Vae's Journal: Roanapur

4 years, 1 month ago
4 years, 1 month ago
7 7932 1

Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

Mild Violence

My notes on our campaign. People are free to come and go in our campaign so the cast isn't always the same and can even change mid-session. Our DM just says they're hiding behind the paladin (aka me).

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Author's Notes

Suckon - HalfDrow Rogue
Groder - Human Fighter
Day - Halfling Sorceror

Session 4

In order to survey the rest of the bunker faster, Suckon wants our group to split up, despite me saying that's a terrible idea because if there are more skeletons we'd need each other to fend them off. He wants it anyway. So Groder and I go one way while Day and Suckon go another. As I suspected, we both find enemy skeletons in our rooms. Groder and I have two while Day and Suckon have three. Both Day and Suckon are far too squishy to take on the skeletons themselves, so they retreat and sprint to reach us. Along the way, Day enlarges one of the skeletons so it gets stuck and blocks the path.

We defeat our two skeletons and decide to hide in wait for the other skeletons, but notice that the walls of the rooms seem to be getting brighter somehow and there's a low humming noise. The group decides that it's a good idea to get out of there since the skeletons apparently aren't coming after us. We manage to make it out before the bunker explodes, singeing me a little. The skeletons had gotten the generator working and overclocked it until it exploded, just to try and kill us.

We decide to continue traveling north across the mountains and periodically skyfish pass over us, but they don't stop. Eventually we start to come down from the mountains and find this area is forested. Suckon looks for animal tracks and manages to follow some fox tracks to a den. I place some food at the entrance to see if anything will come out. The food disappears when I'm not looking so I place some more and manage to catch the fox poking its head out to snatch the food. The fox is blue.

My desire for animal friends overcomes me and what follows is a long and futile attempt to catch the fox. It displays use of illusion magic and eventually I have to admit defeat and that the fox is simply too magic to catch. Not to mention that its hide skill is phenomenal.

Continuing on, we find the road again and follow along it. Along the way, Groder gets charged by a bear which Suckon promptly kills in one shot (despite my protests to just leave it alone). Of course, the bear turns out to be the cub of a dire bear and she's pissed. Day embiggens me and the bear grapples me and nearly kills me, honestly, but luckily I'm able to break the grapple and retreat. The rest of the group is able to do decent damage to the dire bear, but then Groder gets knocked out. He'll die if the bear lands another hit on him, so I rush back in, taking his tower shield to protect us both instead. I manage to get the dire bear down with a shield bash crit.

Three days later, the fox reappears so I try to tame it, but Suckon scares it off because he was attempting to do the same but I was having more success than him. So petty. I try to track the fox, but the prints end and I'm now upset so I don't return to the rest of the party. 

The others come across a skyfish and it's close enough to the ground to see that it has goblin and kobold passengers, as well as the same symbol as the fort in the valley had. Eventually I decide to catch up to the others, but leave some food behind me to see if the fox will return. Instead I just lure a dire wolf to my location. It comes across me at night while I'm asleep and I wake up to it chewing on my pack, because it wants the rest of the food. Luckily, I'm able to handle it until it lets me open the pack so it can freely reach the rest of the meat. After it has gotten what it wanted it leaves.

Meanwhile, Suckon decides to leave the company of Groder. I thought he would've known better because of the skeleton incident, but apparently not. In the middle of the night, a dire boar knocks down the tree he's sleeping in and his first instinct is to attack it. It obviously downs him in one hit.

Since I'm awake now, I decide to continue along the road and find a skyship that has landed and is inspecting something off the side of the road. I get their attention since I'm not able to hide very well and tell them that I got separated from my master who has my papers. They look around the area and find Suckon, who I say also belongs to the same master. They let me stabilize him at least before making us board the skyship to take us to their main city.

Their main city ends up being a giant zeppelin that flies around the northeastern area. It has a super long name, but I just remember it as the Reinsberg. They place us in some commoner quarters and I use Lay on Hands to get Suckon conscious again, filling him in on what's happened. Eventually a gnome comes by our room with a food cart and Suckon gathers information from him. 

We find that this faction, the Nari, are basically a dictatorship and practically view their Director General as a god, as well as their zeppelin. They think tall races are idiots and they want to be rid of all magic. Their hatred of magic seems to originate from Starfall, the apocalyptic event brought upon by mega-spells.