Vae's Journal: Roanapur

4 years, 2 months ago
4 years, 2 months ago
7 7932 1

Chapter 7
Published 4 years, 2 months ago

Mild Violence

My notes on our campaign. People are free to come and go in our campaign so the cast isn't always the same and can even change mid-session. Our DM just says they're hiding behind the paladin (aka me).

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Session 7

The rooms that we have to clear zombies out of appear to be living quarters for the civilians of the society that used to live here. Some of the zombies are wearing leather helmets that have an enchanted gem attuned to air, but we're not quite sure as to the purpose quite yet. There are echoes of training down the hall so we head down there and find a room where the illusion magic shows people in black armor are sparring with each other. The little girl is there again and is talking to someone in more posh armor. When the illusion disperses, we continue exploring and find showering rooms off to the side. I'm able to turn on the water and I bottle some of it to Bless in case we need it for more zombies. At the end of the hall is what appears to be a dining area. 

On our way back through the hall, another illusion takes place in the sparring room, but this time it's of a battle between the black armored guards and zombies and the little girl is standing at the opposite side staring at us. Markus (human barbarian) runs at her and the vision disappears. He also screamed at her so Suckon intimidates him to leave down the hall by himself, since there's a good chance that his yelling attracted more zombies. He continues on to another hallway and finds some doors that he opens and immediately starts throwing up because the smell is so terrible. It's a storage room for food, but since the food has been there for 200 years, it's rotted beyond imagining. The rest of us come around the corner to see what's up since there don't seem to be any zombies and all of us throw up at least once.

We go back to the central room where the lift is and get a vision of the little girl talking to the fancy officer and she looks at us again. Down another hallway, we find a garden and the illusion is stronger here so we're able to see the garden as it was centuries ago. There are a lot of flowers, a fountain, and a large tree. The little girl is sitting there at the tree and I go over to talk to her. I kneel down and ask her who she is, to which she informs me that she runs everything in this compound. I ask her about the zombies and she gets confused before disappearing.

Leaving the garden, there's one last offshoot from the central room and it's more storage and living quarters. A much larger group of zombies come after us and we crowd into a room so I can block off the door with my tower shield. However three additional zombies appear that don't take any damage but are able to hurt us. It turns out that they were illusions and once we make our Will saves, they're not able to affect us anymore.