Gaitober 2020

3 years, 8 months ago
3 years, 7 months ago
31 8352 2

Entry 30
Published 3 years, 7 months ago

Entries for the Gaidinia species' October event, Gaitober. (October 2020)

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Day 30: Familiar

Walking along through the forest, deeper in than she normally had, Ingrid came by what seemed to be a forest alcove. Now she had never actually been this far in the woods before, but it somehow seemed all too familiar to her. Entering into the area she looked around, gazing in awe of the hidden shelter the forest had bene keeping secret. She wondered how she seemed to recognize the spot even though she hadn't been here before, the trees and flowers surrounding it all looking exactly as she seemed to believe they should. Walking over to a rock that was covered in moss, she took a seat, collecting a couple samples of it for her potion ingredients at home. Looking around at the beautiful alcove, debating what other specimens she might be able to find a use for at home, she noticed a few flowers blooming off to the edge, sticking out next to a tree.

Walking to the tree she stopped and took in the beauty of the small red flowers, which were a nice contrast to the similar flowers around it in varying more subtle tones. Just as she was about to try to smell it she noticed the flowers move a bit. She jumped back, startled by the flower's movement, obviously having scared some poor animal hiding in them when she got close. Somehow though she just knew that whatever it was wouldn't hurt her, getting that sense of familiarity again as she began to approach once more. Without warning something jumped out of the bushes, knocking her to the ground, trying to eat her face! Wait... it wasn't trying to eat her, it was licking her.

Opening her eyes, while still prone on the ground, she saw a Fuuni sitting on top of her. Somehow this creature also looked familiar to her, but that's when it all finally seemed to make sense. She had heard from her mother, when she was younger, about how when a witch was ready her familiar would draw them near so they could meet, usually in a manner where the area seems familiar to the witch so they can find it more easily.
"Y-you're... my familiar aren't you?" She asked in a soft tone, seeming a bit unsure herself and hoping the Fuuni would understand enough to be able to give a response.
The Fuuni gave a little nod, before licking her face again, Ingrid starting to laugh a bit as it started to tickle.
"What do you think of the name Rosette?" she asks, giggling still at being licked.
The Fuuni jumped off of her, running around in excited circles, obviously approving of the name.
"Would you like to go home, Rosette?" she asked as she stood up, smiling at the smaller creature.
Rosette ran over, jumping at her playfully, so happy to finally have a witch for a master, and to have a real home.

Author's Notes

I couldn't decide which familiar this was suppose to be about, so I ran with both ;p