Dragons & Vampires campaign

5 months, 2 days ago
3 days, 10 hours ago
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Chapter 31
Published 2 months, 1 day ago

**The Story of greatness, how 7 slightly messed up individuals became the worlds greatest heroes and also the best of friends. Perhaps even more; a Family**

The story told in Onyx their perspective for the first few chapters; this is all a collection of lore, people and things in general of the campaign for those who want to read about it.

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Session 21.5 - Twice as dead

As we enter the building with Altarian’s body, we see Lysandra wrapped in the feymother’s embrace, both sobbing. An elderly couple walk in, gut-wrenched - they seem to be Altarian’s parents. Merla and Lysandra stay with the feymother and Altarian’s parents, Merla insisting that this isn’t the end and that we can fix this, while Jhin and Lucia slip out quietly.

Lucia asks a passerby who tells her she can get fresh running water at the public Banyan Tree. She and Jhin head down there and she connects with Water Elemental Lord Kuhloo who shows her a vision of Onyx, Rupen and Illusius turned to stone in Medusa’s cave.

Onyx, Rupen, Illusius While the others are still in the land of the living, the three have passed onto the afterlife, into heaven. They both see themselves standing on what seems to look like a sea of glass. The atmosphere carries these shooting star presence in this space of calming light blue atmosphere with white stars visibly seen all around the heavens. There are crowds of people whom they knew throughout their life whom have died and passed on into paradise. Rupen sees his Uncle Jeff waving and smiling at him along with his Aunty Poulet, and many different wonderful people he has known since his youth and even his most beloved Tabaxi wife was there. As Onyx spots their parents waving amongst the crowd. They are all holding signs up that say “WELCOME HOME!” “Glad you made it!” “Never doubted you for a second! (Smiley faces drawn)” Standing before three is Lady Life, a beautiful feminine being made of pure radiant light that soothes the soul. For the first time in a long while, all sense of torment and loss is gone. All three of them are stunned for a moment as standing in between Onyx and Rupen is Illusius. “Welcome home, heroes, you have all done well, now its time to rest.”, Life herself said to them. Onyx debates with Life, saying that they don't deserve any of this and that they don't understand why they are here. Feeling immense remorse and guilt for what they have done. Since they have been the cause of death for two people who didn't deserve it at all. But Life simply says that it was Mana's will that they all get here in to heaven. However, none of them can see Altarian as his sould is somehwere else. And while Rupen is having a sweet reunion with his dead wife and father, Screen like things open up before them, allowing those who want to look in them different glimpses to different things going on right at that time. One screen shows The Six fighting in the Hells- a very though fight as both are on their last legs while another screen shows the Sylvan village where Lysandra is embraced m the Fae Mother, Merla, Jhin and Lucia all are mouring the loss of Altarian as his body is being prepared for the funeral. With Jhin and Lucia then later departing. Onyx continues to question Life and finds out that the Forge Master is holing Altarian his soul captive in the deepest depths of the Abyss to use as a bargain against Athena and the Prince of Lust. Asking more questions, they also find out that they are a descendant of the old god, Tyr. He who betrayed Manna during the Mother Soulweaver's rebellion, he later repented and perished fighting beside Lord Valgore in the Draconic Wars. Their last question being about their sister and what will happen to them. Life reassures them, that someone will come around to save her. Once Onyx is out of questions, they reunite with their parents as well. And with Rupen and them making the more harder descision to return to Life ( since they both would have wanted to stay with their family's especially Rupen ), they bicker around for a little bit before Illusuis joins them in their descision. Waiting in Heaven and watching the group from there.