Vae's Journal: Roanapur

4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
7 7932 1

Chapter 3
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

My notes on our campaign. People are free to come and go in our campaign so the cast isn't always the same and can even change mid-session. Our DM just says they're hiding behind the paladin (aka me).

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Session 3

Suckon and I go back to the city and then look for holes to get into a building. I manage to squeeze in after him and it's a warehouse. There's nothing of interest on the first two floors, but on the third floor we find steel plates and iron ingots. The fourth floor has more steel plates and also a chest with gold ingots. Suckon is a greedy bastard and wants to break the gold bars to take them with us. The only way he can figure how to do this is to have the two of us lift a steel plate and use it to chop a gold ingot in half. We do manage to break off a piece, but then we drop the steel plate which breaks the floor beneath us and then the following floor.

Day and I fall to the third floor, while Suckon manages to save himself from this, but I'm at least able to protect myself from the falling debris. Day isn't so lucky and has basically been crushed and is dying. I manage to get the debris off of her and heal her to stable before using Lay on Hands to give her 4 HP. Meanwhile Suckon has been looking through the debris for the golden ingots and finds one, but it's been sort of flattened from the iron. Day breaks the gold disc in half and I take one piece while Worden takes the other.

Zombies have been attracted by the noise of the building collapsing, so our thoughts are now on escape since the three of us can't take on a hoard of zombies. Day enlarges me and I try to break through the wall of the building, but mess up my rolls so I end up breaking through the wrong wall and now we're in the street with the zombies. Suckon falls off my shoulder during this, but he's fast enough to escape on his own so I'm not too concerned about him. The zombies almost kill me when they swarm me, but I use my acid breath to clear a retreat path and get the hell outta there.

When we're out of the city again, we find someplace to rest and then I have Suckon read the journals I took from the barracks. He finds that they're just boring diary entries from soldiers and tells me not to waste his time with boring shit. We meant to go north, but weren't paying attention so we ended up going south by accident and find ourselves at the ocean, which we discover is acidic. 

We decide to head towards the mountains and travel towards the mountains, spotting a skyfish along the way before making it to the foot of the mountains. Skyfish is the term we use to call flying ships that are used by the Nari faction (more on them later). We find a road through the mountains and we walk along it until it comes to a valley in the mountains and it leads to a fort that takes up passage through two cliffs. Meaning we either have to climb around or get through somehow.

The fort is well made and made of metal with guards along the walls. From what we can see, the population is made up of kobolds and goblins. I do detect evil to check and find that they're not evil aligned, much to our surprise. So we approach and find that they only speak Draconic. We discover that they don't like tall people, because they won't respond to me at all. A goblin dressed up in fancy garments and gold comes out eventually and asks us for our papers, presumably for citizenship reasons. Obviously we don't have any so we can't pass through the fort.

Suckon decides to go into the fort during the night to see if he can find papers to forge. He's able to sneak in and gets to an amphitheater kind of building, but decides it's too risky and comes back empty handed. With no other choice, we decide to climb the mountains and go around. Along the way we spot something shiny and go to investigate. After much shenanigans and me beating the crap out of it, we find that it's a door into the mountain. After managing to get the door open, we find the inside is mostly a bunker and full of doors and rooms that are mostly workshops. One room has a strange generator looking machine, but we can't figure out how it works so we leave it.

One of the last doors we open actually appears to be a barracks, but we also find two metal skeletons with red eyes inside that immediately attack us. Day enlarges one of them so that it gets stuck due to the ceiling and prevents it from attacking us. We kill one and then finally the other and decide to rest in the barrack's beds.