Vae's Journal: Roanapur

4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
7 7932 1

Chapter 1
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

My notes on our campaign. People are free to come and go in our campaign so the cast isn't always the same and can even change mid-session. Our DM just says they're hiding behind the paladin (aka me).

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Session 1

Woke up.

Suckon (half-drow rogue) tried to intimidate me upon waking up. Failed. I intimidate him instead and he gets T-Posed on. Dae (halfling sorceror) takes the bard's alcohol while he's still sleeping. When Sky (human bard) wakes up, he wants alcohol and has a vague idea where some is, so we go look for alcohol. There are mountains and a tower in the distance. We avoid some zombies. Then we run into a group of Waitukay (god of chaos) worshipers who attack. Dae enlarges me. Hawk (halfling fighter) takes on two while I take on three. Dae shrinks Suckon. We chop them all up and Suckon takes a grenade from one of them.

We manage to find a road that leads to the ruins where Sky thinks the alcohol is. Sky decides to fight some wandering zombies in the ruins. Chaos ensues but we manage to defeat them all. I end the night with 2 HP and wake up with 4 HP. Suckon goes to look for alcohol and finds a liquor store, so he takes everything he can. Sky goes somewhere else with Dae trailing behind him, but doesn't find anything so they look for and find Suckon.

Lucas (rogue tiefling) comes upon me, since I'm just chilling outside the city, and tries to intimidate me. He fails but I'm unable to intimidate him back either. However, this does make him respect me, so he decides we're cool. We go to find the others and succeed but Lucas immediately decides to attempt stealing from Sky. He fails and gets caught by Sky and for some reason decides murder is the only option, so he slits Sky's throat. Day backs up from the fight, while I move in to heal sky so he doesn't die. Suckon tries to attack Lucas, but rolls a nat 1 and ends up stabbing himself for the rest of his health, so now he's dying. Day tries attacking Lucas, but only does 4 damage and Lucas kills her the next turn. At this point, Hawk has finally heard the ruckus and comes in, basically swats Lucas for causing problems and knocking him unconscious before promptly leaving.

This leaves only myself conscious, so I get around to stabilizing everyone so they don't die. Once I'm done, though, I hear zombies heading towards my position. They've been attracted to the sound of fighting and probably the copious amounts of blood. I barricade the door and make sure the walls are sturdy before going to hide everyone, which I'm only moderately successful with.

The zombies start banging on the door, but I just go sit and hide quietly and pray to Bahamut that they won't bust through. They come back periodically through the night, but luckily the barricade holds. When everyone starts to wake up though, they attract the zombies again and this time the barricade starts to break. I look around again and find a hatch on the ceiling, so I tell everyone I'll throw them up through the ceiling. Just as I get everyone up there, the zombies break through and I have two turns to get up, but I'm heavy as hell. Luckily, Suckon has a rope so he tosses it down and I do my best to clamber up. I barely make it up and then we drop the rope and close the hatch.