Dragons & Vampires campaign

5 months, 3 days ago
3 days, 21 hours ago
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Chapter 11
Published 5 months, 3 days ago

**The Story of greatness, how 7 slightly messed up individuals became the worlds greatest heroes and also the best of friends. Perhaps even more; a Family**

The story told in Onyx their perspective for the first few chapters; this is all a collection of lore, people and things in general of the campaign for those who want to read about it.

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Session 8 - The tournament of the undead

Session 8 ( After the chaos, a furious Onyx, Rupen and Lysandra try to contemplate on what to do next. With all three of them being to mad to think right, they end up going about their separate ways to cool off as Lysandra is called in for a meeting with King Theo and Gildart. With the king lecturing the young queen on her and the group's actions, he tries to reassure Lysandra with Gildarts that he would need the group's help with the battle, but he could win this. If not, then Lysandra should be prepared for a wedding.
Altarian who listened in on the conversation, has a bried with the queen on what she would like to do next. After that, she seeks out the others to talk to them about what just happened. Finding Onyx first in a busted up room, the two of them have a small heart to heart before she seeks out Rupen who previously went for a walk. ( my memory gets a tiny bit fuzzy here ) During that, Rupen meets Master Gildarts and gets invited into his room so that the two of them could talk about some things and hatch a small plan on their own.
Throughout the day and the night, many visits have been made to the infirmary in a attempt to talk to talk to Merla or Jian. But none of them were truly succsessful as Merla was feeling very bad about the entire situation and Jian was passed out for the most part.
Not a day left till the tournament, the group meet up at breakfast where attempts to form a plan were made once more. Everyone on edge and panicking, the day goes by faster than anyone would have wanted it.
Before the tournament Rupen turns into a small spider and climbs onto Gildarts his clothes who notices him and advises him to hide. Doing just that, he keeps himself hidden throughout the entirety of the tournament only turning back later at the end.
With the bigger group on a balcony, watching the fights happen, they are accompanied by the infamous three vampires they love oh so much. The battles are tough, stakes are high but so is the tention. As it turns out, Lord Dimitri is fighting for himself in the competition and he's been showing off exactly why he's such a dangerous foe. Gildarts climbing up the ranks, he ends up facing the vampire himself in the final round. Both of the parties fight with everything they've got as a big secret about the queen's werewof buttler gets revealed. He's no ordinary Werewolf, but a very rare and mighty one. Trying to sway the crowd in his favor, Dimitri holds a speech to everyone about this and Merla and Jian's ambush mistake before he's cut short by Gildarts and the party yelling back- trying to prove that he's full of lies and deception. Managing to sway some of the crowd onto their side.
The battle continues and it's a gruesome sight. In the end, Gildarts finds himself in a black mist like thing where he almost gets brutally murdered. ( memory is a bit fuzzy here now too ) Getting caught off guard for a moment as the two vampire Ladies bring out Merallian to sway the battle in their favor, Merla with her quick thinking steps in, hiding the commotion from the werewolf. Being able to focus on the fight again, Gildarts get knocked down to the point where he's nearly declared dead. When the announcement is about to be made, Merla goes up to the guy and persuades him to wait for just a moment longer, buying the werwolf just the time he needs. Thanks to Rupen who gives him some more chaos magic by biting him spiderman style, his heart beginns to beat once more. The fight continues but not for long-  he manages to kill Lord Dimitri and the two vampire ladies. Ultimately saving Merallian his life. Cheers erupt in the stadium as they celebrate their first werewolf vampire king. )