Dragons & Vampires campaign

5 months, 2 days ago
3 days, 10 hours ago
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Chapter 24
Published 2 months, 27 days ago

**The Story of greatness, how 7 slightly messed up individuals became the worlds greatest heroes and also the best of friends. Perhaps even more; a Family**

The story told in Onyx their perspective for the first few chapters; this is all a collection of lore, people and things in general of the campaign for those who want to read about it.

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Session 16.5 - ships and shopping

We’re told there’s four small quarters available, each with two beds, and the captain calls out that we depart in three hours. Jhin and Rupen agree to share and Lucia, Onyx and Rupen discuss heading into town for a change of clothes - Rupen insisting on finding an eyepatch. Lysandra reminds everyone about the allowance she gave them in Blacklight. Lysandra references Onyx’s attempt to take Altarian and leave - Onyx is cross Altarian told her, and Rupen warns Onyx not to go to Medusa on their own after what he told them. Onyx tries to get Rupen to leave quickly, with Altarian Jhin and Lucia all weighing in on them not going alone. Lysandra and Jhin Insight ONyx, with Jhin realising Onyx is hiding something and mad at Altarian and Rupen but doesn’t press it. Onyx, Rupen, Jhin and Lucia all head off the ship, with Lysandra, Altarian, Merla and Illusius staying behind.

Onyx, Rupen, Jhin, Lucia

Jhin and Lucia discuss Kukoken with Jhin looking for a holy place to try and purify it or a weapon store to replace it. Rupen and Onyx are more interested in pirate clothes and eyepatches, with Onyx floating the idea of magical darkvision eyepatches. Lucia asks Onyx if they don’t already have darkvision, since Aasimar usually do, and they discuss testing it.

The town is full of alcohol, fighting, gambling and prostitution, to Onyx’s delight. Jhin finds a vendor selling silks from Dou Xia’n and Sui no Ryu and finds a traditional outfit in blue - 50GP seems steep even for authentic pieces, but between us we haggle down to 25GP. Lucia buys two sets of sturdy travel clothes and Rupen eyes up a pirate costume complete with eyepatch.

Onyx asks the clothes vendor about clothing made for Aasimar, while Jhin gets excited about finding a weapons shop with enchanted items and Rupen greets an enthusiastic tabaxi selling barrels of gunpowder, waving off any concerns by assuring us it’ll be safe in the Bag of Holding. J’Zhargo leans in and offers him an extra special boom barrel for 20GP, which Rupen buys and Onyx offers to carry for him.

While Onyx carries on discussing the alterations they need for clothing and armour, Rupen finds someone to buy clothes from and purchases a tiny lockbox, and Lucia points out a weapons vendor carrying strong enchantments. She and Jhin approach the Dragonborn blacksmith, and discuss Jhin’s discomfort using Kukoken and his worry about his brother. Meanwhile, Onyx quietly asks Rupen to promise them that if what Life said is true, he’ll choose Altarian over them, since they know they’re not destined to die yet, and asks him to not tell the others about this. Rupen agrees, wanting to keep the morale of the group high.

The blacksmith shows Jhin a longsword from the Dragon’s Thunder Valley that does lightning damage for 1000GP. Jhin asks about a trade, displaying Kukoken. The salesman is very excited to see the sword and eager to do a straight trade between blades, but Lucia expresses concerns about sending Kukoken out into the world - Jhin’s anxious not to keep it, but is eventually persuaded and gives the beads to Lucia, who pockets them. Jhin reluctantly agrees to pay 1000GP for the sword, and the salesman suggests attuning to it now. He manages to attune to it, enduring being shocked until a dragon-shaped flash of lightning zips around him and enters the sword - he gets the Dual Wield feat and it deals 1d10 lightning damage.

The salesman offers him a Katana, this one dealing cold damage, for another 1000GP. Lucia gives Jhin the 1000GP, since she stopped him trading Kukoken. He takes it and buys the second sword, attempting to attune to that too.