Vae's Journal: Roanapur

4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
7 7932 1

Chapter 5
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

My notes on our campaign. People are free to come and go in our campaign so the cast isn't always the same and can even change mid-session. Our DM just says they're hiding behind the paladin (aka me).

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Session 5

Suckon looks for more people that are our height, but there aren't any. I ask to go to the bathroom just so I can leave the room and attempt to make a distraction so that Suckon can sneak off to explore. I flail around to cause a scene, but everyone mostly just gives me pitying looks. I even attempt holding water in my mouth and then go outside the bathroom before opening my mouth and letting the water all just dribble out. The guard following me just gives me a grossed out look. They must really think lowly of tall people.

Luckily, Suckon is able to sneak off anyway, but doesn't find much of anything that's helpful. He does figure out that we're held in a military section of the zeppelin, but that's not really good news. He brings back a uniform he stole from a locker, but it's several sizes too small for him to wear. He eventually asks the guards if we can be brought to a marketplace and they say they'll ask for permission to do so.

While we wait on them, the two of us have some disagreement about how to handle our current predicament. I just want to wait this out and not cause any trouble, while Suckon very much does want to cause trouble. As he usually does. The guards take notice of our arguing and ask what's going on. Suckon manages to convince them that I'm abusive. At this, I'm rather indignant and so I go to pout in a corner, because there's nowhere else to go.

When the gnome with the food cart comes back, Suckon steals his papers from him, but then tries to tell me about it a bit too loudly and the guards hear so they take them and the uniform from him. Serves him right. When he asks for my help I just say that sorry I'm simply far too big and stupid to be of any help with that. He gets the point and leaves me alone.

Eventually some guards come to escort us to the marketplace. Suckon has some metal trinkets that he got from the bunker we were in with the metal skeletons and he manages to find a trader that appears to know what they're for. He offers 5k Marks (paper currency for the Nari) for the parts and then an additional 3k to not mention to anyone else where we got the parts from. I ask if there's a pet store and we get taken up a level to a high class part of the ship and they do have a pet shop but they're more expensive than we can afford at the moment. Still, Suckon buys himself an owl. He also buys some books, though they mostly seem to be Nari propaganda. When we run out of ideas of what to do, we go back to the holding room.

Days pass and eventually some sort of leadership comes to us and tell us that they're pretty sure we were lying about having a master, but they're just going to drop us off at the Nari border. They also hand us a package and say to use what's inside if we have any information that they can use, in return they would do a favor for us. They also mention not to use it in a populated area.

Once we're dropped off, we continue heading northward and find the road to Vu'Lash, the city of the Brotherhood. We make it to the city and I tell my superior, Major Archbishop Gabriel Amadeus, that I have a convert, even though Suckon most certainly is not a believer in a god let alone the elven god. Still, the Brotherhood isn't picky so long as you're willing to give lip service, such as I do. I take a test to rank up within the Brotherhood, but Suckon is denied since he's brand new to the faction. This makes me a Priest. Now that we're finally in a city, we're able to trade and get some better gear. Suckon is a bit more nosy about this sort of thing and makes plans to gather mythril ore so he can get two rapiers made.

We take a transport mission to a mine and get a horse and cart to carry the ore back. We come across a bear, but it ends up killing itself by fumbling. I take some bear meat in case we come across any more carnivores. Other than that, we make it to the mine without further incident. While I deal with the miners and help fill up the cart with ore, Suckon decides to go into the mine to try and find some mythril ore. He asks some of the miners if they've seen any and they say yes, but it's deeper down where they've heard suspect things so it's been blocked off.

Of course, Suckon totally ignores this warning and undoes the barricade into the lower levels so he can go find mythril ore. He's at least successful and then gathers as much as he can carry before hearing something moving down there with him. He quickly comes back up and then notices that there aren't anymore sounds of mining from the lower levels as he makes his way up. When he makes it up to the surface, there's some screams from below that are cut short and some guards run past us to go investigate. We follow after them to help and find that there are troll skeletons.

