Gaitober 2020

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
31 8352 2

Entry 26
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Entries for the Gaidinia species' October event, Gaitober. (October 2020)

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Day 26: Crooked

As she tries with all her might,
It was all still off just ever slight.
Why did it sit off to the side,
This she could not abide.

Doing it at a slower pace,
It still would not stay in its place.
Why was this happening, why indeed,
A level picture was all she did need.

Frustrated, upset, now angry too,
She knew this just would never do.
So she tried again, to level it out.
This crooked painting made her pout.

That was it, she'd had enough.
As she let out a grumpy huff.
Evanya grumbled, leaving it be,
Since she had no friends who would even see.