Dragons & Vampires campaign

5 months, 3 days ago
3 days, 19 hours ago
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Chapter 1
Published 5 months, 3 days ago

**The Story of greatness, how 7 slightly messed up individuals became the worlds greatest heroes and also the best of friends. Perhaps even more; a Family**

The story told in Onyx their perspective for the first few chapters; this is all a collection of lore, people and things in general of the campaign for those who want to read about it.

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** The Lore, written by the DM!! None of this is my idea!!  ** 

The Lore of the world

In the material plane, in the realm of Nirman, In the Age of the Mother Soulweaver, she had successfully invaded and subdued the gods, powerful entities like death, and weaved the hearts of mortals against each other.

The Mother Soulweaver admired the mortals as toys for her entertainment. Drunk in power and in her lust. In a desparate moment, the entity known as Life and the other known as Death combined their power and created the first chaos power. An unstable energy, that could puncture and rupture through the Mother Soulweaver’s threads of that were invulnerable.

For decades, Life would seek out righteous heroes capable of wielding such power, free the gods and destroy the Mother Soulweaver. Death looked through the hordes of darker creatures including demons capable of wielding such power and to aid the chosen heroes by Life.

Overtime many were hand picked by them but only six heroes survived until the bitterend. A dragonborn, A human vampire, a druid, a warlock, a cleric against the Mother Superior. The battle was furious. Both sides had exhausted their armies. This was the end and neither side was going to be able recover if they fell this time.

The party and the Mother Soulweaver fought like demons. They struggled to keep up with her eventhough it was six against one. The battle started to turn around once the vampire bit into the Soul Mother and started to drink her blood.  She tried to shake him off, from her neck but he was relentless.

The 5 used this chance to recover their fighting spirit. Having multiple eyes, the Soul Mother saw the 5 charging towards her, while still trying to pull of the vampire. She swung her great sword, and as it came crashing down on the five, the dragonborn decided to contest her strength by holding the great sword in place as it came down.

It was like an insect trying to stop a knife. He was mortally wounded by this effort but he remained fully conscious and still held the sword. With his immense strength he did not allow the Mother Soul Weaver to withdraw her sword.

With the dragonborn still holding the sword in place, his strength starting to fail from the blood exploding from his fatal wounds, the 4 knew this was the only chance the dragonborn could buy them.

The druid wildshaped into an exact form of the the Mother Soulweaver using chaos power, and struck the Mother in her chest revealing her exposed heart.

With the heart exposed, the warlock, cleric and mage, unleashed all the chaos magic in their bodies and turned the heart of the Mother Soulweaver into ash. With her heart gone, the Mother Soulweaver begun to collapse to the floor.

The vampire having received beyond supernatural strength from having drunk her blood, rushed to pick up the dragonborn and unconscious druid, for having wildshaped into the Mothe Soulweaver claimed every ounce of his magical power rendering him exhausted to the point of death.

The whole party needed to exit the cavern as it was collapsing. A long trail of blood, could be seen from the battle with the Soulweaver all the way until they got out of the cave, due to the Dragonborn bleeding out. Upon coming out and seeing the bright sunlight, the vampire carried his friends out into the sun, knowing full well the power of the sun would destroy him in a moment but as the cave was collapsing, he rathered burn in the sun than lose more comrades. He placed them on the ground with his body already igniting from being kissed by sunlight. He rushed back in and grabbed his remaining party members whom were still very slow compared to him.

He picked them up like they were children and ran like hell was chasing him. Just after they exited, the cave slowly began to disintegrate, the cavern temple had left a ruin buried in the ground. The mage, warlock and cleric had no more magic to even use to save the dragonborn still bleeding out. They had used up all their medical supplies. They could only tear of their garments and sew back the wounds.

The vampire reignited and was slowly being consumed by the flames. Not even hiding him under their garments prevented the sunlight from burning him. It was the price to pay for wielding chaos power.

This felt more like a defeat than a victory. With the party almost being filled with despair and tears, Death and Life reveal themselves. Death used his own body to shield the vampire from the sun by casting a great shadow.

Life commanded the dragonborn to live and he got up as if nothing ever happened. She turned to the unconscious druid and commanded him to awaken. The Tabaxi druid awoke from his deep slumber. A dream he thought he would never awaken. Life filled into the mage, warlock and cleric, and their strength was renewed.   

There was a great rejoice among the party members.

They had liberated the realms from the Mother Superior! Life and Death had a reward for each of them and a new purpose.

There were 5 thrones in the celestial realm vacant since the Mother Superior killed five of the gods. Life offered it to the five party members.

Death offered the vampire to become, the ruler of the dark creatures and become the one that brings stability between the living and the dead.

The dragonborn accepted godhood as he knew he could accomplish more as a god than as a mortal. The other four party members decided to return to their homelands and help in restoring the realms since the battle against the Mother Soulweaver.

The vampire accepted Death’s offer and became the first Vampire King.
Life entrusted the only portion of chaos power left in the world to the druid, as she knew druids have only a deep love for their forest and nothing can tempt them besides the protection of their forest and had his people guard the remains of the chaos power.
The Mage and Warlock disappeared from history over the decades. Rumours occassionallg emerged of their whereabouts but no one could be truly sure. The cleric decided to return to the monestary and serve in the church as a humble parishioner to the people.

The Vampire subdued all of vampire nobles, subdued all the dark packs of night creatures, conquered all the dark realms under his fist and forced everyone to obey his authority as the Vampire King. With the Vampire King keeping order in the darker territories, and order coming back into the world. Trade, economy, and life was slowly flourishing. For the first time in centuries, the undead and living could work together. There was some suspicions in the beginning but after seeing the mutual benefits both sides began to work together. The night creatures were given freedom to travel the lands of the living by refraining from harming the living as the condition. And the living were allowed into the darker territories to trade and also offer blood as currency. Neither side was allowed to harm the other.

Due to this night times became much safer, with the night creatures become effective guards dealing with threats efficiently. Whilst during the day time, the living carried out their lives.

Now a new generation is coming up, a generation that has never known the horrors of war. And when there is an abundance of good things and comfort, mortals hearts began to easily become carnal, giving in their selfish desires and pride.  

Not having known hardship, mortals began following selfish desires, slowly regressing in their ways and on the verge of being bent to a point of no return. Politics and pride are rising. Peace is slowly unravelling.

It has been 30 years since the War of the Mother Soulweaver.

The Festival of the Legendary Six will be celebrated throughout the whole realm. The largest gathering for the festival always takes place in the capital city Byukan of the Empire of Nahar. Every year, the Dragon God Hero makes an appearance there, making it a hotspot for the festival. Sometimes, even the Vampire King or the other four party members will make an appearance. This year, rumors have been going around that all six members will be present in Byukan for the festival. This year is expected to be the largest gathering in Byukan.