Gaitober 2020

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
31 8352 2

Entry 31
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Entries for the Gaidinia species' October event, Gaitober. (October 2020)

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Author's Notes


Day 31: Destroyed

All good things must come to end,
but even the darkness can become your friend.
All things lost, all things taken away,
Hopes and dreams all crushed in a day.

She watched her house burning hot,
Pain and destruction was all it brought.
Long she waited, for a happy life,
All cut away like the slice of a knife.

Now she needed to move along,
This change not coming with a song.
With tears and sorrow and frowned,
Seeing her house burn to the ground.

Nothing left, her whole life gone,
Feeling useless as light hit dawn.
Though sun was rising, her hopes did not,
Darkness filled her, what a dark though.

Everything she had, gone in a flash,
Each single memory reduced to ash.
Somehow hope made its way back in,
I'll be like a phoenix, she thought with a grin.

Though destruction took all from her,
It happened so fast, almost a blur.
Her dark thoughts fled, as ember still burned,
She just remembered what she had learned.

With every hardship a layer is made,
It cause darkness, but it will fade.
For hope rises through ashes, with a smile.
Sometimes it just takes a while.

Author's Notes

This is a story about Evanya's old house, and her moving on.