Gaitober 2020

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
31 8352 2

Entry 25
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Entries for the Gaidinia species' October event, Gaitober. (October 2020)

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Day 25: Poison

Standing in her kitchen Ingrid smiled at the potion bottle she was holding. She finally had figured out what those glowing mushrooms did, and she already had the perfect use for them. She turned to the soup she had made earlier and poured two spoonfuls of the potion in as her own special ingredient, letting out an almost sinister laugh as she mixed it in. Closing her bottle back up, not wanting to spill any, she then grabbed a bowl and filled it with a hearty portion of the soup. Moving to the counter she took a loaf of bread and cuts two thick slices, the bread being a good addition to the soup she thought. She then covered the soup and wrapped the bread, to keep them fresh, and walked out of her house. Heading down the street she made her way to a new neighbour's house, knocking on the door twice, wanting to introduce herself. When the door opened it wasn't an actual stranger, it seemed that her old childhood rival had been the new addition to her street.

"Hello, I just wanted to welcome you to the neighbourhood" Ingrid said, trying to pretend that she didn't actually recognize the person.
"Ingrid? Is that you? Still a scaredy cat I see! Colour never came back after you got scared?" he laughed at his own idea of humour.

Ingrid shakes off the remark, but in the back of her mind she can't help but remember. Back when they were children she was made fun of incessantly for her pure white hair. This boy in particular had started the rumour that her hair was white from being afraid all the time, starting the trend of everyone in her grade calling her Scaredy Cat. A bunch of kids, including him, would actually go out of their way to try to scare her, sometimes even throwing bugs on her in class.

"I made this for you as a welcome gift. I hope you like it." Handing the soup to him, ignoring the thoughts.
"O-oh... Thanks." He said sounding a bit embarrassed, Ingrid thinking he maybe wasn't so bad "I guess I can eat this inedible looking slop. Thanks again!" His tone more rude this time as he closed the door in her face.

Her face became angry as the closed without warning, standing there in disbelief at the fact that he was still this horrible after all these years. Unable to help herself she quietly made her way to look inside the house through a window, wanting to see if he was going to eat the soup. Just as she managed to locate him through one of the windows, she saw him open the soup and bread. He leaned in to smell it, scoffing a bit at it before he began to eat some. His eyes lit up as he took a spoonful in his mouth, this delicious soup she made almost putting a legitimate smile on his face. The more he ate though, the more he seemed to almost be dizzy; eventually trying to get up to get himself some water, but falling onto the floor instead.

Finally after all those years of torment, she finally had her vengeance. Watching him starting to panic and gasp for air, but she knew nothing could help him, not without those exact same mushrooms to make an antidote. Yes, she had in fact known ahead of time who was moving into this house, and she knew that an innocent welcome soup would be the perfect way to poison and kill him. She started to giggle, which turned quickly into an ominous cackle, as she headed back to her house to enjoy a cup of tea.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Letting out a loud gasp, Ingrid woke up. Did she really just dream something that horrible? Her stomach turning as she started to feel guilty for even just having the dream. It was true she had been bullied like that as a child, but not only did she have no clue what the mushrooms actually did, but the boy who had bullied her had become a nice man that she occasionally ran into at the market. Taking a deep breath she tried to get comfortable again, as it was only three in the morning, and wanted to try for a happier dream.

Author's Notes

Sorry for making it a dream, I just didn't like the idea of anyone actually using poison...