Dragons & Vampires campaign

5 months, 2 days ago
3 days, 12 hours ago
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Chapter 27
Published 2 months, 28 days ago

**The Story of greatness, how 7 slightly messed up individuals became the worlds greatest heroes and also the best of friends. Perhaps even more; a Family**

The story told in Onyx their perspective for the first few chapters; this is all a collection of lore, people and things in general of the campaign for those who want to read about it.

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Author's Notes


Session 18.5 - a hellish interlude

The group checks in with each other and Lucia tells them she’s warned her professor about Voldrus - Altarian voices his rage but Onyx reminds him we need to deal with the Medusa situation first, including Jhin’s brother. The Pirate Captain offers to return the horses and carriage to the Dark Domain capital and mentions that there are a lot of adventurers heading up the mountain. Jhin also warns us that he’s seen his brother has already reached the mountains.

Onyx tries again to convince Merla to use Lord Valgore to fly there, Lucia offers a very risky alternative using Teleport, and Lysandra suggests buying horses to ride up there. Altarian suggests letting Lord Valgore decide.

Lucia asks to visit town to post a letter and visit a bookshop - Lysandra suggests a night’s sleep and the pirate captain tells her it’s not likely with the number of adventurers arriving for Medusa. Jhin queries whether the pirate captain and her crew can be trusted to keep their mouths shut about Lysandra, and Lysandra threatens the pirate captain with the intel about the illegal blood.

Merla voices her anger at Lord Valgore not being treated with the proper respect. Lucia suggests that a dragon flying overhead would be conspicuous to all the mercenaries and Rupen suggests trying to throw them off Medusa’s scent by spreading bad intel in town. Onyx suggests flying ahead to scout for the group, although the group is uneasy with the danger of that, and Rupen suggests him turning into a robin might be less conspicuous.

Rupen asks if we need to go into town, Lucia says she needs to post something and find a bookshop but promises to be quick, and Onyx says they want to find a letter-writing service, although Lucia offers to write it for them. Lysandra suggests finding an inn and having a drink.

Onyx and Lucia leave, as does Lysandra with the captain. They return shortly after, Lysandra having settled the bill.

At this point, Lucia notices that Altarian’s fae magic has dimmed dramatically, and asks him if everything’s okay - he’s shaken by the revelation about the nom noms, and the group try to comfort him, including the nom nom. Altarian voices his desire for revenge and Lucia sees a Hellish magic hovering around him. She voices her concern and Altarian seems to be unaware of the change, although he does mention that most Fae were considered fiends until the separation of the Hells from the Fae Wild. Merla heard Lord Valgore in her head confirming that and saying that Altarian is in particular danger of reverting to his former Hellish nature because he is outside the Fae Wild and is seeking vengeance, but that Merla carries a piece of home, as well as having the nom nom nearby, and can help him reconnect.