it's the dad thread, for dads

Posted 6 years, 11 months ago (Edited 6 years, 11 months ago) by Hadris Torant Isoprene

Today's Father's Day in America, so what better excuse to make a thread showing off all the dads of Toyhouse? Show off your dad OCs here! You can just drop 'em off and leave, talk about their relationships with their family, say how they feel about fatherhood, whatever you want!

Good dads, horrible dads, dad joke dads (which can be good or horrible depending on your sense of humor,) dads that are just kinda there in the background but still have a profile, adoptive dads, step-dads, godfathers, non-binary dads, dead dads, dads whose status as a dad is a spoiler... as long as they're a parental unit who identifies with dadliness, this is the thread for them! And, don't worry, you can keep posting in this thread once Father's Day is over!

Be sure to black out any discussion of abuse, particularly vicious death, and any other particularly unsavory things as such!: This dad........ DOESN'T LIKE TIES!!!!

I got plenty more dads, but I only have profiles for a couple!:

Hadris is the adoptive father of Valence, having picked her up from a dead world he was conquering. He's the epitome of stereotypical dadliness. He makes dad jokes, calls Valence (and even people who aren't his kids, honestly) things like "kiddo" and "sport," and always appreciates getting ties on Father's Day. He might be an all-conquering evil overlord, but he's a pretty good dad even though he and Valence had a rough patch during her rebellious teenage years.

Laejizhar (icon and gallery contain body horror/gore due to his nature as a walking mass of viscera) is the father of Baldasarre, who really needs a profile literally anywhere since he's a character I've RPed with quite a few times. But I digress! He abandoned his son at a young age due to being unable to cope with the death of his wife, focusing instead on his career. As time went on, though, his guilt grew and he sought to repair his relationship with Baldasarre. Unfortunately, when he returned home he found that Baldasarre had developed the same disease that took his wife's life, and even with all of the technology Laejizhar's wealth can afford he knows Baldasarre's time is limited. He's effectively retired to spend the rest of his years dedicated to taking care of his son, ensuring his comfort, trying to make up for lost time, and searching for a cure for Baldasarre's disease so that he can have even more time with him.

Laejizhar's a pretty loving and caring dad who's taken a page from his friend Hadris. He's more reserved than Hadris, however, and though he tries to hide it it's easy to tell how guilty he feels and how much regret still weighs him down. Baldasarre treats him pretty coldly and always acts distantly toward his father, which makes things difficult. Laejizhar knows, however, that it's his fault for abandoning his son when he needed him, so he's patient and willing to take his time in earning Baldasarre's trust back. Please enjoy this high-quality image of family bonding.

And... oh, uh... guess that's... all my uploaded dads... man I really gotta upload more people here... profiles are effort, though, so just enjoy those two dads for now!


Have two dads for the price of one! :D My gay octo-dads who are my char Takara's fathers. They found a surroage that was the same type of akkorokamui as Akihiro so that their daughter would have traits of them both. Tsutomu works as the head of a water purification plant and Akihiro is a musical engineer.


It's my thread, for me, and all my dad ocs

Okay, it may be quite a push to say Aero identifies with dadliness, but in the end despite everything, he is a dad.  He raised Ophelia and gave his all into his parenting.  He never wanted a kid, or to raise anyone, or even for Ophelia to stick around, but he gives his all into looking after her and is actually an extremely supportive dad who approves of whatever she is doing.  Long as she's not caught and it's not blamed on him.

Arthur is the dad for my pokemon fangame, and he loves PC.  He never finishes a cup of coffee, every space is his work space, but he'd do anything to make his child happy.

Frettchen and Spitzmaus are Lapis's dads, who are very different from her.  It's kind of amazing how straight laced she is when one of her dad's punched a police officer in front of her, and keeps teaching his grandchild swear words.  Lapis was adopted by Spitzmaus because her mother (Spitzmaus's sister) was neglectful, and Spitz put his all into raising her based purely on his fury at his sister's actions.  If he'd married Frettchen soone it would make sense how they turned out to be the similar ones but it was just a strange coincidence.