We're able to cut them down and then Suckon conveniently fails to mention that it's his fault and the miners believe it to be some freak accident. The mine is barricaded at the top and now we have to escort the surviving miners back to the city since the mine is now infested with undead. As we're escorting the miners back though, a fucking Roc spots us and starts to head towards us. I send the horse and cart into the woods and tell the miners to skedaddle into the forest as well while Suckon and I distract it. 

The fight mostly consists of Suckon shooting it with arrows while the Roc tries to chase me around the road, because it landed. Eventually it takes back to the air and tries to spot Suckon, since he's the one hitting it the most. Luckily, another faction has spotted the Roc and decides to use it as target practice. After a few misses, they finally hit the Roc with a missile, taking a good chunk of its health. On its last health points, it decides to suicide bomb at Suckon. Unable to completely dodge this, Suckon gets KO'd by this and I rush over to heal him. We gather the miners back together so we can continue heading back to the city and luckily nothing else occurs.

When we arrive, we report back to Mjr AB Asmadeus who's in disbelief that we fought a Roc and survived, let alone were able to defeat it. We have feathers from the Roc to prove it though. He tells us to immediately go and get retested for ranking and we both pass. We're not allowed to officially rank up since we don't have enough experience with the faction, but we get placements reserved for us at least. We also get vouchers for better gear. I go to a warehouse to get mine and it's some adamantite chainmail. Suckon's ends up being something called Scout's armor but the person who gives it to him doesn't really know what it does.

We take on another mission which is to clear out an infested mine... This one is with a group of 20 people though since they just want to get it done. Normally people of our ranks wouldn't be allowed to even go along on this kind of mission, but we get permission from Mjr AB Asmadeus with the reasoning that we could learn from tagging along. Along the way to the mine, a skyfish appears but gets taken out by one of the lead guards with a lvl5 Magic Missile that crit'd. In the night, a pack of wolves shows up and everyone's preparing to battle, but I ask to be able to handle it. MAB Asmadeus is a bit incredulous, but lets me go ahead. I handle them well enough that I pacify them and send them away without any issue. Later I found out that the reason Maj AB Asmadeus was in shock about my ability to do this was because they were a pack of void wolves.

At the mine, nothing that interesting happens and Suckon just takes the time to mine more mythril ore and makes me fill my bag with some as well. On the way back, Suckon and I take out a group of cultists that were following behind us and I get to befriend a dire badger and a giant wolverine (horse-sized), but neither of them want to stick around, unfortunately. While we walk, I decide to train Suckon's owl since there's nothing else to do. At least we find out that Suckon's new armor camouflages when he hides. 

Due to our success on this mission and the lack of more professional teams being available, we get told to go on another mission in the southern region. Since this is more of an official mission than the other previous ones, we get vouchers to use the teleportation pads and medallion so we can just travel there and back instantaneously and skip over the weeks of travel. Once we're prepared we head to the sorcerer's guild and are tele'd out.

Of course, the sorcerers aren't perfect and they miss our destination by a day or so of travel so we have to walk our way over there. During one of the nights, I get woken up because of an existential sense of dread- a warning from Bahamut. Upon waking I find that a vampire is dominating Suckon to feed on him. Obviously I can't allow that and after a battle, we're able to force it to flee, unable to give chase since it's in gaseous form. The rest of the day we mostly avoid zombies except for one group that's moving faster than the usual sort. We kill them and then take their armor and an unknown magical device.

We finally make it to our destination which is in a tunnel into the mountain and eventually find a room that has a sealed door with a symbol on it. There's no apparent way to open the door and so we have to call our scouting mission done there. Suckon asks for me to wait for a minute while he heads outside for a bit. He wants to use the package that the Nari gave us, which I think is a terrible idea, but he won't be dissuaded. So he goes out and writes a message on the tunnel wall: "Here's something fun -sneakyboi" and he writes this in Draconic and Infernal. After this he shoots off the flare gun that was inside the package and comes back to me so we can teleport back to the Brotherhood.

We report back on what we found and then show the armor we got from the zombies. It gets the attention of the higher-ups and they offer us a shit ton of money as a reward. As well as a tier 4 bag of holding, which I take. We tell Maj AB Amadeus about what happened and he starts drinking heavily. Apparently the knowledge that us newbies making so much money was a bit of a tipping point for him.