Vae's Journal: Roanapur

4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
7 7932 1

Chapter 6
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

My notes on our campaign. People are free to come and go in our campaign so the cast isn't always the same and can even change mid-session. Our DM just says they're hiding behind the paladin (aka me).

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Session 6

With the money earned from the latest mission, I buy myself a ring of Animal Friendship to help me tame animals, since it's proven to be a rather helpful skill. During our shopping spree, we come across a silver dragonborn who joins us. His name's Canon and he's a wizard and I'm quite happy to meet another dragonborn, honestly.

Now that we have bags of holding, Suckon wants to go to the mine again so he can grab as much mythril ore as possible. Since it'll help in the long run, I agree and we fill our bags up with as much ore as possible. Upon returning, the blacksmith is honestly shocked by how much we've brought back and then tells us to come back in a couple weeks, since it'll take time to refine the ore and then make the rapiers he wants.

We decide to take on a mission in the meantime, but then Maj AB Amadeus requests our presence so we go to see him. He tells us that the Architect, the one who paid us for the zombie's armor, wants to see us. We go looking for him, but he's not at his office so we decide to check on that later. There's a mission on the board asking to kill some boar that are causing problems for a fishing village. We find the village and then ask them where they ran into the boar. They point us into the forest and so we go looking. Suckon gets charged by a direboar, but he's able to dodge it, thankfully.

I tell Suckon and Canon to stand down while I handle the situation. We've stumbled upon a mating pair of direboar and this is their nesting area. There's no way we'd be able to take on two of these, so I manage to pacify the the one who attacked enough that it lets us leave. Suckon tracks down a moose and attacks it, but it flees. We find a normal boar and I pacify it, but we have to kill a boar for the mission for it to be considered complete, so Suckon kills it. I pray for forgiveness. Then we find a strange looking boar and it explodes when we get close. There's mech parts scattered around and Suckon picks those up. We decide to head back to Vu'Lash since our mission is done and it's already been about a week.

Along the way, a dire voidwolf passes by and it seems to be heading in the direction of the city so we follow it. I make sure to leave my magical items with Suckon before approaching it. I'm able to successfully befriend it and then manage to get it to turn away from the city so that it doesn't cause any trouble. Besides that, we make it back to the city without anything eventful occurring.

Once we've turned in that mission, we go to find the Architect and he's there this time. He sends us on another mission to retrieve some artifact from the Nari. Suckon is the one who has the quest paper though and he doesn't actually fucking read the thing, so when we get teleported to our destination, we find ourselves suddenly falling through the sky. Turns out our teleporting destination was the zeppelin and we just appeared above it, but not perfectly. I manage to catch the side of the zeppelin and am able to catch Canon so he doesn't fall to his death. I had assumed Suckon would be able to make his Reflex save since he's a rogue. But he doesn't. However, he does manage to fall 50 feet and onto a skyfish that was just docking.

I can't see this happen, though, so I sort of have to assume that Suckon has just fucking died. But I still have a mission to do, so I look for and find a service hatch. I knock on it and a goblin answers. Obviously no one is supposed to be up there, so when he sees that some dragonborn is just there, he panics and runs away, leaving the hatch unlocked. Canon and I make our way in and navigate our way through service catwalks. Eventually we find a way to head downstairs and we keep going until I recognize the high class level of the ship.

Remembering the existence of the pet shop, I tell Canon to wait while I head over to it. With the help of my Animal Friendship ring, I'm able to befriend all of the animals in the shop and then do an interpretive dance to convey to them that they should be free. I then smash a vial of darkness in the store and open the cages. The animals all come out and attack the shopkeeper, who was apparently not very nice to them. I call for guards, because I want them to be preoccupied and then I go back to Canon so we can continue heading downwards.

In the meantime, Suckon had been taken to be seen by the Inquisitor of the Nari. They took him into a military office and left him there to wait, thinking it would be an intimidation tactic. Of course, Suckon took this as an opportunity to wreak havoc instead. He read all of the papers on the desk and began forging documents to say that he was actually a spy for the Nari and was rather high up at that. He also finds a secret safe that he breaks into and copies down the information he finds in there as well. By the time the guards come back for him, he's already put everything back into place. He manages to bluff the inquisitor into believing that he is some high up secret agent and gets taken to a higher up.

As he's being escorted to the Major, he comes across Canon and me in the hallway. I'm too stunned to see that he's actually still alive to say anything and he quickly covers up our presence by saying we work with him. So we go along with him and he tries to bluff the Major into believing his Secret Agent story, but the Major sees through him, but not before holding up the amulet that we were sent to go get. The major calls for his guards and we're not prepared to fight a whole damn army, so instead, Suckon grabs the Major, I grab Suckon, and Canon grabs onto me before I activate the teleport medallion.

We scare the shit out of the sorcerers waiting at the teleportation circle, but they also immediately put the Major to sleep, so that's fine. The Major gets carted off to jail and we go to report to the Maj AB who chastises us for kidnapping someone so high up in the military leadership, because this is just going to increase the attacks from the Nari. The three of us just sort of shrug, because really we did do what they wanted us to. We just happened to pick up a little something extra. All of the information Suckon gathered from the inquisitor's office gets given to Maj AB Amadeus's boss, who's a Cardinal. 

We get told to find the Architect again and so we do. The amulet we got from the Major is supposed to be a key for the door we found down South in the first mission and so we're being sent back there to investigate that vault. I ask if he has anything to help us with the mission and he just hands me a Holy Hand Grenade. The instructions I'm told on how to use it is literally just the instructions from the Monty Python Holy Grail. We get sent with a kill team this time, as they're supposed to guard the entrance of the vault while we go in.

After we're teleported to the area and make our way to the huge door again, we spend a very long time trying to figure out how to use the amulet to even open the door. Eventually, Canon finds that the amulet can be opened and there's a strange puzzle kind of thing inside of it. He casts Mend on the amulet and it fixes itself and then uses Open Door. This... opens the door.

Thus begins our exploration of the vault. The first floor is mostly just empty, with decaying workshops and what appears to be a collapsed mine. At the back of the floor is a very sketchy looking shaft that seems a bit suspect. The ladder next to it seems just as decayed, but I felt better about catching myself on a ladder than I do in a box, so down the ladder we go. It's a long ways down but the next floor down has more workshops and some parts that seem to actually fit together. Canon actually manages to put two of the things together, which appear to be guns. Another room filled with materials lets Canon make different kinds of ammunition.

Another level down and we find a mechanoid skeleton (non-functioning) holding some magic-imbued gem. Exploring the floor further, Suckon finds an indentation in a wall where he places the gem. It gets stuck there and the energy from the gem seems to power the floor. A sphere of destruction appears in a large room, but seems to be contained at least. I'm too stupid to be much of any use in this area of puzzles, so I settle for training the owl some more and making the map of the vault. Canon and Suckon have more skills that are much more useful for this kind of thing.

The next level down actually has living quarters and some of them have zombies in them. We  accidentally attract a whole group of them, but we kill them easily. There appears to be some illusion magic in the area and we get glimpses of what may have been here in the past. People milling about and then some little girl that seems different from the rest of the images. I assume she must be some sort of ghost, but I cast Sense Motive and she just seems curious, so I figure she's not going to harm us.