Gaitober 2020

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
31 8352 2

Entry 9
Published 3 years, 8 months ago

Entries for the Gaidinia species' October event, Gaitober. (October 2020)

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Day 9: Haunted

It was a spooky stormy night, truly a storm to remember. The raindrops so heavy they could be heard on the main floor of the two story house, and the thunder even louder. Ingrid was starting to regret offering to watch the house for her aunt while she was away, as each clap of thunder shook the entire house. She had arrived just before the storm had started, the power being knocked out right away, needing candles now to light the rooms. Walking through the house she made sure all the windows were closed tight, not wanting water coming in, suddenly one of the bedroom windows flung open. She ran to the room to close it, a chill running down her spine as she did, no breeze around to cause the chill though. She looked around confused, her eyes going wide as she saw the cause of it. There was a ghost in the room, though, it seemed almost more startled of her than she was of it.
"Please don't hurt me" The ghost said, seeming worried "I normally stay outside to keep intruders away, but I wanted out of the storm..."
Ingrid was stunned, having not known about a ghost being here, perhaps her aunt didn't know either. "You... watch the house from outside?" She asks the ghost.
The ghost nods "You must be the niece. I forgot you were visiting. Your aunt let me stay after my family moved out of the house." The ghost looks around "I scare away danger, and she leaves me to my own thing, so I wont be exorcised away by anyone..."
Now Ingrid understood. Her aunt had always said this home was the safest place, a guardian angel of sorts watching over her. "If you need a place to keep dry you can absolutely stay in here. Maybe we can even keep each other company while I am staying here.
The ghost smiled, finding Ingrid to be as kind as her aunt. The two of them spent the rest of her visit chatting, playing some board games, and more. Who knew a haunted house could be so inviting.