Vae's Journal: Roanapur

4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
7 7932 1

Chapter 2
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

My notes on our campaign. People are free to come and go in our campaign so the cast isn't always the same and can even change mid-session. Our DM just says they're hiding behind the paladin (aka me).

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Session 2

We go up to the third floor after figuring out there are five stories in total to the building we're in. Skee (tiefling cleric) heals Suckon to full health. Suckon takes a glass bottle. The stairs to the fourth floor are a little broken down so we have to make Balance checks. Suckon and I make it up, but Skee and Groder (human fighter) get stuck on the third floor for awhile, unable to climb a rope or make their Balance checks. I toss Suckon to the fifth floor, but since it's been decaying for 200 years, we both have to make Reflex saves. He manages not to fall back down and I knock the debris falling down away from me with my shield. Skee finally makes it to the fourth floor and I toss her up, but she doesn't make the landing and falls back on me, giving me -2 temp damage.

Suckon has found that the buildings make up the 'wall' of the city and so the buildings are all connected and he can cross directly to the next building over. This becomes our plan, since we can't exit the building we're currently in thanks to the crowding of zombies. He's able to cross over into the next building, but Groder and myself both agree we are both far too heavy to stand on the broken fifth floor. Our alternative plan is to attempt breaking through the wall, but it's stronger than it seems and we're failing quite badly. We attempt to toss the cleric up a few more times, but only succeed in hitting him against the ceiling so we decide to stop with that plan. Skee goes to pout in the corner in the meantime.

Groder hits the wall with his face three times thanks to some especially low rolls and I finally just use my acid breath, that I have just remembered I have. With the wall weakened, I'm able to finally make some headway, though it still takes me awhile. In the meantime, Groder attempts to hit the wall with a locker, but just breaks the locker. Suckon goes to a window facing the street and decides to try using the grenade he got from the cultists, but it ends up being a dud so nothing happens. He looks for stuff to make a bomb, but just finds a symbol that looks a lot like a radioactive symbol.

I finally punch my fist through the wall and promptly wave at Suckon on the other side. He gives me a high five.

I make the hole in the wall large enough for everyone to step through and Skee goes through first. He recognizes the symbol that Suckon found as a previous faction that has since died out, but they're known for leaving supply caches. Groder stabs the wall with the symbol on it with a crowbar and smashes a potion on the other side. When he pulls it out, it's dripping some red substance. Skee sighs and says he's just broken a health potion and licks the crowbar to prove it. He gets 1 HP back for doing so.

We go down to the first floor of this building and everyone goes to sleep except for me, because it's still the afternoon. I go up to the fifth floor to get to the next building over and manage to do so. I poke the roof with my sword and the ceiling and wall start to tip toward the street. This is exactly what I was hoping for and I push the wall to make it fall into the street. I fall to the fourth floor and the wall hits the ground, as well as the dud grenade which is enough to force it to go off and kill even more zombies.

The others wake up from the noise and I continue to fall through the rest of the floors, but luckily am able to control my descent so I land on my feet each time. With the way cleared of zombies, we get the hell out of there, the buildings collapsing behind us as we do so.

We stop at the next intersection to catch our breath and Suckon goes into an abandoned store where he finds a zombie that he shanks and then takes the wedding ring it was wearing. Skee determines one of the storefronts to be sturdier than the others, so we decide to get into it. The door is locked so Suckon picks the lock for us to get in. With somewhere safe to rest, everyone decides to sleep again and I decide to go upstairs to investigate.

The second and third floors are basically empty. The fourth floor was a barracks and there are beds that are twice my size which is impressive. There's nothing in the lockers of value, but I take some soldier's journals that I can't read because they're in Undercommon. The fifth floor is an officer's sleeping quarters and also a war room. A war table is there, but it's too decayed to get any information from. I tear up the bed in case there's secrets hidden in it and also I'm bored, but there's nothing. Going back down to the fourth floor I decide to chill in one of the beds. Eventually everyone comes up to join me in the beds. Suckon waits for everyone to go to sleep before stealing all of Groder's gold.

When we wake up, it's pouring outside and we go downstairs. I happen to spot another cache that has some unknown oil in it, which I take. We leave and go to explore a crater that's in the middle of the city. Upon examination, it seems that the crater was from something scooping it out rather than by an explosion. We head out and kill some random straggler zombies along the way. We leave the city ruins and decide to head north towards the city I'm from.

Skee makes unholy water and Groder notices. He attempts to intimidate, but fails. Several times. I have no idea this is happening so just shrug.

[At this point, the other players leave besides Suckon, so we decide to have a sidequest]

Suckon and I travel on until he spots something shiny in the distance so we go to investigate. It turns out to be a farm gate. I push it down and we head in. Suckon finds a road that we follow and it leads us to a ruined barn. There's nothing of interest there so we continue on and find a ruined farmhouse. There's nothing of interest there either, so I knock it down for fun. At the end of the road is a lake, but nothing notable there either.

Bored, we go to turn back but notice we didn't leave any footprints in the mud. Heading back down the road, we find the farmhouse back to how we originally found it. Obviously there's some shenanigans, but we can't figure it out so we try to leave, but can't. Going back to the farmhouse, I assume there's a ghost of some sort that's haunting and influencing us. I do a sense motive on the farmhouse and get a sense of longing from it, so it's definitely haunted. I spritz the house with holy water and Suckon hears some sort of whistling from the lake so we go to check it out.

I drop the rest of the holy water into the lake and a ghost appears, screeching. We manage to make Fortitude saves, but we both fail our Will saves, so we run away in fear. Going back to the lake, I use Lay on Hands on the lake to make it reappear, but this time I fail both my checks and run away again with temp -2 strength and -2 HP. Suckon makes his saves, but then realizes he can't hit a ghost, so he runs after me. We both contemplate how to fight a ghost and then Bahamut manages to send me a Revelation hinting at the oil I found earlier.

I take out the oil and Suckon appraises it, finding that it's Greater Holy Oil. After applying it to our weapons, we both head back to the lake. Another Lay on Hands and then we both make our saves, so we get to fight. With the oil, we manage to defeat the ghost and it dissipates. Suckon dives into the lake and finds bones that are chained up at the bottom. He takes them and we bury them. I give a prayer for the ghost to rest as well. Then we both leave and continue our journey north.