Klinrona Tribe

4 years, 1 month ago
2 years, 10 months ago
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Chapter 4
Published 4 years, 1 month ago

stories from the klinrona tribe

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2104 words 

Nickel talks to Sif about what bothers her and decides to try and spend some time with the stranger nonetheless. Nerissa breaks the two up and Nickel gets very mad, until she notices that the other jill is just like her. They both find out Tilian wouldn't stay with either of them and find peace again, seeing him off as he leaves. breeding achievement for nickel, nerissa and tilian


Heartbroken (feat. Tilian)

With her tail dragging through the dirt, Nickel went back to her den, where Sif was still sleeping in her own nest. She plopped down grumpy and sad, and tried to fall asleep again. Her thoughts were racing with images of Nerissa and the handsome stranger together and she felt the anger well up in her. With a few tears in the corner of her eyes, she finally managed to drift off into a restless sleep.

A while later she felt someone poke her in the side.

«Wake up, Nickel. Wanna go hunting with me?»

«Hmm? Which warrior would accompany us?»

Like almost every day, she assumed there would be an adult with her when she left the camp, to protect her since she’s so tiny, even though she can fend for herself perfectly fine. Going hunting and clearing her head was a good idea, but she couldn’t see the storm colored jill right now. Her sister grinned.

«No one.»

«No one?!»

Nickel immediately sat up.

«I don’t wanna sneak out again today, mum is still pissed because of yesterday.»

«Nope, you guessed wrong. I just asked her and she said it’s fine for us two to go out alone. I think she might finally realize you don’t need protection.»

«Or she realized YOU can be my babysitter now…», the green Tatra murmured to herself, quiet enough so Sif didn’t hear.

«What was that?»

«Nothing, I said let’s go.»

One eyebrow raised, the blue Saliko with the gap mane looked down at the smaller jill, but then shrugged her shoulders and left the den, her sister shortly behind her.

They walked for a while, leaving the camp farther and farther behind them. The eerie silence made Sifs fur prickle and stand up on her back. She wasn’t used to her sister being so quiet. She looked over and saw the tiny jill walk next to her, tail and head hung low while her gaze was focused on her paws.

«What’s wrong?»



«Huh? Oh nothing. I’m just…tired.»

«After sleeping for so long? You know you’re a bad liar.»

«I don’t want to talk about it.»

Sif stopped, looking at the spotted Tatra with a confused expression.

With a loud sigh, Nickelglut stopped as well and sat down in front of her sibling.

«I really, REALLY, don’t want to tell you.»

«Why? You know you can always trust me. How bad can it be that you won’t even tell me?»

Nickel stepped from one leg to the other and her voice became very quiet and low.

«Because it’s awkward.»

«Oh really? Well now you HAVE to tell me.»

The blue jill smiled and stepped closer, turning her head so that Nickel could whisper into her ear, but the other one hesitated for a moment, then she came closer as well.

«Don’t you think that…it’s just…that Tatra we rescued…»

«Gosh, he’s really handsome, right?!»

Nickel stared blankly at the striped jill.

«That was exactly what I was about to say!»

«So that’s what all this is about, huh? If you like him you should just talk to him, you know?»

«But –»

«No ‘but’, just do it! What could possibly happen?»

«…you’re right. I gotta go right now.»

«Yeah girl, you go!»

«Wait, are you alright if you go hunting alone?»

«Sure, now GO!»

Nickel ran back to camp so fast, when she reached its border she was completely out of breath.

She continued to Galinas den, where the injured hob had been and knocked on the wood of the hollow tree trunk to announce herself.

«Come in.»

She noticed her mothers voice and stepped into the healers den.

«Oh, Nickelglut! I thought you were out hunting with Sif?»

«Nah, I didn’t feel like it. Wanted to make sure the hob we found yesterday was fine.»

«I am a lot better, thanks for asking.»

She heard his melodic voice from deeper within the den and walked closer. He was lying in his nest, paws outstretched before him, but sat up as  she came towards him.

«Thanks for saving me yesterday. I don’t know what would’ve happened if you and your sister wouldn’t have been there.»

Nickel blushed and swished her paw in the air, showing him to stop.

«Of course, no need to thank us. I’m glad to see you’re better.»

She smiled and looked at him, getting lost in his bright yellow eyes.

«Do you want to…go for a walk maybe?»

The hob looked at Galina, sitting at the entrance, who had listened and nodded quickly.

«I’m sure Koji won’t have a problem, as long as you both stay close by.»

Happily the two of them went outside, Nickel up first. As she turned her head and looked at the stranger, she saw how the sunlight made his fur shimmer like gold and she was immediately entranced.

He tilted his head, irritated why she stopped and stared at him, but he smiled nonetheless.

«Oh, I never got the opportunity to introduce myself. I’m Tilian.»

«My name is Nickelglut, but my friends call me Nickel.»

«Nice to meet you, Nickel.»

Together they walked to the slow river enclosing the camp, fought their way through the reeds and sat down at the shore.

«I love it here, it’s a great territory. Have you always been here?»

«Yeah, born and raised.»

«I envy you. I was raised in a rather…dark part of the forest. That’s why I’m traveling around, you know? I’m looking for the place I belong. A beautiful place. Like this.»

He looked at her from the corner of his eyes and noticed her staring at him, then she immediately looked away and blushed as a result when she saw him looking back at her, but he smiled.

