Dragons & Vampires campaign

5 months, 3 days ago
3 days, 14 hours ago
44 57703

Chapter 2
Published 5 months, 3 days ago

**The Story of greatness, how 7 slightly messed up individuals became the worlds greatest heroes and also the best of friends. Perhaps even more; a Family**

The story told in Onyx their perspective for the first few chapters; this is all a collection of lore, people and things in general of the campaign for those who want to read about it.

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Session 1 - The rise of a new hope

Freshly out of trouble and just left her mercenary group behind that they traveled with for years, Onyx looked for a new place to look for trouble and a new party to mess around with. Leaving her things behind under a big Oak tree, they found themselves at the gates of the Empire of Nahar as they had heard about a big festival that seemed oh so exciting. They had valid papers, they managed to intimidate some officials to get it out of them. And because of a 5500 gold bounty on their head, they came prepared and disguised as a high elf woman named Faelyn Bikian. Almost completely unrecognisable except for their eyes, there was no way someone would catch them! Despite all of the preparations however, they got arrested almost on the spot. Getting into the Empire, bound by the wrists and legs, locked up in a cage, they had no idea what they would get themselves into when suddenly out of nowhere, a green dragon blasted through the walls, setting fire to the nearby mage’s Tower… 

Not being able to jump into action yet, they were ultimately freed by a fighter named Jian. However those magical ropes weren’t easy to get off, so a druid Tabaxi came to help them out named Rupen who had just attempted to flee from the fight. Giving Onyx a weapon, they tried to join in once more. The battle was long and gruesome, with every fire that the dragon spit out, minions would spawn from the flames causing more trouble. But in these trying times, more heroes arose. And even legends joined in the fight. With the Dragonborn hero taking care of the dragon, a new threat soon showed it’s ugly teeth as from the fountain in the middle of the city, a demon lord emerged. Spotting the newly curagous druid, they immediently went in for the killing blow. But luckily for him, the Vampire King was there to save him. Severely wounding the creature, Onyx and Jian were able to take him down with a small team work. Stealing some of the Demon King’s lost teeth, the half elf saw the mighty vampire in need. Severely wounded himself, his wife and daughter, a dampire bard named Lyssandra wheeped and called for help. Taking the chance, they offered some of their blood for the legend who had thanked them for their bravery. 

Once the fight was over and the injured was tent to, the prince invited the group inside for a celebrating feast.

( They get in, Rupen merts his father while Onyx is trying to steal everytging; Jian stays behind them entire time. Others stay behind. Rupen gets flung back by the magic, hitting the wall and the others help him getting down. After talking to the king and the Vampire king, they are invited to a big feast where Onxy, Rupen and Lysandra cause a bit of trouble. The group briefky introduce eachother )