know there are very varying degrees of gore and body horror too and it's super subjective in what is considered body horror, I guess. I don't really have anything good to contribute tbh haha but I just kinda got curious about how this stuff is handled since it's way more relevant to me personally than content that is sexual or suggestive in nature


castra I think a lot of the time with gore-- the generalization is for the more extreme side of the content. Mild gore (like cuts and bruises, bloody noses, etc) shouldn't need to be tagged because it's not as extreme. Body horror itself should fall under the gore category and can be tagged with the system in place. *___* Though this is how I feel on it! I'm not entirely sure how someone else might feel.. because quite a lot can fall under the body horror and gore umbrella.. 


Personally, unrelated to gore, I think tagging nipples is a bit much, but I can see how someone may be uncomfortable by it. That also should fall under the user themself to police the content they see in their inbox, not up to every individual user to have to worry about.