Suddenly a rustling could be heard from behind them and they both turned around. A jill with blue pelt came towards them and smiled once she saw the hob.

«Ah, there you are Tilian!»

«Oh hey Nerissa! Nickel and I were just enjoying some fresh air. Wanna join us?»

«Sure, thank you.»

The caregiver sat down on Tilians other side, cuddled the kupfer hob in a friendly greeting, and the green spotted Tatra growled quietly.

What was she doing here? Didn’t she see they wanted to be alone?

«So how’s it going? You feeling better now?»

«Yeah I’m way better, thanks.»

«Did you think about what I told you?»

«I did, but I haven’t decided yet.»

«Well tell me once you do.»


«Yes, Nickel?»

«Don’t you, like, have to be somewhere?»

«Not that I know of.»

«I think Galina wanted to take a walk so maybe you could watch Caliban while she’s gone, right?»

«Nickel, I usually don’t do that, but could you possibly instead of me –»


She cleared her throat and started anew.

«No, sorry. I think I’m getting a little sick, so it wouldn’t be good to take care of him right now. Don’t want him to get worse again.»

«I see.»

Nerissas ears and tail were dropping and she got back up again.

«Well it was nice to see you again Tilian.»

«Wait, I’ll come with you! Think I shouldn’t wear out your welcome. After all, I’m a stranger in your camp.»

And with that, the two adults got up and left towards the healer den, leaving Nickel behind.

Angrily she trampled across the clearing outside the camp, not caring how much prey she scared off, until she finally ran into Sif, who had just crept up on a bird, which was flying away in panic as the mad jill bulldozed through the forest.

«What the–?! What in mother natures name are you doing, Nickel! You chased my kill away!»

«God, I fucking hate Nerissa!»

«Uh oh, tell me what happened.»

Sif sat down while her sister paced around restlessly.

«I was alone with him and wanted to get to know him, find out what he thinks about me, but then SHE came along! Snuggled up to him and completely turned his head around! She’s like a succubus!»

«You know what you’re saying, right?»

«What do you mean?!»

«You’re talking about Nerissa. She’s the kindest, most thoughtful Saliko around. She’d never try to steal him away from you or wrap him around her claw, that’s not what she’s like. I think she might just have the same kinda crush on him that you have.»

Nickel had never thought about it like that, but all of a sudden the anger was gone as she opened her eyes to the bigger picture. Sif was right.

«You should talk it out with her. Or ask him who he prefers. He seems nice, I doubt he’s playing with you both.»

«How are you so good with this?»

«Hnnng…I don’t know. Intuition? Now get off my back, I want to catch more food. Oh and take that squirrel there back with you, I’ll be home soon as well.»

The adolescent did as she was told and turned back, thinking about what she should tell them and who to talk to.

At the same time, Nerissa and Tilian were back in the healers den, Caliban cuddling up to the blue jills fluffy tail.

«He’s so cute. And I’m so glad he’s better now.»

«Still can’t believe your tribe trusts me enough to let me this close to him. Especially his mother. »

«You haven’t given us any reason not to trust you, so of course! Also, you have been injured and showed no signs of aggression. In times like these we need to hold together, right?»

«Hm. I guess so.»

«So…do you have a partner, Tilian?»

«No, I'm afraid I haven’t been lucky enough to find my soulmate yet it seems. How about you?»

«Same here.»

She smiled at him.

«But I’m sure the right one will come. Sorry if I’m asking too many questions, but do you have any experience with whelps yet? Like maybe from your old tribe or so…?»

«No, not yet. I’m not sure if I ever want to. I don’t feel ready to raise pups yet. I want to explore the world, find my destination and then, maybe someday, I’ll get a partner who I can share my life with and get whelps together.»

Nerissa nodded quietly. It was not the answer she had hoped for. She liked him a lot, but wanted to stay here, not travel around and she wanted to have at least two litters. Quickly she cleaned Caliban with her tongue to distract from her sadness and avoid eye contact with the hob. Just then Nickel walked into the den. She’d listened in from the outside, unintentionally but still. She now knew he wouldn’t stay for any of them and while she was still too young to have whelps, she didn’t want to leave her family to roam around as well. Both jills were heartbroken and looked at each other. In their eyes they could see the same pain and smiled knowingly. Nickel raised her voice.

«So, Tilian, how long are you gonna stay? I’m sure Koji won’t chase you off but you should start catching your own prey again soon.»

He nodded in understanding and politely wrapped his tail around his front paws.

«I think I’m well enough to leave today. I’m really thankful for all your help and if you run into Koji again, I’d like to thank him in person again as well before I’m gone.»

A warm and friendly smile was gracing his face and both jills had to look away to avoid their hearts from melting.

«Will you come back someday?»

«I promise I will.»

He looked at both of them and they knew he was honest.

The following day they joined him as the hob walked towards the border of their territory, back to where they found him. He hugged them all, thanked them once again and promised never to forget them, then he wade through the river and disappeared in the forest, the setting sun imitating the color of his fur and staining everything in its warm, golden light.

Nerissa and Nickelglut talked out what had happened between them as soon as he was gone and both apologized for being so blind to the others feelings. The blue adult was almost like a mother to the apprentice and she didn’t want to remain on bad terms with her. She knew now that Nerissa didn’t mean her no harm.

«I hope we’ll see him again soon.»

«Me too. And maybe by then he’ll have made up his mind and tell us beforehand who he likes more.»

She winked and they both laughed.