Greg has a daughter called Emma-Leah, who he has a rather strained relationship with.  He tries his best to be a good dad, but she can serve as a pretty bad trigger for his ptsd.  He's working to get over it, but Emma-Leah is still young and doesn't really get why her dad sometimes reacts to her so strangely and feels guilty for it.

And speaking of strained relationship, Jan, Jan, Jan, what to do about Jan.  Jan was an alright father, he wasn't the best, he wasn't the worst, but his mental health spiraled out of control after the death of his wife and he sold his memories of her to a demon so he wouldn't suffer.  His son, Aatos, never forgave him, wont even introduce him to his boyfriend.  The few times Aatos did try to patch things up it was... disgusting to say the least.

Yole wasn't technically dating Mark after Rhys was born, but they both put in an equal amount of effort to raise him, and Rhys always thought of Yole as his father as well.  They both were rather the laid back parents though.

Millie has a son, though I haven't worked on him a lot yet.

Will is Lawrence's father.  He's not the best but he tried.  And then let a guy in Hell babysit his child so yeah know what Will you're a terrible father this is why your son got trapped in hell


//wHEEZE I DON'T HAVE ANY ART OF HIM ATM...but Juwel is a dad of two sons and a daughter! 


Apollyon here is about to have a little one! ' v' Since babies not here yet, it's a little up in the air but he's already showing signs of being like obnoxious soccer mom who wants to see your manager and their child is perfect.

Luciano Willman MathewMii

Here's my dad OC.  Unfortunately, he had a divorce with his wife and could only see his kid, Diego, every summer.  He really loves his son and encourages him to develop into the kind of person he wants to be as long as he remains as a good samaritan.


ITS DAD TIME HI... you say dads and i am here, to present you... my dads. Donovan (left) and Faruk (right). in the middle are their kids henry and vonny..... (not my fave image of them honestly but it is the Family Image so)

I won't say too much bc a lot of stuff is spoilers!! they're both particle physicists with a professional and perhaps personal interest in quantum field theory in particular, they met when they were studying for their PhDs. but if you wanna know about them generally as people their profiles have plenty... recently though they've gone Missing. vonny and henry are the core main characters of their story, but donovan and faruk are also main characters! the plan is that you get to see a lot of narrative firsthand from when they Met cut into the present story..

they're my favourite ocs right now and i love em so much, it's really fun to have them as a second set of mains and have kids and parents who don't just exist to fill that role for the other!

Alice Somnificus reinapepiada

Alice has a child in the future! Like... 10 years in the future? I guess he's a nonbinary dad... He uses the parental title very loosely... But ya, his child is Tebeo and he loves them


The first is Alpha. He has two sons and a rather bad relationship to them. Especially the older one hates him. Alpha mostly spend time with his obsession and most of the time kinda ignored the children by staying away for longer periods. No wonder the older son grew up to be so grumpy and unhappy.

Justus has one son in the second part of his story. They are like best buddies.

It's not like Satan is a horrible father. It's just that he got two terrible sons.

Vesuvius is a superdad - not only 'cause he's a superhero.

Then there's Semjon. To many he seems like a bad father, but he and his son think different. To Nika Semjon is the best father ever.

Last one's Thanos, who adopted three children that were abandoned by their parents. He treats them as if they were his own flesh and blood.


Thats all mine updated for now, why did you betray me toyhouse


Woo dads!

Bostel is a dad! His kids, for the most part, are still snug in their eggs, however. But he's really excited. There is a tiny tiny one (his mate is not dragon and this one got more of the kirin demon blood) that is his baaaaby. He swears it's gonna be a girl, his mate says boy. He's going to spoil them regardless. And then there is the twins in their giant egg. He's worried about them... there can't be much room. And then there are couple others, but he is just so happy to have kids.

Doa is my classic dad. He has a lot LOT of kids. He has favorites and isn't afried to show them, that's for sure. But overall he is a good dad, just a bit... skattered.

And my original Dad... Shia .... He has had a lot of kids previous, though his current girl and him have yet to have any together.  He is very nervous around kids because he knows he was a horrible dad. He's better now, thanks to Anya, but he was really really bad. He wants to be better though, and with Ashia he has a chance now. (Until she finished growing up and starts dating...that might be an issue...)

Vesuvius Cykron Sang

Help him honestly